Chapter 15

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It's been four moons since we taken Yunkai and now on the move. After a while we took rest as most of the people we saved from slavery went with us. Me and Daenerys sat down as Aegon and Drogon payed with us as we petted them as we watch our other dragons fly around hunting their food near the water. Daenerys is now five moons along in her pregnancy making swell with pride at how much our son or daughter is growing healthily. Our dragons have grown more bigger these last few months. Our dragons came back with four goats and landed near us to eat as Drogon took one and ate it as Aegon gently got one and ate it as he shared it with his sisters Rhaenys and Ysera.

Daenerys tried to pet Drogon as he ate his food but I gently put her back near me as I rubbed her swollen stomach as Drogon growled at her but didn't get to close knowing she is with child. All the dragons flew as we sat there as I hear someone come up to us. "They're dragons, your Grace, Khaleesi. They can never be tamed. Not even by their mother or father. It can be quite dangerous as you are with child, khaleesi." Jorah told her. I stood up and helped Daenerys up as she has trouble getting up and walked back to our unsullied who are all lined up and waiting for us. We walked up to Barristan and Missandei. "Ser Barristan. Lord Jaerion." I greeted him kindly. "Your Grace." They greeted back. I looked for Daario but I couldn't find him. "Where's Daario Naharis?" I asked them. "Where's Greyworm?" Daenerys also asked them.

I now notice the leader of the unsullied are not with us as well. "Gambling, your Grace." Jaerion answered. I looked at him baffled. "Gambling?" I asked him. I started walking with Missandei and Daenerys by my side. "You shouldn't be walking this far, my little dragon." I told her. "I can and I will." She said making me shut the hell up for now as we pass by the free slaves as they called to us and bowed towards us as we greeted them warmly with a smile. We then find both Daario and Greyworm sitting in front of each other with their arms up in front of them as their arms hold their swords. "How long have they been at it?" Daenerys asked Missandei as we stopped near the two men. "Since midnight, your Grace." Missandei answered. "Ser worm is stronger than he looks. But I can see his arms beginning to shake." Daario told us.

"What's the prize to winning this stupid contest?" I asked them annoyed. "The honor of riding and protecting your wife on the road to Meereen." Daario explained to me. "That honor goes to Ser Jorah, Ser Barristan and Lord Jaerion as neither of them kept us waiting this morning. You two will ride in the rear guard and protect the livestock." I told them but before we left I hear Daenerys tell them something. "The last man holding his sword can find a new king and queen to fight for." She told them as I hear the sound of clanking metal hit the ground. We walked back up to the front of the unsullied. I gently helped Daenerys on the horse and went up behind her as we rode off with our unsullied marching behind us.

After a few hours of riding we stepped to the side as the unsullied continued to march as we got off the horse as we walked to the side where the ocean is in view as Missandei is next to us. "Have you ever been to Meereen?" Daenerys asked Missandei. "Several times, your Grace, with master Kraznys." Missandei said. "And?" I asked her wanting to know more of Meereen. "They say 1,000 slaves died building the Great Pyramid of Meereen." Missandei explained to us. "And now an army of former slaves is marching to her gates. You think the Great Masters are worried?" I asked Missandei. "If their smart, your Grace." Missandei said. I hear someone come up to us so I looked and see Daario come up to us. "You were told to ride at the back of the train." I said to him annoyed. "Yes, my king. But I need to speak to you about something important. A matter of strategy." Daario told me.

I looked towards Missandei. "Make sure my wife is comfortable on the horse, I don't want her uncomfortable to our ride to Meereen." I ordered her. "Your Grace." Missandei said and bowed before leaving with Daenerys. As they left I spoke to him. "All right, what is this matter of strategy?" I asked him as I see him taking out a rose and gave it to me making me confused. "A dusk rose for your wife to give." He said. "Would you like to walk at the back of the train instead of riding?" I asked him before walking away but he just followed me making me sigh in annoyance. "And this one's called lady's lace." He said as he showed me another flower. "Would you like to walk without shoes?" I asked him not even looking at him anymore as I kept walking to my horse. "You have to know a land to rule it. It's plants, it's rivers, it's roads, it's people. Dusk rose tea eases fever. Everyone in Meereen knows that. Especially the slaves who have to make the tea." Daario explained to me as I stopped walking and looked at him.

"If you want them to follow you and your wife, you have to become a part of their world. Strategy." He continued as he took out another flower, where he puts them? I have no idea. "Harpy's Gold. No tea from this one. Beautiful but poisonous." He explained as he gave me the flowers. "You are a gambler, aren't you?" I asked him as I smiled lightly at him before grabbing the flowers from his hands. "Your Grace." He said before walking away. I walked to the horse as I hear a shout and the unsullied stopped marching making me go take a look at what's happening. I walked up to Ser Barristan, Ser Jorah and Lord Jaerion and I see a child nailed to a crucifix as she was pointing somewhere making me mad at whoever did this. Daenerys saw this and gasp as she held her stomach protectively. "There's one on every mile marker between here and Meereen." Jorah told us.

"How many miles are there between here and Meereen?" I asked him. "163, your Grace. I'll tell our men to ride ahead and bury them. You don't need to see this." Jorah told us. "You will do no such thing. We will see each and every one of their faces." Daenerys said as she still stared at the child. "Remove her collar before you bury her." I ordered the four men. They nodded and did as they were told before we continued walking as they cut down every child and took off their collar before burying them as I held Daenerys protectively.

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