𝒊𝒗. it is love

Start from the beginning

an amused chuckle left his lips when the sisters looked back in sync.

"what are you doing?" she asked her brother.

"what?! mom and dad told me to take photos" he argued. "then why are taking mine. take sang zhi's she's participating. and atleast make it look nice. why do you have to take it when i am yawning?!"

she saw jiaxu walk past her smiling brightly displaying his pearl white teeths. "you have to tell me when you look good or i wouldn't know" sang yan whined. she tried to take the camera from him demaning him to delete it.

but jiaxu snatched it and took it away from the siblings. "stop bullying my sister all the time" he announced. sang yue got what he meant while the other two sang siblings were left confused. deciding to go along with his game, sang yue folded her arms across her chest and said "did you hear that? my gēge told you to stop bullying me."

"who's your gē?" sang yan asked annoyed. but sang yue pointed to his bestfriend instead of him. jiaxu too stood with his hands on his hips asking "what about it?" proudly. "fine you can have her" he grumbled.

sang zhi went back to her streches after watching the scene amusing scene unfolding infront of her. sang yue watched as jiaxu tried to take sang yan's photos who told him to go away.

when asked for the participants to assemble for the jump sang yue wished good luck to her sister as so did sang yan and duan jiaxu.

sang yue just stood between jiaxu and sang yan as both them did the work. she couldn't belive las night she was plotting to faint and leave but damn this has been a treat. she thanked her ms office for crashing because she got to spend time with jiaxu. both sang and yue snickerd when jiaxu called sang zhi number 0155.

cheers erupted for number 0155.

the said girl ended up doing two fouls before falling and hurting herself. her siblings and jiaxu rushed to her. sang yan offered to carry her.

but somehow sang yue's middle school teacher caught the sight of jiaxu. "ehh sang yue's gēge" the elderly teacher said. sang yue and jiaxu shared a look before he greeted the teacher. "this is. . . " the teacher trailed off.

"my bābā" sang yue quickly answered before anyone could say anything. the teacher looked shocked at the revelation of such a young father. she grabbed his arms and left quickly leaving jiaxu alone.

"did you hit your head or this little demon got hurt am i that old to be your bābā?" sang yue heard ger brother grumble when they were slighty away from the sight of teacher

the teacher looked at jiaxu for confirmation. "my bābā" he said before running towards the sang siblings who were already arguing. "can you stop scolding me?!" she retorted.

"you've nagged me all day and this little demon is so bad at jumping" he argued.

"why are you drugging me into this?!" sang zhi said.

"I'll tell bābā!" sang yue exclaimed. while sang zhi whined about being attacked for no reason. "are you going to rat me out again?!" he yelled. sang zhi whined again when he was moving too much while sang yue argued back with her brother.

as much as jiaxu was fascinated with the banter the sang siblings had this was too chaotic. he meddled in telling sang yan to watch out for her leg.

"i don't want you to carry me!" sang zhi whined. "how will you walk with a sprain and should i rat out you about how you caffeine you consume?!" sang yan argued with his both sister at the same time.

sang yue gasped. "you already made me labour and move your things. you cannot rat me out on that!" she argued while sang zhi whined telling sang yan to put her down. "let me carry her" jiaxu announced. "sure you carry her" sang yan said passing sang zhi to his bestfriend. sang yue went with her brother as jiaxu took sang zhi to the medical station.

𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐.  duan jiaxu Where stories live. Discover now