Chapter 18. Sam's past pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Sophie: Mummy, why his magic doesn't work?

Ann: I guess he is just tired, my dear. Let me open it this time.

She winked the girl and Sophie smiled. They liked playing their little theater.

The two came into the house, while Bill had to solve one 'problem', who was still sitting inside the car.

Bill: Hey, Sam, are you going to sit here all the rest of your birthday?

He chuckled and opened the car's door, revealing Sam's face.

Sam: Whatever, nothing will change if I go to the house several minutes later.

Bill: As you say, birthday boy

He smiled and moved to the house as well.

Sam sat inside for 2 or 3 minutes and decided to leave as well. He slammed the car's door and growled while looking around:

Sam: Nothing changed, dull surroundings, as usual.

The 'dull surroundings' weren't dull at all. The weather was great, a sunset could be seen from the distance. Sam scolded and moved to the house. When he was going to his own room, mother called him.

Ann: Saaaaaam! We have some pizza left here! Don't you want to eat some?

Sam: No, I'm not hungry!

Ann: If I were you, I would hurry up, because Sophie is going to eat it herself!

Sam: Anyway

He didn't listen to what his mother was saying next. He closed his room's door and turned on his pc.

Sam: Finally, home sweet home. (He was sarcastic)

He smiled tiredly and sat down in front of his computer screen. He turned on half-life 2 and started playing. About 10 minutes passed when his rest was disturbed: Sophie came.

Sophie: Hey, Sam!

He turned to his young sister and asked, trying to act as polite as possible:

Sam: Hey, Sue, anything happened?

Sophie: Yea! Just try to guess, what our parents prepared for us!

Sam: Naah... I give up (He had no desire to play this game)

Sophie: Tomorrow we are driving to the Bonny's Amusement World!

Bonny's Amusement World (Analogue of Disney Land) was very popular and amazing amusement park in the region and beyond. Sam dreamt about visiting it when was younger. So his parents decided to give him that present as a surprise, later is better than never, isn't it?

Sam: We are driving where? Are you serious?

Sophie: Yes! But it's a secret!

She chuckled.

Sam: Huh, can't wait.

Young secret keeper ran out of the room. Sam, however, was not excited or something. He sat on the bed and shook his head.

Sam: The second part of that most boring 'adventure' ever? Fuck! I'm not a little boy anymore, how can I visit that amusement park?!

He felt so tilted that turned off his pc and jumped onto the bed. He looked around: his room was filled with posters of Gorillaz albums, arts with the band characters cut from magazines and his own sketches. He started examining the 'Demon Days' album cover above his bed once again, trying to imagine how not to go to the park tomorrow. He got a strange but useful (seemed to him) idea.

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