Part 2

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"God," Fee muttered, slamming the car door shut after she got in, "we're probably really late now."

"It's okay," Denham answered, starting the engine, "I know you get like that when it's about your grandmother." He waved one hand in the air as if to gesture a trance.

Felicity didn't reply- just looked out the window wondering why she was such a rude person. 1) she didn't take notice of how awkward it must be for Denham in the situation, 2) he was still driving her to school which made her guilty about being rude to him and 3) she was looking out his car window without even talking to him. It was their thing, though. Unless Fee had an actual problem, they wouldn't really talk. They didn't have anything to talk about.

On a red light, Denham stopped to stare at Fee. She had those perfect imperfections that always made him laugh, like the "larger than life" brown freckle on the side of her cheek and how her hair was so straight and fried every day from the heat she applied to it. The way her nose was shaped, just a little upturned made him think of a cute little mouse.

It's not to say he didn't envy her. Her presence was known and her absence was felt without her trying. She had an aura about her that attracted people and interesting things wherever she went. Denham wanted to live like that as well, so he hung out with her to observe. He definitely had the potential to be her creepy stalker, but he decided to only observe and emulate- he didn't want to hurt their relationship or make it even more awkward than it already is.

The other thing about her was that she didn't notice how socially down-the-chain he was. If he were to be anyone else's friend, they would question why he stares at them all of the time or why he follows them around like a lost puppy. Felicity is oblivious to, or chooses to ignore, that he is socially uneducated and didn't judge him for that. He really likes and respects her. He enjoyed listening to her problems because he felt like he could make her feel better just by listening. He likes driving her to school because it meant that he was responsible for her well-being, even if it only was for seven minutes.

And talking about school, here they were! The luminescent letters that light up in the dark on the black brick building proudly stated, Sweet Heart High School and then, Home of the Tigers in smaller letters underneath. Felicity grinned at Denham, "ready?"

"Sure," Denham answered with an equally bright smile on his face and grabbed his black and purple checkered backpack he bought when going to Hot Topic last weekend with Fee. He remembered that Fee saw a pair of earrings that she really liked there, but the price tag had a red heart with devil horns on it covering the barcode and the item number had been marked out, so she couldn't buy it. He could see the frustration in her pouty face. Throughout the rest of the trip, she would keep telling him that they would've matched her necklace perfectly- after all, they were also white queen chess pieces.

Denham looked at Fee's ears out of curiosity of what earrings, if any, she was wearing. To his disappointment, she was wearing tiny diamond studs- the same thing almost every girl wore at their school. Denham saw Fee as more of a driver, not a passenger, even though he does drive her to school every day.

Felicity got out her schedule and started walking towards the building. I guess she expected that Denham was following her because she called out, "What do you have first period?"

"Bio, with Trent," Denham answered catching up to her.

"Ah, Trent's in A Hall... I have English with Ms. Pransk upstairs, so, I guess we can't walk each other to class," she sighed, disappointed. It had become routine for her to walk to almost every class with Denham. He was her best friend, and she didn't have many.

"Alright," Denham answered, "let's hope we have some classes together, okay?"

"I'm sure we will," Fee replied with a half-smile on her face. She waved her hand good-bye to Denham and spun her upturned nose in the opposite direction and began walking inside the school building and up the stairs to her locker.

Felicity turned the lock on her locker combination to the digits on her schedule; 3-26-1. Mouthing the numbers and thinking about the summer reading she never did, she almost didn't notice the small playing card that swooped out of her locker as she opened the rusty metal door. She bent down to pick it up. It landed on the back with the design of the card company on it. She read the red sharpie written on the card, Off with your head! It said, ending with a question mark. She flipped it over and it was a Queen of Hearts. Not only was that creepy enough, Felicity's face went pale as she saw a small drawing of a red heart with devil horns drawn in the middle.


So, what do you think? I hope that last bit interested you, and I can't wait to post the next part!

Please comment, fan and vote! Remember, that motivates me to post more often!!!

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