"Automatic win to Soap then" you shrug.

"I didn't say I wouldn't do it" Ghost grunts.

You step back folding your arms. "Alright go on" You urge.

Soap uses his hand to get himself up on the fence whereas Ghost gives a precise jump. You let out a muffled laugh and they both turn to you.

"You're messing with us" Soap narrows his eyes at you.

You give a shrug and smile. They both jump down from the fence, and you jump over easily, following them to the car.

"So where is price exactly?" You ask.

"Ol' man's been sent out" Soap says opening the backdoor for you as you throw your bag in and climb in, closing it.

"Does he ever get a break" you give a soft chuckle.

"He enjoys his work" Soap laughs.


"Lieutenant send us the locations yeah?" Price says picking up the keys.

"Will do" He nods as Soap passes in his gear.

"Shouldn't be long" Price says with a final wave. You wave back following them to the door.

"Kill someone" you call out to them. You watch them leave in the car before heading to the counter.

You grab your bag taking it upstairs and turning your phone on, checking the photos you took earlier today.

You sit down at your desk, folding your legs underneath you as you load your computer on.

You think for a moment before installing the office365 software and grabbing yourself some paper out. You copy down the network name and the Wi-Fi password while you wait.

You get up from your desk, jogging down the stairs and grabbing yourself a snack before walking towards the office and finding Ghost still seated.

"Everything okay?" You ask taking the spare seat beside him.

He grunts with a slight nod and your eyes wonder to the computer screen where a small map of the town is displayed. Labeled in sections with colors and titles.

You lean back, letting a silence fall between you both before he spoke. "How was school?" He asks.

"Wasn't long" you smile. "I did get a few more things that could help us, working on it upstairs at the moment" you nod.

"So, everything went to plan on your side?" He asks turning to face you.

You nodded, "I did what I could" you shrug with a light chuckle. "Shouldn't be long till we get back to base" you say.

He hums a reply and stands up alongside you. "I'll be a sec" you say leaving the room, the days heat becoming more immeasurable with each passing hour.

You stop to open up some doors and windows in your house before going back upstairs. You stand staring at the screen not really sure what you're doing but just waiting.

"What's it you're downloading?" Ghosts voice sounds from beside you.

You ignore the subtle startle and turn to face him as his eyes lock on your computer screen. "Just a school app" you shrug.

He just nods, his eyes flicking to yours as you continue to watch him for no reason in particular. He had switched out his jacket and vest for a short sleeve shirt to deal with the days heat.

Your eyes lingered for a moment longer on his tattoos. Intrigued by the sleeve of inky images permanently drawn onto his skin.

"How's your injury?" He asks drawing your attention up to his face.

Ghosts Broken MaskWhere stories live. Discover now