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And so it was finally time for Base Ball Jimmy to go up against Death Lord in the Final Base Ball Battle. jimmy stepped onto the base ball field and adjusted his base ball glove and his bat and especially his Umpire. Death Lord said like "Ha ha ha ha...... come you challenge me again you WEAK FOOL???" and Base Ball Jimmy was like "" (he said nothing) and instead he readied is base ball to win the game!

SUDDENLY the umpire blew his instrument and so the pitcher started pitching all over the place and even the Batter started purifying all over the place? so anway the base balls were flying in all directions but Base Ball Jimmy was hitting them all with Precise! Death Lord started to get an little scared Bacause he was like "Oh sh*t (crud) maybe i might lose this". Base ball Jimmy was winning so hard the umpire f*cking exploded! Buster O'Base Ball was cheering Jimmy on from the crowd and he was like "Ya did it!Kid!" and shed a single Pride Tear

But all of the sudden? Death Lord started playing dirty! he covered himself in mud! but then even worse is that Death Lord started cheating! His girl friend was so mad! but than worst of all Death Lord decided to face off against Base Ball Jimmy face to face! Death Lord gripped Base Ball Jimmy's base ball bat and you know what? he exploded it with hi bare HAnds! BAse Ball Jimmy fell to the ground in defeat

Death Lord was like "Ha ha ha ...... I always knew you where No Good at base ball. you are so weak and bad. You failed your dead dad and Buster O'Base Ball! Loser! ........ prepare to DI"E said death Lord but first

"Maybe im not good at Base Ball... maybe i did let down my Dead base ball dad and Buster O'Base Ball..." Base Ball Jimmy said while base ball ashes fell around him dramatically,"but you know?what Buster O'Base Ball always saying?" and death Lord was like "no whats that?" and so Jimmy was like

"All that matters in baseball... is that you gotta have HEART!" base ball Jimmy shouted as a huge Base Ball Death Laser beamed out from his little base ball heart! the base ball Laser cut through Death Lord instantly and his Evil Body was severed in half instantly!

"*cough* i'll be back *cough cough*" Death Lord said and then died forever.

And so Base Ball Jimmy had finally won and the curse was lifted and no one ever played Base ball again. 

And so Buster O'Base ball came up to Jimmy but he wasn"T looking too good? he said like "My spirit is fading Jimmy now that base ball is dead.... but im sure your dad would be so super proud of you jimmy GOODBYEEEeee" and he transformed back into the ordinary Buster dog.

Base Ball Jimmy never ever forgot Buster O'Base Ball or his base ball Dad even when he went on to become the famous youtuber "MrBeast", but everyone at the Base ball field always knew him as the guy that freed them from Death Lord....

The End.....

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