Special chapter #2

Start from the beginning

"So what were you two talking about so lively?"

"Oh, we were just reminiscieng the old days at Yerpena and all the stupid things we did when we were young," answered Seiran with a nostalgic smile.

Niris didn't react. He knew what would be the answer, so he wasn't surprised. Efty was the daughter of the ambassador of Jum, a planet inhabited by a rabbit-human population, the jummies. She grew up at Yerpena as his father stayed in his position for fifteen years, and became really close to Seiran as they were taking the same classes together.

The angel knew the demon only saw her as a friend, but he had doubts about Efty. She has been annoyingly getting between them a few times, ruining Niris' mood and giving him the feeling she was trying to separate them. And he didn't like that at all. What he hated more was that Seiran didn't see her actions like that and even defended her when the angel tried to warn him about her true intentions and feelings for him.

He also hated the idea of making him aware of one of his closest friend he shared memories of his childhood but he felt a strong danger coming from the rabbit girl. And the more it was going on, the more her behaviour was raising an alarm in his mind. It was happening more and more often and on occasions, he found it very bold of her to act this way.

"We really did stupid things," continued Efty, laughing with a hand covering her mouth shyly. "You remember that time we put a frog in the great intendant's hat ? He didn't realise it for twenty minutes and the frog poop on his head!"

"Yes, I remember! That was one of the funniest things we ever did!"

They both laughed while recalling the moment. They were back to talking as if Niris, who was right between them, didn't exist at all. The angel closed his eyes. He was mad. He was done trying to be nice and understanding. This girl obviously had feelings for his boyfriend and she was doing everything in her power to make him look bad in Seiran's eyes. He didn't care. This stupid girl wouldn't be the reason for their breakup. Never. He'll take Seiran away from her forever even if it meant being the bag guy in the demon's eyes.

"I think you should leave," he said while opening his eyes slowly.

The air around them instantly froze. Seiran looked at the angel with round eyes. He knew he didn't like the Jummy, but it was the first time the angel was acting so cold toward her.

"Ah don't worry, I'll leave after having dinner with you guys. We planned to eat together with Seiran but I guess you can join us..." Efty then answered in a light tone, trying to liven up the mood, but it only made the angel angrier.

This time you could see lightning coming from his eyes. Niris clenched his fits on the fabric of his pants, trying to keep in the anger that was growing in him.

"You planned to have dinner together ?" he asked in a white voice.

"Yes, she's staying only for tonight so we decided to have dinner and then go around the city tomorrow before she leaves," explained Seiran with a worried look on his face at his boyfriend's reaction.

"Such a coincidence! She's staying only for the night, and it has to be this new year's eve!" He thought with a grin.

Without a word, the angel stood up.

"Leave. Now."

Seiran stood up quickly followed by Efty who was looking at the angel in shock. None of them were getting what was going on in the angel's mind.

"Niris? Did I do... something wrong ?" the jummy asked naively.


This time, the angel yelled. Offended by his strong rejection, she took her stuff and left with a pained look on her face. His hands still closed in tight fists, the angel was fuming with rage.

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