Special chapter #2

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Niris stretched. He was finally done with his work for the day. Hastily closing all the files in front of him, he piled them on the side of his desk before getting up. He took his winter coat and put it on his shoulders to protect himself from the coldness of the corridors. The palace was too big to be thoroughly heated, and Niris was naturally chilly.

He left his office humming, anticipating the coming night that he expected to be thrilling. He was planning it for a week now, he had everything prepared. He only needed Seiran to follow him willingly without asking anything. And that was actually the hardest part. The demon wasn't the type to let himself be guided by the angel. He liked being the one organizing things and surprising his boyfriend.

For once, Niris wanted to be the one to prepare for the surprise and get to see the demon's reaction. Just the thought of it was enough to put him in a good mood. He accelerated to reach their room. Even though the angel did his most to finish his work early enough to spend the evening with his lover, it had been dark for a while and you could see the stars in the clear dark blue night.

Once he was finally in front of the huge wooden door painted white with golden lines highlighting its shape, he opened it without hesitation and entered the room, determined.

"Seiran!" he called, unable to contain his excitement.

But no one answered. He looked around the place, surprised not to see the demon waiting for him. Usually, at this time of the day, he would be sitting on one of the sofas that furnished the room, reading or playing on his dematerialised swoutch. But neither was he in the living room or in their bedroom.

"Where has he gone ?" he muttered, very dissatisfied to be unable to see his boyfriend happy to see him back early.

Niris turned around to look for him one more time, uncertain of where to start his search. He was about to call him through his identification chip when he heard voices coming from the small cabinet that was attached to their room from a hidden backdoor.

He went in the direction of the voices and slowly opened the door. His smile instantly faded. Seiran was inside, talking with a close friend he knew from Ornikarn and who was here for god knows whatever reason! Niris was upset. He didn't hear anything about her coming to Egea.

He slammed the door behind him and came in, sitting between them, forcing the newcomer to move aside and make room for him. Seiran who hadn't seen him entering the room, turned to him just to see the angel ignoring him with a pouting face.

"You're back already? I thought you had a lot of work to do and wouldn't be off before late," he said, seemingly surprised to see his boyfriend.

"Yeah well, of course, you'd think that because I told you I'd be late because of work to surprise you by coming early. But you don't seem to care as you seem to have such a pleasant time with that rabbit girl. You dumbass demon." The angel thought.

"I'm done earlier than expected," he just said bluntly.

Seiran felt the coldness in his tone and looked at him questioningly but only got an angry ignoring look as an answer.

"Hi Niris, It's nice to see you again," said the girl who had forcibly emigrated to the other side of the small sofa that was only for two persons.

The angel secretly hoped she'd move to the other one in front of them as it'd become too uncomfortable for the three of them but she didn't seem to be willing to. What an annoying girl!

"Hi Efty," he answered with a deadly glare.

An awkward silence took place in the small room. Niris didn't move a finger while the other two looked at each other in embarrassment, not sure what to do or say. When Efty was about to say something, Niris open his mouth and cut her before she could even say a word.

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