Chapter 17

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Me and Daenerys was summoned by Jorah for a small council so here we are in a room with Missandei, Ser Jorah, Daario, Greyworm, Ser Barristan and Lord Jaerion. "King Joffrey Baratheon is dead. Murdered at his own wedding." Jorah told us. "And we have taken the Meereenese navy, your Grace." Ser Barristan told us as Daario walked up to the table. "The Second Sons took the Meereenese navy." Daario corrected as he sat down at the table. "Who told you to take the navy?" I asked him. "No one." He replied. "So why did you do it?" I asked him. "I heard you and your wife like ships." Daario replied as he took a piece of food off a plate and ate it. "How many ships?" I asked them. "93, your Grace." Ser Barristan replied. "How many men Can they carry?" Daenerys asked them.

"9,300, not counting the sailors." Ser Barristan replied to her. "Would that be enough to take Kingslanding?" I asked them. "The Lannisters have more." Jorah told me. "They've been fighting Joffrey's wars for years. They're tired, dispersed. And now their king is dead. 8,000 unsullied, 2,000 Second Sons sailing into Blackwater Bay and storming the gates without warning." Ser Barristan. I turned to Jorah. "It's hard to say. It could be enough. But we're not fighting to make you and Daenerys king and queen of kingslanding. 10,000 men can't conquer Westeros." Jorah explained to us. "I could sail back to Driftmark and get you more ships and men. All we need is your call, your Grace." Lord Jaerion told me. "Good, sail to Driftmark and when I get to the order you come to our aid immediately." I told him. "Yes, your Grace." He said as I nodded at him thankfully. "The old houses will flock to our king and queen when they cross the Narrow Sea. Dorne has been a helpful ally to the Targaryens since Y/n I Targaryen married Allyria Martell." Ser Barristan explained to us. "The old houses will flock to whichever side they think will win, as they always have." Jorah told him.

Jorah then stood up and looked at us. "There is other news. From Yunkai. Without the unsullied you enforce your rule, the wise masters have retaken control of the city. They re-enslaved the freedman who stayed behind and sworn to take revenge against you. And in Astapor, the council you installed to rule over the city has been overthrown by a butcher named Cleon who's declared himself 'his imperial majesty." Jorah told us as I see Daenerys look outside the window. "Please leave us." I told them. They stood up to leave when I stopped Jorah. "Not you, Jorah." I told him making him stop and walked up to us. "It appears our liberation of Slaver's Bay isn't going quite as planned." I told him as Daenerys stood beside me. "You could sail for Westeros and leave it all behind. A boy sits on the Iron Throne. A boy many believe to be a bastard with no right to it. They've never been more vulnerable." Jorah explained to us. "You counseled us against rashness once in Qarth. We didn't listen. That all worked out well." Daenerys told him as he chuckled a bit.

"How can we rule seven kingdoms if we can't control Slaver's Bay? Why should anyone trust us? Why should anyone follow us?" Daenerys asked him as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she leaned into me. "You're a Targaryen. You two are the mother and father of dragons." Jorah told her. "We need to be more than that." Daenerys said as she looked out the window again. "I will not let those we have freed slide back into chains. We will not sail for Westeros." I told him. "What, then?" He asked me. Me and Daenerys looked at each other before looking back at Jorah. "We'll do what kings and queens do. We will rule." I told him as Daenerys walked to the balcony and looked at Meereen. "You're dismissed." I told him making him leave us alone as I walked to Daenerys and hugged her from behind as I gently held her stomach instantly feeling our son or daughter kick making us chuckle. Daenerys is 9 moons long and any day until I finally get to hold my son or daughter in my arms.

After our alone time I was summoned in the throne room of the pyramid and sat down as I hear the people of Meereen speak to me as Daenerys has to rest until our child is born. I have Ser Jorah and Ser Barristanon each of my sides as Lord Jaerion sailed to Driftmark with his crew to get more men. "You stand before Y/n II Targaryen of House Targaryen, the Second of her name, the Unburnt, King of Meereen, King of the Andals and the First Men, Breaker of Chains and Father of Dragons." Missandei named my title's. "Don't be afraid, my friend." I told him as I smiled softly at the man. He was holding a bundle in a blanket. "The King says you may approach and speak." Missandei told him. He walked up to me and stopped as he spoke in Low Valyrian. "He is a goatherd. He says he prayed for your victory against the slave masters." Missandei translated for me. "I thank him for his prayers." I said as she translated what I said.

The man set the blanket down and uncovers a burnt goat with just bones as he spoke. "It was your dragons, he says. They came this morning for his flock. He hopes he has not offended your Grace, but now he has nothing." She translated for me as the man stood up not looking at me. "Tell this man I am sorry for his hardship. I cannot bring back his goats, but I will see he is paid their value three times over." I told her as she translated to the man who speaks again before grabbing the blanket of the dead goat and left. I look at the guard by the door. "Send the next one in." I told him as two men came in. "The noble Hizdahr zo Loraq begs an audience with the King." The servant told me. "The noble Hizdahr zo Loraq can speak to me himself." I told him annoyed at this man already. Hizadahr walked up the steps and stopped and bowed to me. "King Y/n. Tales of your willingness to help others were not exaggerated." Hizadahr started out making me let out a small smile. "I thank you." I told him.

"Mine is one of the oldest and proudest families in Meereen." He told me. "Then it is my honor to receive you." I told him. "My father, one of Meereen's most respected and beloved citizens, oversaw the restoration and maintenance of its greatest landmarks. This pyramid included." Hizdahr explained to me. "For that, he has my gratitude. I should be honored to meet him." I told him. "You have, your Grace. You and your wife crucified him. I pray you'll never live to see a member of your family treated so cruelly." He told me. "Your father crucified innocent children." I reminded him angrily. "My father spoke out against crucifying those children. He decried it as a criminal act, but was overruled. Is it justice to answer one crime with another?" Hizdahr asked me. "I am sorry you no longer have a father, but my treatment of the masters was no crime. You'd be wise to remember that." I told him.

"What's done is done. You are the king and I am a servant of Meereen. A servant who does not wish to see its traditions eradicated." Hizdahr said to me. "And what traditions do you speak of?" I asked him. "The tradition of funeral rite. Proper burial in the Temple of the Graces. My father and 162 noble Meereenese are still nailed to those posts, carrion for vultures, rotting in the sun." He explained as he bent down on one knee. "Your Grace, I ask that you order these men taken down so that they might receive proper burials." He said to me. "And what of these slave children these noble Meereenese crucified? They were rotting in the sun as well. Would you have begged me for their right to a proper burial?" I asked him still angry how they just leave innocent children nailed and rotting in the sun for I don't know how many days. "Your Grace, I cannot defend the actions of the masters. I can only speak to you as a son who loves his father. Let me take his body down. Let me have him brought to the temple and buried with dignity so that he might find peace in the next world." He pleaded to me as I thought of my unborn child and my father who died by the hands of a Lannister king slayer.

"Bury your father, Hizdahr zo Loraq." I told him as he sighed in relief. "Thank you, my king." He said as I nodded at him. He got up and walked out the room. "How many more?" I asked Missandei. "There are 212 supplicants waiting, your Grace." Missandei answered. "212?" I asked in disbelief as I looked at Jorah who only shrugged before I looked forward. "Send the next one in." I said tiredly. I listened to the people for another three hours before I decided I need a break for the day. As I stood up to head back to my shared room with Daenerys, Daario came running up to me frantically. "What is it, Daario?" I asked him. "It's the queen. She has begun her labors!" He told me making me freeze before I bolted to our room as Missandei, Jorah, Barristan and Daario follow me. It's finally happening my son or daughter will be born.

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