Chapter 11

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Year: 300 AC


We were on the boat with our people as our dragons were flying around our ship as they grew bigger. Me and Daenerys watched them happily flying in the air and hunt for their food. Aegon came up on the boat with Drogon who Daenerys named after Drogo and we both petted them affectionately. "They're growing fast." Jorah told us. "Not fast enough. We can't wait that long." Daenerys said as both the dragons flew off. "We need an army." I said. "We'll be in Astapor by nightfall. Some say the unsullied are the greatest soldiers in the world." Jorah said to us as I turned around to face him. "The greatest slave soldiers in the world. The distinction means a good deal to some people." I told him not liking when people are used for slavery. "Do those people have any better ideas about how to put you on the Iron Throne?" Jorah asked me.

"It's too beautiful a day to argue." Daenerys told us. I hear some of the Dothraki puking from being seasick as they never been on a ship and go through the sea. "Another lovely day on the high seas." Jorah said to us as we watch the Dothraki puking either in barrels or into the sea. "Don't mock them. They're the first Dothraki who have ever been on a ship. They followed me and Y/n across the poison water. If they'll do it, others will. And with a true Khalasar." Daenerys said to us. "The Dothraki followed strength above all, khaleesi. You'll have a true Khalasar when you and Y/n prove yourself strong. And not before." Jorah told her. I see Daenerys caress her belly a little as she leaned into my side. "You okay, my love?" I asked her worriedly. "Just feel nauseous that's all." Daenerys told me. "Tell me if you feel any more worse." I said to her. She looked up at me before kissing me reassuringly. "I will, my love." She said.

After a while we finally made it to Astapor being welcomed by a master with a translator slave. He was talking in Valyrian even though me and Daenerys understood every word he said but we like to keep that as a surprise. "The Unsullied have stood here for a day and night with no food or water." The women told us as we don't know her name as we walked as the master spoke after she translated. "They will stand until they drop." The girl translated as we walked up to the unsullied and they moved out the way for us. "Such as their obedience." The woman translated. "They may suit our needs. Tell me of their training." I told her. "The Westerosi woman is pleased with them, but speaks no praise to keep the price down. She wishes to know how they are trained." The girl said to the master. We walked up to the front as he spoke.

"Tell her what she would know and be quick about it. The day is hot." The master said rudely. "They begin their training at five. Everyday they drill from dawn to dusk until they have mastered the short sword, the shield, and the three spears. Only one boy in four survives this rigorous training." The girl translates for us. The master speaks again to us. "Their discipline and loyalty are absolute. They fear nothing." The woman said. "Even the bravest men fear death." Jorah told her. "The knight says even brave men fear death." She told the master. "Tell the old man he smells of piss." The master said as I tried not to hurt him. "Truly, master?" She asked him. "No, not truly. Are you a girl or a goat to ask such a thing?" He asked her and then begins to speak. He then turns to me as he speaks. "My master says the unsullied are not men. Death mean nothing to them." She translated.

"Tell this ignorant imbecile and her whore of a Westerner to open her eyes and watch." He said as he went up to an unsullied. Daenerys held my hand tightly so I won't kill this master. "He begs you attend to this carefully, your Grace." She told me. The master the pulled away the unsullied shield and grabbed the unsullied dagger. "Tell the good master there is no need." Daenerys told the woman. "She's worried about their nipples? Does the dumb bitch know we've cut off their balls?" He asked her as he cut off the unsullied nipple. "My master points out that men don't need nipples." She translated. The master threw the nipple to the ground. "Here, I'm done with you." The master told him. "This one is pleased to have served you." The unsullied said before heading back to his original place.

The master turned to us and spoke again. "To win his shield, an unsullied must go to the slave marts with a silver mark, find a newborn and kill it before it's mother's eyes. This way, my master says, we make certain there is no weakness left in them." The woman told us as I glared at the master. "You take a babe from its mother's arms, kill it as she watches, and pay for her pain with a silver coin?" I asked him as I see in the corner of my eye Daenerys caressing her belly again. "She is offended. She asks if you pay a silver coin to the mother, for her dead baby." The woman translated for him. "What a soft mewling fool this one is." He said and kept talking. "My master would like you to know that the silver is paid to the baby's owner, not the mother." The woman told us. "How many do you have to sell?" I asked him. The woman translated to him as he held up eight fingers. "8,000." She said to us. "Tell the Westerosi bitch and her whore she has until tomorrow." He told the woman.

I glared at him for calling my wife a whore. "Master Kraznys asks that you please hurry. Many other buyers are interested." The woman said before leaving with Kraznys. After that we left and walked. "8,000 dead babies." Daenerys said sadly. "The unsullied are a means to an end." Jorah said to us. "Once we own them, these men. . ." I said before getting interrupted by Jorah. "They're not men. Not anymore." Jorah told me. "Once we own an army of slaves, what will we be?" I asked him as we walked to some slaves working. "Do you think these slaves will have better lives serving Kraznys and men like him or serving you?" Jorah asked me. We saw a little girl with a ball in her hands and ran off as we walked to where she was. "You'll be fair to them. You won't mutilate them to make a point." Jorah said as we followed a little girl making Daenerys smile at her softly.

"You won't order them to murder babies. You'll see they're properly fed and sheltered. A great injustice has been done to them. Closing your eyes will not undo it." Jorah told me. We stopped in front of the girl as Daenerys went up to her as the girl rolled the ball to her making her grab it. The girl motioned her to open it. As she was about to open it someone pulled it away from her making her drop the ball as the girl ran off. Jorah grabbed the person in a cloak as another watches us. Daenerys was on the floor near the ball as it opens up to reveal a scorpion I immediately picked her up from the floor as the other cloaked figure stabbed it with his dagger. The cloaked figure followed the girl into the water as she disappeared. We turned around and see the girl on a roof before walking away. "The warlocks." Daenerys said.

We turned to the two cloaked figures. "I owe you my life, Sers. "The honor is ours, my king and queen." The cloaked figure said as both of them took off their hoods. Both of them looked familiar from when I remembered in Kingslanding. "You know these two men?" Daenerys asked me and Jorah. "I know him as one of the greatest fighters in the Seven Kingdoms has ever seen and as the Lord Commander of Robert Baratheon's Kingsguard." Jorah told her. "And he is our cousin, Jaenor Valeryon." I told her.

Jaenor Valeryon ⬇️⬇️

"It's good to see you again, cousin

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"It's good to see you again, cousin." Jaenor said to us as I smiled at him, we were best friends when we were children. "King Robert is dead. I have been searching for you, Y/n II Targaryen and Daenerys Stormborn, to ask your forgiveness. I was sworn to protect your family. I failed them." Ser Barristan told us as he went down on his knees. "I am Barristan Selmy, Kingsguard to your father. Allow me to join your Kingsguard and I will not fail you again." Ser Barristan said to us as he bowed to us.

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