chapter- 16

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"I'm sorry, I cannot."

"Yes, you are going to," she said, her eyes full of tears and anger.

"I won't," Natasha looked at her, but the burden of guilt was so heavy that her neck went back, bent down. What a shame she thought to herself.

With anger, Sarah went close to her, stomping her feet in anger. She grabbed her by the collar, and Natasha didn't dare look into her eyes. She almost lifted her by her collar.

"THE FUCKING AUDACITY! Sarah screamed at her. Natasha flinched at Sarah's outburst. Natasha tried to calm her down, but Sarah was in full rage. Her hold was even tighter when she didn't receive any response to that, so tight that it almost chocked Natasha. She tried to get out of her hold.

"Yo- you ar- chocking me!" Sarah's grip tightened even further, causing Natasha to gasp for air. Desperate to escape, Natasha pleaded with Sarah to release her, her voice strained and barely audible. She suddenly let her go, almost throwing her from her hold. Natasha stumbled backward, gasping for air and clutching her throat. She could feel the bruises forming where Sarah's grip had been. Trembling, she looked at Sarah with wide eyes.

"I-" She tried to say a word, but she kept huffing, struggling to catch her breath.

"Please give me some time", she said.

Sarah crossed her arms with a cold expression. "Explain yourself," she commanded.

Natasha got on her knees and tried to steady herself, still feeling weak from the lack of oxygen. She mustered up the courage to meet Sarah's gaze and began to speak, her voice shaky

. "I never meant to hurt you," she said, her words filled with remorse. She wiped her tears.

"I've been planning to escape my father. to free my mother from his cage." Natasha's voice quivered as she continued, "Every day she is beaten up by my father; he treats her like a servant; people really couldn't tell if that's my mother; she is all worn out and bruised; people can no longer recognise her as the beauty she used to be. My father is aware of my weakness; every day she waits for her death. If I make any mistake, she will be the one who faces the punishment."

Sarah's stern expression softened slightly as she listened.

"Every day she tells me to quit whatever I'm plotting to save her and instead let her die, and I escape without her instead." She slowly lifted her shirt, removing it, and turned around, revealing several scars on her back.

"That was when I used to be a kid; whenever I made a mistake, he would hit me with a flog. but stubburn me gave him no reaction," she chuckled as she was trying to hide her tears.

"But then, he started hitting my mom; I couldn't bear her getting hurt, so I started doing what he said, and he realised what my weakness was; till now, he's been using that malicious tactic."

"Once a beautiful woman, she is now a helpless creature; god knows what he made her-her skin so pale, her bones broken, her eyes always swollen, a half-burned face. He doesn't even let her use a wheelchair; she crawls." Natasha's voice trembled as she continued, "I feel so powerless watching her suffer like this every day. I wish there was something I could do to protect her." The weight of helplessness hung heavy in the air as she shared her heartbreaking story.

"There is no other option but to run away without leaving a trace."

Sarah's heart sank as she heard the actual story behind it. "I'm sorry I didn't-"

"Next year, he will be going to Mexico for settlement purposes, but I'm 100% sure this will lead to a cartel war. He will be taking all the men with him. leaving the mansion alone. and that will be the time we can escape; it's now or never."

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