Witch and Werewolf

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Only an hour ago, while Sabina had been happy to lie peacefully with Jack and talk about everything and nothing, they had ended up talking about her abilities as a witch.

"I've never been able to ask one, you know," Jack had confided. "And now I can see your..." He had gingerly rubbed the side of her mouth and indicated her cat eyes with a loving touch on her nose. "Is there more? All those fictions about spells and potions – is there anything behind it?"

Sabina, who at that point in time had thought she was the only monster in the relationship, had been excited but nervous to tell him more. Talking about her abilities to...anyone was new for her, as well. "Depends on who you are. There are big 'W' witches, and then little 'w' witches. The things we can do varies."

"Which one are you?"

Trying to sound humble, Sabina told him, "Little 'w' witch. There are other people who learn the art of channeling magic who go by the 'Witch' title with a big 'W.'"

"Like the Wicked Witch of the West?" Jack suggested.

He laughed when Sabina playfully scowled at him. "I guess."

Jack's smile softened as he looked at her more seriously. "And the little 'w' witches? What can you do?"

Sabina held up her talons to what little light came in through the windows. "I get these. And other natural abilities. More of the things that come from being a...nonhuman than being a human with magic, like the others."

"Sounds amazing." A kiss from Jack. "Absolutely amazing."

There had been more that Sabina wanted to tell him. Now, as she faced down the charging Werewolf, she thought Jack would have loved to see what she could do in a moment like this.

Snapping her fingers, from either palm Sabina conjured a tongue of fire. As the Werewolf came within arm's reach, she bid the fire burn higher so that it flashed in his face. The Werewolf yowled and turned away, bringing up one burly, hairy arm to shield himself as he retreated.

Sabina watched as the creature shook his head wildly, clearing its vision, then eyed her with a low rumbling growl. With his horn-like ears laid flat back, his eyes glowing as they reflected light back at her, and his claws outstretched in a prowling stance, the Werewolf was clearly provoked. He began to stalk in a slow circle around Sabina, focus never leaving her face. Sabina matched him stare-for-stare. As she watched him close in, she held her flaming palms out in front of her and stared down her death with a stubborn refusal to go. "Jack," she hissed, "I don't think you can hear me, but you're going to have a lot to answer for whenever I see you next."

Her brain saw the Werewolf leap in slow motion, his powerful legs launching him across the chapel to sail down from above with claws outstretched at Sabina. She held her fire at the ready and bared her teeth at him, but the force of the beast coming down knocked her off her feet, extinguishing her flames. As Sabina was sprawled half-under a broken pew, wind knocked out of her lungs, one of the massive claws stomped down on her chest, pinning her there. She swiped at his face with her talons, making contact with the finer fur on the side of his face and drawing an enraged scream from the beast. Then the Werewolf loomed over Sabina, mouth open and fangs showing, and the only thing left for Sabina to do was snarl back in defiance, showing her own teeth.

Then, something unexplainable happened.

As the Werewolf dove at Sabina to make the fatal wound, he stopped short. Sabina's skin ran cold with panicked sweat as the beast sat back on his huge legs and tilted his head back like a hound scenting a trail. She heard him make sniffing noises, snuffling through his canine nose. Before Sabina could wonder further what the Werewolf was up to, he returned to her, sniffing intently close to her face. She closed her eyes in panic and tried not to breathe too hard in case it would trigger the beast into action.

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