Chapter 24- So Soon...

Start from the beginning

I plastered a fake grin on my face, and watched as Harry rinsed the soap out of his hair.

He turned the water off, and flashed a smirk at me, before getting out.

I followed in his footsteps, but when I stepped onto the tile floor, Harry was no where to be seen! One of my towels was stolen off the counter, and the door was left open a crack.

I smiled, and wrapped the fluffy, white fabric around myself.

My small feet padded across the floor, and over to my room. I slipped on my undergarments, along with some skinny jeans, a black sheer shirt, and a gold necklace, and some gold flats.

I moved over to my mirror, where I added some light makeup, a small wing of eye liner, and a couple coats of mascara.

I sprayed myself with a minty smelling body spray, before making my way down the stairs.

I stopped right at the edge of the wall, I could hear the boys' loud whispers.

"I really like her, guys." Harry said.

"Well then, go for it!" Louis answered.

"I just, I don't want this to end up like what happened with Lauren. Bailey also had quite the tendancy to get me angry."

"I think you should try." Zayn said. "You can't forget that when Bailey makes you angry, she also calms you down."

"That's true." Harry replied.

"So... Do it! Ask her to be your girlfriend, tell her you love her!" Niall yelled.

 I blinked, and my mind clouded. I knew this would happen, I just didn't think it would happen so soon...

"Well, Bailey... Do it! You've waited days for this, you want to make Harry suffer, you want him in misery! And this is your chance, he's vulnerable, and he's inlove with you... Just like you wanted. Do it. Crush his cold heart like the ice that it is."

I started to breathe heavily, "just do it, just do it, just do it."

I turned the corner, and put a fake smirk on my face. "Hey..."

"Shit, Bailey. Did you hear all of that?" Harry's face dropped immediately.

My smirk grew bigger, and I replied, "Sure did."

Harry looked at the floor, embarrassed.

Niall and the other boys clapped at his back. "Do it, Harry!"

"Okay, um, well... Bailey." He started.

Wow, Harry Styles at a loss for words? That is something I've never seen!

"Uh, I really, really like you. Your amazing, your so beautiful,  your confident, and you know what you want..." He played with his hands nervously, and continued to speak. "Everyday that I've spent with you, I've fallen even deeper inlove with you, every time I see you, I get butterflies. It's crazy, I've never felt anything like what I feel for you. I guess what I'm saying is..." He looked up, straight in my eyes. "I love you, Bailey. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

I covered my face with my hands, tears pricking my eyes. "C'mon, Bailey. This is what you have waiting for, he's yours, he's vulnerable. You need.... you need to do this."

"I only have one thing to say, Harry."

He raised his eyebrows, hopefully.

"Karma is a bitch." I ignored all the shouting voices in my head, telling me to not do it. I did it. I needed to do what is best for me, and Harry is not it.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

I pushed the creepy smirk further onto my face. "You didn't really think that those stupid pranks were actually my revenge, did you?" I laughed stiffly. "No, my hatred for you goes so much further than a couple little pranks."

Liam stepped in, "What are you saying here, Bailey?"

Pure adrenaline was fueling me now- Although I could still hear all those voices in my head telling me not to do it-  "I'm saying, I... Hate... Harry. And I want him out of my life. I am no where close to being inlove with him. I wanted to make him suffer." I couldn't help it anymore, tears fell from my eyes.

I looked at Harry. His green eyes were drained of color, they were now a pale shade of dull green. His knees broke under him, and tears escaped, falling down his cheeks. "You ha-hate m-me?"

I looked him in the eyes, a cold stare breaking the ice. "Yes."

"I don't understand... Bailey, we just..." He choked.

"Yeah, and it was all part of my master plan." I tried to laugh a little bit, but it didn't form properly, and it sounded inhuman.

"I don't understand." He whispered.

I was at my breaking point. Half of my being was yelling "Mistake." But the other was screaming at me "Great job!" My brain was exploding, and I couldn't take it any more.

The other boys gathered around Harry, each of them sending me small glares.

"I'm sorry, Harry." I whispered, before running out of the apartment.

"Mistake." Was all I was thinking, now.

Oh god, I'm not even gonna leave an authors note! XD xx

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