Chapter 4: ​🇷​​🇪​​🇻​​🇪​​🇱​​🇦​​🇹​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​​🇸​

Start from the beginning

Sequoia Academy

(The year 2020, New Jersey U.S)

"Yo, Wassup, man?" Jacob greeted Enzo as he effortlessly ollied his skateboard down the academy's hallways. "Oh, hey, Jacob!" Enzo called out. But as Jacob zoomed past, he couldn't help but let his mind wander. How did he end up with the nickname 'Jacbob'? Students and even teachers had adopted it, but it was all a blur to Jacob. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize his skateboard was hurtling towards a collision with the academy wall. "Shit!" Enzo exclaimed in bewilderment as he rushed to Jacob's side. "Are you alright, mate?" Enzo asked, genuine concern in his voice as he helped Jacob to his feet. "Yeah, I'm fine, but my skateboard isn't. My mind just wandered," Jacob replied, extending his hand to meet Enzo's grasp. Enzo's curiosity got the best of him as he probed, "Are you trying to get to the backrooms? Your skateboarding, no-clipping style without any gear is pretty bold." Jacob, about to respond, was cut off by the school bell ringing. "Alright, see you in class," Jacob said, brushing off Enzo's comments and their peculiar encounter. As they walked to class, Jacob noticed a peculiar glint on the storage room's door, followed by a blinding white light. He stared at it in intrigue, and suddenly, it flashed a gloomy yellow-green hue. It was then he realized and muttered to himself, "He's here."Enzo, catching wind of his words, asked, "Who's 'He'?" "The Watcher of The Quartz Clock is coming for me," Jacob whispered breathlessly. "The who?" asked Enzo in visible confusion. As he approaches the wall to leave, his eyebrows furrow - having remembered something, he turns back... he picks his skateboard up, he feels an otherworldly tingle when he did. He looks at it cautiously as it gleamed.... seconds later, he was staring into a sword made of ice, encrusted with gold, He fiddles with it in curiousity. Just then, he was hit by a vision like a speeding train - The prophecy, Yehezqel, the sisters, Paradox... and the Watcher. He understood it all, his fist clenched tightly, his eyes filled with rage... He faces the gloomy door with hatred, with his newfound strength... determined to take down the king, the cat he previously served and feared in this intricate game of cat and mouse, this cursed game of chess... This was it. "Uhh, I don't fuckin' know what the hell's happening but it doesn't look good, but I'll help your ass here... also nice sword, uh... Jacob." remarked Enzo with a confused but determined tone, he grabs a broomstick and a small-sized whiteboard hanging in the academy wall with "May the games begin!" inscribed into it, he looks at the door with fierce and bravery evident in his eyes. He brings out duct tape from his bag and ties it into his arm and the whiteboard to makeshift a shield as he grips the broomstick. "Thank you." says Jacob, not wanting a 'I can do this alone' bullshit, he needed help... and he was going to get it. Something caught Jacob's attention as the janitor's door began glowing, then 2 girls clearly disoriented stumbles out of it... Jacob's eyes flashed in recognition 'Epochioum and Oreveu', he whisphers to himself. "Jacob! we've been trying to find you..." a new voice emerging from the dark room, it was Yehezqel, he couldn't believe his eyes, but this was no time for a cheesy reunion as they have a bigger fish to fry, a great enemy of the century, The Watcher of the Quartz Clock... Jacob himself. "I thought you guys wouldn't make it, help me will you?" says Jacob hotly with a nasty smirk on his face, "Why are you on a goddamn shield?" asked a new voice from behind, it was Enzo... atleast, the other version of him... Enzo was looking at his alternate self with a shield and a broomstick for a sword. "Yep, lemme fix that up for you." says Yehezqel twirling his finger, changing the broomstick to a sword and the whiteboard to a real shield, as armor appeared in his body, gleaming like the heavens themselves as the other Enzo also does, Yehezqel levitates and suits them all up, green emerald-like armor for the sisters and dark purple armor for Jacob. After suiting everyone up, they intensely look at the door with hatred... glowing ominously.

> The Last Stand:

> Sequoia Academy, 2020:

The group stood ready, their armor gleaming and weapons at the ready, facing the ominous door that radiated malevolence. The air crackled with tension as the Watcher of the Quartz Clock prepared to make his entrance. The swirling colors of the door intensified, and with a deafening burst of energy, the Watcher materialized before them. His presence was overwhelming, a towering figure adorned in an intricate clockwork robe, his eyes glowing with the wisdom of ages. Yehezqel, Epochioum, Oreveu, Enzos', and Jacob faced him defiantly, their determination a stark contrast to the Watcher's calm demeanor. "You cannot escape your destiny, Jacob," the Watcher intoned, his voice echoing through the hallways of Sequoia Academy. "You are a valuable piece in this game, and the Nexus demands your compliance." Jacob gritted his teeth, the weight of his newfound knowledge and the burden of being manipulated gnawing at him. "I won't be a pawn in your twisted game any longer. I'll break free from this cycle you've trapped me in." The Watcher chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down their spines. "You are naive, young guardian, I was once like that, defiant and bold... but it was for my own safety, it was for me, for you and your friends. Nonetheless, The Nexus weaves a tapestry that cannot be unraveled. Your defiance only hastens your demise.", "And Oh? what's this? my son rebelling against me? this should be fun." With a swift motion, the Watcher raised his hand, manipulating time itself. The surroundings warped and shifted, and the group found themselves in an otherworldly dimension, a surreal landscape of swirling colors and distorted reality. Yehezqel, with his sword of ice and gold, took a step forward, his eyes fixed on the Watcher. "You underestimate the power of choice, Watcher. Jacob is not bound by your threads. We'll make our own path!" The sisters, Epochioum and Oreveu, raised their swords in unison, their determination echoing through the strange dimension. Enzo, the alternate version with an earlier makeshift shield and broomstick-turned-sword, stood beside Jacob, ready for whatever might come. "Let's show this clock-obsessed freak that he can't control everything," he declared with a fierce glint in his eyes. The Watcher remained unfazed, his gaze shifting between each member of the group. "Your rebellion is futile. The Nexus dictates the flow of time, and you are but insignificant players in its grand design.", "You tell me I was a key piece of this fucking game... yet you tell me I'm insignificant now." shot Jacob back.  Without warning, the Watcher unleashed a wave of energy, blades of light dashing past them. The group, armored and armed, braced themselves against the force that threatened to destabilize them. As the energy subsided, the surroundings transformed once again. This time, they found themselves in a distorted reflection of Sequoia Academy, where twisted versions of their memories played out like a nightmarish stage. The hallways echoed with haunting laughter, and shadowy figures danced at the edges of their vision. The air itself seemed to taunt them with whispers of their deepest fears and regrets. The Watcher, still adorned in his clockwork robe, observed the group with a malevolent grin. Jacob gritted his teeth, his mind racing to stay focused. "This is just another illusion. We can't let it break us. Stay together, and we'll find a way out." The group moved forward cautiously, weapons at the ready. The distorted versions of Sequoia Academy twisted and contorted with each step, challenging their resolve. Yehezqel, with a determined expression, urged them forward. "We must push through this distortion. The Watcher is testing our mettle." As they progressed, the Watcher's voice echoed through the surreal landscape. "Your struggles amuse me. Time itself bends to my will, and you are but puppets dancing to its tune." Suddenly, shadowy manifestations emerged from the distorted surroundings. Familiar faces took form, twisted and corrupted by the Watcher's influence. Friends and foes alike confronted the group, forcing them to face the ghosts of their past. Enzo, facing a shadowy version of himself and corpses of his deceased parents, swung his sword with determination. "I'm not afraid of my past. I've embraced it, and I won't let you define me!" Epochioum and Oreveu fought side by side, their swords cutting through the illusions. "We've faced countless challenges together. These shadows are mere illusions!" Oreveu declared with unwavering confidence. Yehezqel, surrounded by echoes of his loyalty and duty, pressed forward. "I will not succumb to the distortions of the past. I am not defined by the mistakes of my father anymore, Father... no, Jacob Gabriel... The Third Nexus Guardian, The Watcher of the Quartz Clock.... WHEN WILL YOU EVER FUCKING LEARN?!" Jacob, facing reflections of the choices he regretted, clutched the Blade of Humility. "I will carve my own path, free from the strings of the past. No illusion will control me.", with a slash of the Blade of Humility, he clashed against his own shadows... but as he stumbles back, he is stabbed in the back, pierced, he falls to the ground helplessly. He recalled one of the few spells Yehezqel taught them though, Healing. He healed himself quickly and gets up, only to be greeted with a familiar face, Adam. He looks at the gloomy shadow entity in disgust as he gripped the Blade of Humility even harder, now turned full purple in color, he lunges towards Adam... His eyes turns full purple and his skin transparent, being a version of his inner Adam himself, he smiles, and clashes with the shadow. 

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