[Danger] Drake Merwin x Reader

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The war later to be known as the Thanksgiving Battle raged around the nursery. The caretakers of the Prees huddled in a circle, all but one; Y/n. She gripped her machete with her life, the same one her great grandfather had used in the civil war. The family heirloom.

Mary and Francis backed all the toddlers into a corner as the coyotes neared the daycare, teeth bared and pelts already dripping with the blood of the innocent. Rage fueled Y/n, she was ready to strike through anything.

The largest coyote barged through the door, taking it right off its hinges. He was almost as large as a wolf, and from what she'd heard before could speak in a mangled way.

"Back away, if you know what's good for you," Her eyes narrowed, ready to strike.

"We not hurt the small people. Not until whip-hand says so." A few more coyotes laced with battle scars and sharp teeth entered from behind Pack Leader.

"Leave, now," Y/n ordered menacingly. Unthreatened he continued to approach, his jaws snapping at the machete. Y/n paced backwards two feet, and when he followed she lunged towards the leader, swiping his nose and drawing blood. The coyote whined, fear sparking in his eyes. Once again in the mangled speech he began, "Do not attack. No fight, not now."

She heard the sounds of machine guns and terrified kids just outside the daycare, and decided not to push her luck. Not lowering her weapon, she stood in her ready-stance, transfixed as more coyotes hungrily pushed into the building.

Besides the chaos outside, a new villain appeared. Drake Merwin. Back in the old days, Y/n was ashamed that they had been almost friends in some sort of cruel, twisted way. She'd left it all behind though, after he betrayed her and encapsulated her hands with concrete. Her power was immortality, which funnily enough wasn't even used through her hands, but rather her entire being as a whole.

"Like my upgrade?" He smirked, using his usual dry humor. She noticed his Whip-Hand, realizing that's what Pack Leader had been saying before. "A lot's changed, Y/n."

"You haven't," She snapped in reply.

"And you have?" He asked smoothly. "I still see it, that desire."

"The only desire I have is to fight for what I love," Y/n glared. "Which happens to be here, in my new home with my friends."
"You can't hide it from me," Drake continued, ignoring her previous response. "I can sense the evil lurking there, the lust to torture and kill. It's never going to go away, it's why we're good for each other. We understand each other, even when we're the ones fighting one another."

She bit her lip, knowing deep down he was right. "I can fight it, and you can too if you were to actually try."

"You can't, you know you can't." He took a step forward, "Join me and the Gaiaphage. The three of us can have it all."

The sounds of screaming and crying infiltrated her brain, and Y/n began to soak in it. Bask in it. It was luring her back to the dark side. Drake, standing tall with all his glory and his shark-grin. The Gaiaphage, an ultimate sense of power, the pleasure of hurting. It was all coming back to her. Drake smiled even bigger, knowing that he'd won.

"Welcome back," His hand traced the non-sharp side of the machete. Y/n was fighting hard to stick to the plan, but failing. 'Wait here until I finish with Caine. Protect the littles.'

"No," She whispered. "No, I won't let you bring me back there."

"Don't you want to feel the blackness?" He questioned, "The Gaiaphage can give you that. Only you can keep the- what did you call it? Sadism? Only you can keep your own sadism alive. Even if you don't want it, it'll come crawling back to you, and you'll be keeping it alive."


"Would you like a demonstration?" His Whip-Hand curled around Mary Teraffino;s neck, dragging her away from the toddlers and into his clutches. She fought for air, gasping. The hand began to squeeze, and the satisfying crunching sound of her neck breaking was becoming too much for Y/n to bear.

"I'm not back yet," Y/n whispered, "Take me back."

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