Halloween Speical: Tricks or Mischief

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Ai stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth, carefully attached her bow. Smiling to herself, she looked at herself in the mirror and took a few steps back. Seeing herself in her Idol outfit


She smirked as she twirled around. It felt so natural, as if the outfit was an extension of herself in some way.

"Ai… are you ready for the part-"

(Y/n) walked into the room wearing a suit, cloak and his hair done up similar to Dracula, with teeth to boot. He spotted Ai standing there in her Idol outfit, as his expression shifted to that of horror as he realized just what she was wearing. Smiling as she ran up to him.and cringed onto his arm, smiling up at him.

"Yep, I'm all ready to go!"

She said before she kept get grin as she leaned up to his ear.

"I also wouldn't mind putting those teeth to use when we get back~"

(Y/n) ignored her remark as he looked at her outfit, a more annoyed expression on his face.

"Ai… why are you wearing that…"

Ai pouted as she broke off from his arm and turned away in a huff.

"Because I want to… besides, this is just a party with your coworkers, they'll just think I'm a mega fan of myself!"

(Y/n) sighed as he rubbed his eyes before looking up at her and just decided to give up at this point.

"I swear… if someone finds out and your career gets ruined, don't blame me."

"What? If they do, can't you just turn them into a vampire spawn and make them your servant?"
(Y/n) let out a sarcastic laugh as he turned towards the door and began to walk toward it, only offering a glance back at Ai.

"Very funny Ai. Now let's go."

"Yes, sir~"

- - - - - -

Ai let out a content sigh as she took in a breath of the cold fresh air. It felt nice, even if she was  cold, she didn't mind it that much, not like they'd be out for very long.

"You're shivering."

Ai looked at (Y/n), who seemed to not let the cold affect him all that much as he led the way towards their destination. Ai felt her face heat up, as she was caught. Ai wasn't really able to stand the cold very well, while her boyfriend was easily able to go put in the cold without so much as flinching, even with minimal layers on.

"I'm f-fine."

"Maybe you should invest in some leggings for your outfit."

"Please, that would ruin the f-fun for both of us. My thighs are too hot to be c-contained!"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes as his attention seemed to be caught on their destination, walking forward towards the building, Ai finally got a look at it. A modest home with two stories, much nicer than their apartment, that's for sure.

"Here we are, remember to be on your best behavior tonight."

"Who do you think I am?! I'm an adult now!"

"Ai you can be worse than Ruby sometimes."

"Really… Well speaking of Ruby, wonder how Yui's handling those two."

"She'll be fine, she's done it several times before, besides, when she picked them up this afternoon, she seemed more than ecstatic."

"You're right… well let's go in, I wanna meet your coworkers!"

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