Chapter 1

752 18 9

Time - 2226hrs
Date - 12/09/1969

I quickly turned around in fear.
"Y-you saw that..?" A woman in a long, black dress and what seemed to be a red blazer with green stripes over her shoulders looked at me. I hardly noticed the smile on her face since it was covered by the shadow of her black hat.
"Well of course, my lady. The food gave me a bit of an upset stomach so I had to retreat to the bathroom."

It took me a while but I managed to focus on her face. Her eyes were a deep shade of red and her hair was a silky blonde. Her skin was... Fair. I think I was staring for a bit too long.
"Are you alright, my lady?" Her face turned slightly concerned as she leaned in slightly closer. A small blush appeared on my face and I looked away waving my hands in front of my face.
"I'm fine! Don't worry!" She smiled and backed away.
"My name is Ada Tennant... It's truly a pleasure to meet such an incredible lady." I groan and look at her slightly annoyed.
"Are you just trying to get under my skin for pleasentaries or favouritism?" I heard a small laugh and her head shook.
"No, no... Don't be so silly. I just came to see the woman herself... And here she is. But I wasn't expecting such a predicament." She chuckeled softly to which I roll my eyes.
"Oh, come on... I was being nice." She took my right hand and gently placed a kiss on it. I could feel my face going red as she looked at me with seductive eyes. I was stating again. I quickly swiped my hand away and turned my back to her to hide my Rosey red cheeks.
"W-well... Your version of being nice is weird!"
"Hm... Oh well. It seems you don't enjoy my company, my lady." I turned back around, slightly annoyed.
"I never said I didn't! Are you trying to seduce me!?" I leaned a bit closer to her, not realising our faces are only inches away.
"No, but I do have a small gift for you."

Suddenly, she got down on one knee which made me stumble back a bit. "What are you..." She reached her gloved hand to one of the inside proceeds of her blazer, and pulled out a slightly thorny rose. She tilted her wide-brimmed hat up slightly and and smiled to me. I couldn't tell wether it was seductive or soft.
"May I present a rose to the young lady?"
"W-wha..." My face went completely red as I stared at the rose.
"I insist, take it. I did bring it here after all." She spoke with a hint of flirting in her voice, but I was too stunned to speak. It took me a good few seconds to fix my posture and clear my throat, hesitantly taking the the rose, avoiding eye contact.
"Thank you..." I quietly spoke, as I brung the rose to my face to embrace it's scent, whilst also using it to hide my blush.
"It's been a pleasure, my lady." She stood up and walked next to me and putting her hand on my shoulder, slowly tracing her fingers down my upper arm. "I hope we cross paths again." She smiled at me one more time before she left the room, quietly closing the door.

I immediately went to the sink, putting the rose on the side and washing my face. Who does that woman think she is? She's pretty hot though...

I place my hands on my forehead leaning over the sink in attempt to reject all the nasty thoughts about her.

"Dear? Are you in there?" There was a knock on the door, followed by my fathers voice.
"Yes father! I'll be out in a bit, I promise!"
"Alright, don't keep the men waiting!" I heard him walk off as I quickly grab some tissues and dab my face and neck. I quickly grab the rose but dropped it. I felt a sharp pain in my hand and looked at it. A cut went all the way down my palm and was now dripping rose red liquid.
"Blood..." I sighed. How'd the cut even become so big, or is it just for plot?
I wrapped tissue around my new wound, so it would stay around it, though I doubted how long it would be able to last due to how much blood was spilling out.

I returned out to the party, holding the rose to my chest between my fingertips. But before I knew it, I was pushed against the wall, the rose fell lightly to the floor.
"Hello beautiful... You and me in bed tonight, hm?" A drunk. I didn't like him or anything, but the way he was touching me made my face gone red.
"Get off her." My dad pushed him off me to which he fell on the floor and passed out. I quickly picked up the rose that lied next to him. "My dear, are you alright?" He spoke whilst holding both my shoulders in a firm grip. I shakily nodded. "There is some commotion breaking out in centre stage. Could you please go to your room?" He spoke with a gentle smile.
"Yes of course!" I turned and quickly ran down the opposite corridor, my dress ripping due to me stepping on the dress with my uncomfortable heels.

As soon as I got in, I slammed the door shut, locking it and calmly walked to my bed and sit down on it like the graceful queen I was.
"Tonight... Was a eventful." The name Laurence Tennant was spinning wildly in my head as I held the rose close to my chest. I could see the blood dripping from my hand to the floor. I couldn't be bothered to do anything with it so I lied down and stared at the ceiling, slowly drifting into my own world.

Razzle And Dazzle - Tennant X Female Reader ((Reverse 1999)) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora