"Dad? Do you mind fetching me?" Allison's voice says over the phone. Where is she...?

Dad nods. "Okay, I'm on my way."

Inwardly, I sigh. I know I need to end things with Isaac. If Allison and Isaac want to be together, I won't stand in their way, although this hurts me — tears me apart, even — to think about.

"Okay," dad says, "Um. That was Allison. She tagged along with the cross country team because Scott was injured... or something," dad explains.

"Shoot," I say, genuinely concerned.

Dad sighs, crossing his arms in the way he does when he's uncomfortable. "I'm not sure what to say." Leaning forward on the couch slightly, he rubs his hands together and exhales heavily. "Nylah, you will always be my daughter... I need you to know that. I raised you. I love you, regardless of the fact you're not mine, erm, biologically. But if you... if you — um. If you want Elijah to be recognised as your official father, we can fill out the necessary paperwork."

He swallows heavily, pain evident in his eyes. I stand up to hug him. "I love you too, dad," I murmur into the fabric of his shirt, clutching him tightly. "Um, and yes please to the paperwork."

My mind is now made up. I'd like to be formally identified as Nylah Mikaelson rather than Nylah Argent. This doesn't mean the Argents aren't my family — they are, and I love them. But I was taken from the Mikaelsons, and I'd love to be part of their family, too.

I feel terrible for dad, but I can only imagine what Elijah's feeling — he's missed out on so much of my life already.

"Uh — and if you want to move out..." dad murmurs under his breath, "Then... then you can. I understand. Completely." I sense his heart breaking. Oh, poor dad.

"I'm not moving out, dad," I reassure him with a small smile. Instantly, I feel his relief flowing off him. "I'll probably be in between Beacon Hills and Mystic Falls quite a bit..." I look over my shoulder. "If that's alright with you?"

"Of course," Elijah confirms with a pleased smile, still sitting on the couch with an air of authority.

"Well, then... I'll need your contact details," dad says, turning to Elijah, amiable.

Elijah nods. "I'll see to it."

"Okay, well — uh, um, Allison..." dad stutters, gesturing at the door. "I should go. Fetch her, I mean."

"Bye, dad." I smile at him. "Drive safe."

"Goodbye, Nylah. Goodbye, Elijah. It was nice meeting you."

Elijah smiles, stands up, and shakes dad's hand, his other hand gripping his blazer jacket. "And you, Chris."

As dad walks down the corridor, I hear him breathing shakily, trying to make sense of what happened.


After a day of walking around Beacon Hills, showing Elijah what I get up to on weekends, where I play sport, where my high school is, where the bookshop is (he also has a deep appreciation for literature, I suppose I get that from him), it's finally time to say goodbye.

Niklaus is already standing by the Porsche, seemingly unhurried and at ease — apparently, he's already met up with the werewolves.

"May I ask a question?" I inquire, addressing Klaus.

Klaus smiles a cheeky smile and taps the side of his nose with his index finger. "Ask no questions and I'll tell no lies," he claims. When he observes my disappointment (something I over-dramatise), he says, "That being said, do ask away."

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