Lash Drake Merwim x Reader

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Glittering Roses Chapter One

"Ugh," Y/n groaned and rolled out of bed. My sleep had been riddled with nightmares of the Thanksgiving battle. Drake, in particular, had been a wild threat. Eighteen lives had been claimed, with Sam and Caine being the main ringleaders. If she was being honest, she didn't belong to either side. Just her own.

    Y/n had been helping Mary at the daycare when Drake and his coyote pack arrived. It was the first time she'd seen the new arm Gaiaphage had given him. It was a tad impressive, its dark red hue and length powerful and intimidating. She would never forget how she'd try to stand up for the prees,' only to receive a lash from whip-hand. It had cut her arm, and the gash bled for quite some time without Lana's healing.

    Then came the confusing part. After Taylor came into the daycare with meat, sending the coyotes into a frenzy, Drake had escaped quietly out the back. However... he'd left four roses covered with glitter, which Y/n had found. She had run out of the daycare, baffled, and seen Orc and Drake fighting. The two ended with a tie, with which Caine dragged whip-hand away from the scene. He'd gone into a full-beast mode, screaming and howling.

    Had the roses come from him, or did a secret admirer or Mary or her leave them there before the battle started? But why the back of the daycare, and why the exact way Drake had gone? Why would the true villain be carrying something so delicate around, let alone where would he get them? What reason?

    Y/n almost wanted to take this up with the council, but figured they had better things going on then a couple of roses covered in red glitter. Besides, maybe it was some sort of sign from god. A sign that there was still love in this chaotic world called the FAYZ. One could only dream of such a symbol.

    Days later and it was still all she could think about. Even Lana wouldn't be able to ease her mind. From this a dilemma was created: Suffer in vain, never knowing the truth, or seek power from within and head to Coates to confront Drake.

    It seemed like an easy choice to the average person; stay put and don't risk your life. Y/n on the other hand, was long gone from that stage of her life. No longer did she came about living or dying, but instead she wanted the thrill of adventure, the secrets of the FAYZ to unfold before her.

And so, four days after the Thanksgiving Battle, she changed her clothes and walked out the door. Y/n knew gas would eventually be precious, so what better time to investigate than now? With no real plan, she started up the engine of her mothers previous car and shifted the sedan into drive. Carefully she placed her foot on the pedal, launching the vehicle into drive. It gained speed exponentially, until it was going at a steady speed down the suburban streets.

Y/n was thirteen and a half, and had never touched a truck before. However, her instincts from watching her parents drive were kicking in. Down the highway she went, through the forest and up to Coates Academy. Her hunger needed to be satiated, her desire to come to a conclusion driving her. The four glittering roses were now wilted, sitting beside her on the passenger-side seat. A box of cereal lay next to it, a rare peace offering in case things went south. Would the psychopath accept it? Likely not, but perhaps Caine or Diana or one of the other minions would.

Her heart pounded in her throat, and her hands became clammy at the wheel. It wasn't too late to turn back, was it? Deciding to step-up her game, she parked the car half-hazardly on the side of the road, and walked up to the towering gates of Coates. "Hello?" The gate opened. It was now or never.

"My name is Panda," A boy said. "State your business here!" Y/n swallowed, it was just a kid, it's just a kid. Yeah.

"I'm here too- too..." It was a strange thing to be saying, even after thinking about it for so long. "I'm here to see Drake Merwin."

"What?" He asked in disbelief, "I mean if you say so. Wait here, uh, what's your name?"

"Y/n," She replied.

"Right, okay. Wait here Y/n," He made a dash for the door. Her impatience was getting the best of her, and she tapped her foot against the ground rhythmically.

After a few minutes, at long last Drake appeared. His usual shark-grin or evil-smirk wasn't there, but rather a cold and contemplating face.

"I believe you dropped this?" She shakily held up the flowers. He raised an eyebrow, although still silent. Whip-hand walked closer, closer, closer still. His slim fingers wrapped around the bundle of flowers, and he sniffed them, realizing the scent had already faded mostly.

"You didn't like them?"

Y/n was taken aback, unsure of how to respond. Drake could turn on her at any minute, leaving her dead in the woods behind Coates. Taking a deep breath she responded, "They're lovely, but... why me?"

"What does one who likes one other do?" He asked.

Y/n gave a tiny smile, "I never knew you could be flattering."

"I have many specialties," He shrugged. "Wanna come inside?"

This seemed dangerous, but once again Y/n had no care for danger. "Sure."


903 Words! Alright not bad for a fanfic. Lemme know if you want longer chapters though and I'll be happy to oblige! Please remember to vote, comment, and follow, thanks! <3

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