chapter- 18

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The clock ticked at 8 in the morning. It didn't seem like a morning, but rather a sunny day with birds chirping; it was all gloomy and rainy. The dark clouds hung low in the sky. The sound of raindrops hitting the windowpane echoed through the room.

Sarah was sitting on the dining chair, sipping her morning coffee, while Shelly was making breakfast. "You want the normal one on the sunny side?" she asked. Sarah took a moment to look out the window, her gaze fixed on the rain-soaked streets. "normal one," she answered in a low tone.

"You have to go back?" Shelly asked with concern. Sarah sighed and nodded. "Idk, what happened last? I really don't wish to even look into his eyes. Thank God Mr. Kim came on time; he would've killed me." Sarah's voice quivered as she spoke.

Her phone buzzed, and as she answered the call, her mind went blank and her heart raced.

"I'll be back in an hour," she answered with disappointment. Shelly asked her who she was and why she was so down.

"It was Mr. Kim; he wants me to come back; Riccardo's grandfather is visiting today."

"You should tell his grandfather about everything," Shelly suggested. But Sarah had a feeling this wouldn't help her; she thought to herself that it would be better if she suffered for a bit longer. Natasha will help her anyway; for the sake of her mother, she is ready to do that. ____________________________________________________________________

As she got into the mansion, she saw Ricardo sitting on the sofa, yelling on the phone, and just like every morning, he was in a bad mood. Her eyes met his, which made her shiver down the spine. After what happened yesterday, she became more scared of him. She quickly shifted her gaze and walked past him. She reminded herself that enduring a little longer would be worth it, as long as it meant protecting Natasha's mother.

The sound of a car distracted her from this thought. The grandfather has arrived. She awkwardly stood there with her hands in front, awkwardly smiling to welcome the guest. The servants rushed there to open the door. As he stepped out of the car with his walking stick in his hand, barely managing to support his weight, a young woman stepped in and helped him walk. Looking at her, she realized she had seen her somewhere before. Something about her eyes-she saw it somewhere-reminds her of the ocean, but it was not as cold as ice but rather like the blue sky, a free blue sky above the ocean. Her bouncy brown hair reminds her of someone. It's like she's a replica of that person. She took a glance to look at Ricardo; that's right, she was his sister, Aria, whom she met at her wedding.

"Look, Rico, who came to see you?" The grandfather said it in a sarcastic tone. As his feet wiggled, he immediately sat on the sofa.

"Interesting one; she's just short on money, is it?" Ricardo said that his voice was still cold and harsh, as was his expression.

"Don't be ridiculous; it's your fault; you didn't send me a single penny for 3 months."

"That's not my job; go find a husband," he spat, looking away and folding his arms. The grandfather tried to say something, but Rico cut him off.

"I have other responsibilities too; I have no time to check your bank status. If you needed something, you could've called.

"You never called him?"

"Grandpa, please. I tried calling him, but he blocked me. What do you expect? And why do I have to ask, Isn't it his responsibility to at least check on me?"

"Why did you block her?" Rico took a deep breath and sighed.

"I have no interest in hearing about her breakups and ex, and whatever bullshit she cries for, she neither wants them dead. What am I supposed to do?"

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