Chapter 8.

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Clara's POV

The next morning Starfire woke us all so early in the morning for training. While wearing our costumes. I think I was the last one to get there.

"Sorry for coming late" I said, while smiling sheepishly.

I walked over to were Damian was.

"Your late" he said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious captain obvious." 

Starfire started by saying "To be ready for anything, you must train for everything. That was the most important lessson instilled in me by the warlords of Okaara."

"Them again?" Gar said, which made me laugh.

"Dude" Blue Beetle scolded.

"And so it shall be instilled in you. Let's pair off, those who are not fighting watch and learn."

I raised up my hand.

"Who am I pairing with?" I asked.

"You and Damian will sit this one out." She said.

Nightwing walked over to Starfire, to demonstrate what we were supposed to do. After they blatantly flirted in front of us, I just smiled at the both of them. Starfire won the match very quickly. The rest of the team laughed will teasing Nightwing, from the corner of my eyes I could see Damian smile a little.

"That was not a confidence booster" Nightwing muttered.

"You did very well, you lasted far longer this time" Starfire complimented. Terra started laughing.

"I mean in training of course he is very proficient when we have se-" Starfire tried to correct, but was cut off by Nightwing.

I almost chocked on my saliva, I looked to see Damian looking at me, I felt my cheek get warmer. I think he understood the situation before backing away from me, I could see a light tint of pink on his cheek. We both stood there in awkward silence.

"You shouldn't think such things" I heard him say to me. I just hummed not able to reply him.

The people next were Raven and Blue beetle, the fight lasted a little longer than Starfire and Nightwings' fight. Next was Terra and Beast boy.

Beast boy turned into a lion, he ran towards her. The match was fun to watch until Beast boy might have taken it a little bit too far when he transformed into a snake and wrapped himself around her, asking for a kiss.

It was as if something snapped in Terra, I could practically feel the fear coming from her. Suddenly she started attacking him, while some of the rocks flew towards us, I used my eye lasers to shoot at them.

"Terra!" I screamed "you need to snap out of it!" She finally stopped, and let go of Beast Boy. I flew towards him, before I dropped down beside him. "Are you okay?"

"Terra!, control yourself!" Robin yelled, running over to her.

"I'm sorry, it's not my fault" She said.

"Let me calm your mind." Raven said, while stepping forward.

"No!" Terra yelled "Don't touch me!"

Gar stood up with my help, with his hand over my shoulder.

"It's okay, Terra. We understand" Kori said.

"Take a breath, we're here for you" Dick tried to calm her down.

"Yeah, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I took it too far." 

Terra looked at Robin.

"What's wrong with you people?"

I was about to speak, when she just walked off.


Later that day I was in my room on a call with Rex, when I heard  the door to my room open. I looked behind to see Damian standing there crossing his hand while glaring at me slightly. I gave a confused look at him.

"Umm.. Rex can I talk to you later."

"Sure, goodnight and don't miss me too much."

I laughed.

"Sure goodnight and I will try my best."

After I ended the call, I dropped my phone. And looked at Damian with an unimpressed look.

"You have the potential of actually becoming a kidnapper" I said.

He finally stopped glaring at me and smirked a little. He walked over to my bed and sat down beside me.

"I wouldn't mind being one for you"

I laughed.

"Did you just flirt with me, am quit lucky aren't I?"

He looked at my phone, and the atmosphere in the room changed and I knew where this topic was going.

"You still talk to him" He said.

"Yes and 'he' has a name" I  said, while laying down.

"You should stop talking to him."

I scoffed, and rolled to the other side away from him, facing my back towards him.

"I don't think I remember asking you for advice regarding the people I talk to."

"I don't like him." I could feel his eyes boring into the back of my head.

"Well I like him alooooot."

I felt him move on my bed, I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Please" i heard him say, I sighed.

"I am sorry but I can't just end my friendship with him just because you are jealous Damian. You don't even have anything against him."

"Something isn't right about him" he said.

I couldn't help but laugh. 

"You do know that your v-very funny."

"How? I am being serious." He said.

"Well no I can't, so please leave my room."

He sighed. "I am going on patrol."

"What for?" I asked. "I don't trust Terra."

"You don't trust anyone."

"I trust you."

"Hmm.. well I think I have been feeling your level of trust for me, when you ditched me for Raven I think I felt it there, or may-"

"I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear, while wrapping his arms tighter around me.

I just hummed. I felt him get off the bed.

"I will see you later?" He said. I didn't reply to him and I heard him walking towards the door. I stood up quickly from the bed and hugged him from behind.

"Be careful, okay?" I felt him loosen his arms from around me before he turned to face me.

"Promise." He leaned in close to my face, I closed my eyes shut before I felt something soft on my forehead. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me a little, before walking out of my room. I  used my hand to feel where he kissed me before feeling my face getting warm.

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