Chapter 5

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Me, Daenerys, Rakharo and Jorah were walking in a village as the Dothraki invade the village with bloodshed and rape making Daenerys held my hand afraid as I squeezed her hand reassuring her it's alright. "What did they do?" I asked Rakharo. "Lamb men make good slaves. Khal drogo will make a gift of them to the slavers, and the slavers will give us gold and silk, and steel." Rakharo told us. We kept walking as we see the Dothraki take what's suits them. "I thought the Dothraki didn't believe in money." Daenerys said. "Gold to hire ships, princess, ships to sail to Westeros." Jorah explained as I see kids and women tied up to a post as we walk past them.

We all stopped walking as we looked around and see women being raped by the Dothraki. "Jorah, make them stop." Daenerys pleaded. "Khaleesi?" Jorah said. "You heard her." I told him. "These men have shed blood for their Khal. Now they claim their rewards." Jorah told us as we watch a women about to be raped. "She is a lamb girl, your Grace and khaleesi. The riders do her honor. If her wailing offends the khaleesi and your grace, I will bring you her tongue." Rakharo told us. "Princess, you have a gentle heart, but this is how it's always been." Jorah told her. "I do not have a gentle heart, Ser." Daenerys argued before she spoke Dothraki. "Do as I command or khal Drogo will know the reason why." Daenerys ordered the blood riders that was with us.

They did as told and told the other riders to stop doing what they're doing as Jorah went up to the women who was about to be raped and grabbed her. "What do you want done with them?" Jorah asked Daenerys as he walked towards us. "Bring her to me. And those women there." Daenerys told him as she pointed at the rest of the women who was locked in a small cage. "You cannot claim them all, princess." Jorah told her as he walked up to us with the women. "She can, and she will." I told him sternly. We all walked up to where Khal Drogo is as he was talking to an angry blood rider named Mago. He saw us walking up to him. "Moon of my life, Mago says you have taken his spoils, a daughter of a lamb man who was his to mount. Tell me the truth of this." Drogo said to her calmly.

Me, Jorah and Rakharo stood behind Daenerys as she spoke to Drogo. "Mago speaks the truth, my sun and stars. I have claimed many daughters this day so they cannot be mounted." Daenerys told him truthfully. "This is the way of war. Your sister knows that. These women are slaves now to do as we please." He told her. "It pleases me to keep them safe. If your riders would mount them, let them take them for wives." Daenerys said. "Does the horse mate with the lamb?" One of the blood riders asked her. "The dragon feeds on horse and lambs alike." Daenerys said.

Mago turned to her as he glared at her. "You are a foreigner. You do not command me." Mago told her. "I am Khaleesi I do command you." Daenerys told him making me and Drogo snicker. Mago turns to Drogo. "See how fierce she grows? That is my son inside her, the stallion that will mount the world, filling her with his fire. I will hear no more." Drogo said and then turns to Mago. "Mago, find somewhere else to stick your cock." Drogo told him. Mago spits on his feet and took out his sickle blade and pointed it at drogo. I carefully drag Daenerys away from any harm that is about to happen. "A Khal who takes orders from a foreign whore is no Khal." Mago told him making me glare at Mago for calling Daenerys a whore.

Khal Drogo's blood riders all stood up ready to fight when Drogo stopped them making them step back. "I will not have your body burned. I will not give you that honor." Drogo said then stood up. Mago sighed his sickle into Drogo's chest. "The beetles will feed on your eyes. The worm will crawl through your lungs." Drogo said. Mago then fought him as Drogo dodge him effortlessly and took out his weapons. "The rain will fall on your rotting skin until nothing is left of you but bones." Drogo told him as he dropped his weapons and fought Mago. They fought until drogo made Mago slice his throat and took out his tongue and added it to the pile of bodies.

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