"Well, well, you siblings can fight over it later; I'm here to talk to my daughter-in-law."

That caught her off guard; she snapped out of her thoughts as she gave him an awkward smile. As he asked about her wellbeing, Sarah couldn't help but feel awkward. Sarah glanced at Rico, hoping he would intervene, but he remained silent. Unsure of how to respond, she mustered a polite reply.

She excused herself and went to the kitchen to make tea, as both of them were busy in conversation about their businesses. Aria followed her after some time.

"Grandpa is diabetic; don't add sugar to his tea as well," she said. Sarah gave her a gentle smile.

"Im aware"

"You can tell me if Rico mistreats you," she said out of nowhere. Sarah was taken aback for a moment. She doesn't want them to know what she's been suffering.

"It's nothing like that," she said, trying her best to reassure her. "The scar in my neck..." she continued.

"Reminds me of something; you couldn't hide it well." Sarah hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much she should reveal.

"It's just an old injury," she said. "I don't think so."

Sarah took a deep breath. She couldn't think of anything else. All she remembers is what happened last night-her running for her life from her own husband. his bloody red eyes, his scary face, and the revenge instinct that makes him thirsty for her blood.

"He is just rough," she said in one breath, not knowing what she was saying. She took a glance at Aria's expression, which was, of course, blank, kind of surprised, and a bit of an embarrassing moment.

"Oh, I see. I didn't mean to interfere with your "personal" matters. Well, I mistook, but I'm happy he is not hurting in real life. But are you okay with it?" It took her a moment to realize what she meant, and she got embarrassed, as it was nothing like what Aria was thinking.

"Oh well," she said, giving her an awkward chuckle. but Aria cut her mid-sentence, "It's okay if-you know."


Sarah's pov,

After having a nice family, Aria and Grandpa went to sleep early. My main concern is facing my fear-my husband, Riccardo. As I went inside the room, all I was thinking was if I'm going to survive this night or not. As I entered the room, I saw him lighting his cigar, his sharp jaw clinched. He only wore sweatpants; he was shirtless. I can see his tattoos. He looks like the devil; he is truly a dangerous but beautiful man.

As I went towards the balcony, he said, "You are not sleeping on the balcony today."

I looked at him, and I felt like it was not him-why is he behaving so differently? He stood up suddenly, which made me flinch. Again, the game of cat and mouse has started; the more I step backwards, the more he will step forward. As he stepped forward, the moonlight hit his chest and his whole torso. Now I can see his tattoos clearly. How can a man be so flawless? Even with those cuts that he had on his stomach, his skin is still flawless, like glowing.

"My eyes are up here," he said. I immediately shifted my gaze from his nipples.

"He's just rough," he spat. smirk plastered on his face. That word made me flinch. I looked at him with horror on my face. Damn, Aria, why can't you shut your mouth?

"After all, you are not as stupid as I thought you were." That made me eyeroll at him. What does he mean, I'm stupid? He took a few steps towards me, but I need to be brave; I don't fear him. I stood there like that didn't make me feel scared; it was actually, but there was nothing wrong with me pretending.

"I hate the feeling I get when I see you," he said, reaching over my shoulder, but I stood there still, staring right into his eyes. His hands traveled to the back of my neck and pushed me closer to him. My heart was racing like crazy, and our faces were so close that I could feel his breath on my face.

"If you hurt me, I'll scream," I whispered, my voice barely audible. He reacted with a sly smirk. I just hate that smirk. "You finally got the courage to speak?"

As I looked away, he suddenly grabbed my jaw roughly. "Don't look away when I'm talking to you," he hissed in anger, forcing me to look into those cold, filthy eyes. I hate the way I love his eyes-so mesmerizing but cold as ice.

"I hate the way I think about you; I hate that face; I hate your addictive scent." He took out a pocket knife and traced it lightly along my neck. "But most of all, I hate how you make me feel so powerless," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desire.

"Shall I cut this soft flesh of yours? I wonder what's so addictive about you. and that's fucking annoying." I could feel the sharp edge of the knife against my skin. I couldn't help but cry at this point. I hope God gives me a painless death, but for now, please save me from this torment. His flithy words and the cold touch of the blade made me cry my heart out as I desperately prayed for someone to come and rescue me from this nightmare.

I felt an inch of pain when I released him. He made a small cut on my neck, and I felt the burning sensation spread throughout my body. His sadistic pleasure and my own fear were a twisted cocktail that kept me trapped in this hellish cycle. I couldn't understand why I was so drawn to him, despite the torment he put upon me. It was as if his addictive hold over me made me crave the very pain that consumed me.

But suddenly I felt his lips on mine that were fanciful. My body froze in shock as his lips pressed against mine. He was rough, but that made my heart race wildly, if it was fear or something else.

I couldn't help but drown in that kiss. Every touch, every caress, felt like bittersweet poison coursing through my veins. It was terrifying, as if I had become addicted to the very thing that was destroying me. He forced his tongue to enter my mouth and explored every inch of it. It felt like he was eating me alive. I didn't pull away because I couldn't resist it-maybe because I wanted more. The sensation of his lips on mine was both exciting and dangerous-a forbidden thrill that I couldn't resist. In that moment, I realized that I had willingly surrendered myself to a whirlwind of emotions, unsure of where it would lead me.

He pulled away, leaving both of us huffing and begging for air. I saw his eyes; he looks different. His eyes aren't cold anymore, but rather hungry. It was as if a switch had been flipped, revealing a side of him I had never seen before.

He roughly pulled me and threw me on my bed, pinning my hands up. as he looked into my eyes. He looks like a lion, ready to devour his prey. As he leaned in closer, his breath hot against my skin, he kissed my jaw, and his lips lingered in my ears. biting and licking on earlobes that made me shiver.

His lips went on sucking and kissing my neck. I could feel his teeth biting my skin. As he left trails of kisses on the freshly wound he gave me, licking the blood off my skin and the cut, roughly, I could feel a mixture of pleasure and pain rushing through my body.

He suddenly pulled away and stood up, looking horrified. Confusion clouded his eyes as he stumbled back. He looked away and cursed under his breath.

"Fuck!" he looked at me; this time his face went to that cold mode again, but he looks angry.

"Get out of my room and sleep on that fucking balcony," he barked. I couldn't get time to think about what just happened. as I rushed over and went to Balcony, huffing and realizing what just happened right now.

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