Chapter 9

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"Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you?"

"I'm finishing our date. I barely have time to register Hyunjin's words before I hear the plastic snapping of the buttons on Kyrn's shirt.

Holding my shocked gaze, he pushes the edges of the dress shirt aside; Hyunjin slides his hand across my chest, his soft fingertips barely grazing my skin as he runs his touch over my collarbone. I shudder, the hardly there feel of his hands on me mixed with the way he stares down at me, lips parted, his tongue curling as his eyes rake over every inch of me. Devouring me with just one look, the intensity of his glare sets in, and it hits me: this is stage Hyunjin.

This is the side over him that is a feral bias wrecker. The one who, no matter how hard you try, the way his body moves with the music, the way his face changes from our sweet prince to pure power and lust. Holy shit, this... this is happening. Breathe, Meg, breathe.

"Do all of your dates end like this?" I ask breathlessly, trying with everything I have to hold on to the bold side of me. The side that stood toe to toe with Minho. However, with Hyunjin, I have a hard time; his intensity makes me want to fold—the switch in his eyes as they almost glare at me. I feel my hands shake, and I mentally pep talk myself.

Bitch get your head together. You stared down the cat man. This is just Hyunjin. Is he looking at us like an incubus, ready to fuck us into the next dimension? Yes, but I mean.... Why not. We got this. Fuuuccckkk me. I'm gonna fold.

Hyunjin tilts his head, his eyes narrowing on me before simply shaking his head no. "I don't really do dates." He says absently as he continues to outline my shape with his fingers. Curving his hand around my waist, his thumb presses into me, drawing circles on the sensitive spot there, "You are so soft," His voice raps as he dips his head and trails his tongue down the hollow of my throat. He kisses and sucks his way to my nipple. His tongue circles it before he pulls back and softly blows over my now wet nipple. His eyes flick up to me, meeting mine, a satisfied smile already spreading across his face.

Stepping back, Hyunjin takes both of my hands in his and slowly walks backward, pulling me to the center of his room, "Let me have you." He says.

I'm sorry, what? That simple sentence–Let me have you–makes my heart race. I suddenly feel like I'm standing on a cliff, my foot dangling over the edge. Hyunjin is dangerous in all the best ways. He's going to completely wreck me, and I know it; I can feel the passion he's barely holding back practically radiating from him. "Have me? What does that even mean?" I taunt.

He drops my hands, moving in a small circle around me, "I know I'm not very high on the list," He says, pulling on the side of the dress shirt and exposing my shoulder. Stopping behind me, Hyunjin leans his lips down to my shoulder. "But let me have you. Just for right now." His voice is low and husky as he speaks directly against my skin between small nibbles and kisses. "Let me show you exactly how beautiful you are."

"And h-how do you plan to do that?" I struggle to keep my words steady, and he pulls the other side of the shirt, slipping it down my arms, completely exposing me to the room's cool air.

"Hmm," he purrs as he presses against me from behind. His hands wrapped around me, cupping my breasts, his fingers rolling my nipples between them softly as he squeezes and kneads me. His mouth returning to my neck, he slowly licks a line up my throat to the tip of my ear, "I never actually plan. I just pick up the paint and see where it takes me." He whispers in my ear before taking the lobe in his mouth, his teeth scraping at it. "Can I do all of the things I have been thinking about today?" He asks, spinning me around to face him. He takes my face in my hands, his lips landing on me, moaning as he strokes his tongue inside of my mouth. Kissing me within an inch of my life, breathing me in. Hyunjin breaks our kiss with a gasp, "I need you to answer me." He sighs, still holding my face, angling me to stare up at him. His iconic wide smile stared down at me.

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