Chapter 3: So Now It Was Time For The Training To Begin

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So after base ball Jimmy was like done eating his Moths Breakfast, he said to his mom it was "Time to go to the old base ball field P.S. i am bringing the dog Buster"! and his mom replied "ok".

Well any way! once they were at the old base ball field again Buster dog f*cking exploded and Buster O'Base Ball emerged and he said to Base Ball Jimmy it was time to show him the Most Important Base Ball Skills. Buster O'Base Ball picked up on of the Bats and said this "is a base ball bat YOu can hit base balls with it" but when Jimmy picked up the bat it disintegrated immediately and Buster O'Base Ball was like "ohhhhhhh boy this was going to be harder than I though"t

So instead Buster O'Base Ball pulled out a big fat base ball glove from his compartment and said to Jimmy "ok just use this to catch the ball" and Jimym said "ok" so Buster threw One (1) base ball at Jimmy's glove. But this: Base Ball Jimmy got scared of the ball and ran away! and so Buster O'Base Ball was all like  "ohhhhhhh boy this was going to be harder than I though"t

Than Buster O'Base Ball decided to come up with an new idea like. and he said to Base Ball Jimmy "OK this is the simple task EVER all you have to do is throw the ball!" and he handed Jimmy a base ball but instead Base Ball Jimmy got scared of the ball and ran away! and so Buster O'Base Ball was all like "ohhhhhhh boy this was going to be harder than I though"t

Buster O"Base Ball was running thin on ideas of this point! But than he had an idea! He pulled out some Magic Base Ball Cracker Jacks from his Storage Hole and said here eat this and Jimmy was like "What for" and Buster O'Base Ball was like "It's MAgic Fruit that makes you soooo good at base ball!" And so base ball Jimmy was like "aw jeez I don't know about this my papa Always says theres no short cuts in life" but suddenly uster O'Base Ball said oh yeah speaking of your papa check this out!dude! and he handed him a phone

So when Base Ball Jimmy answered the phone it was his mom on the other end and she said: "JIMMY your dad died from poorness So now you have to be so good at base ball to win the big game and avenge him!" so needles to say that was pretty big fat news to Jimmy.........

to be continued in chapter 4....

The Adventure of BAse Ball JimmyWhere stories live. Discover now