However, Jiang Hua, who was only seven years old, didn't know that her status in her mother's mind had changed. She only knew that her brother kept dragging her around, and her heels were hurting from the small leather shoes she had only worn for a few days. She didn't want to He ran away with his brother again.

"Hua Kai, you have to be good. Brother, can you give me marshmallows tonight?"

Jiang Fu was too anxious. At this moment, he was not in the mood to spend too much time coaxing his sister. He gave her a perfunctory sentence and continued to pull her. She ran towards home.

Jiang Hua sniffed and heard her brother tell her to let her eat the marshmallows. She wiped her tears with her little hands and finally followed him obediently.

"Dad! Dad!"

The first thing Jiang Fu did when he entered the house was to look for his father.

The Jiang family's bedrooms are all on the second floor. However, because of Jiang Liu's leg injury, Lin Ye sent a camp bed and temporarily divided an area of ​​the living room on the first floor into a good brother's bedroom.

In order to relieve the boredom of the original body, Lin Ye also bought a small color TV and a DVD, which he placed opposite the camp bed so that the original body could watch TV and relieve his boredom when no one was around.

When Jiang Fu rushed into the living room, the TV was turned off. He only saw his father lying on the bed with his back to him. There were several pots of vegetables on the table, covered with a plastic dining table cover. The room was quiet and there was no trace of anything.

"Dad, Dad!"

Jiang Fu called his father repeatedly and rushed to the camp bed where Jiang Liu was lying.

"We're back. Let's eat. Your grandma Manchun helped us cook a few dishes. The rice is simmering on the stove. Go and bring a few bowls over."

Jiang Liu stood up and prepared to get the crutches on the bedside.

He needs to recuperate now and cannot walk with a cane for a long time. In fact, the best thing is that during this month, he should not use a cane. He should lie in bed and have others bring him meals and dishes. Even his excrement and urine should be handled in the bedpan using the potty. .

But obviously he couldn't lie down and rest in bed under the current situation, so Jiang Liu picked up the crutches beside him and prepared to walk to the dining table to eat.

"Dad, you can't leave, Uncle Lin said."

Like a young adult, Jiang Fu grabbed the pair of crutches before Jiang Liu.

The original pair of crutches were made by someone else. They were made of solid wood and were not light in weight. Jiang Fu was only seven years old, so it was a bit difficult to carry the pair of crutches.

"Dad, let me bring you some food. You have to be good and don't move."

When he was carrying his father on his back, Jiang Fu couldn't help wiping his tears. He didn't see his mother appear for so long after returning home. I already had a bad feeling in my heart.

Don't say that children of this age don't understand anything. In fact, Jiang Fu has seen the impatience in his mother's eyes countless times in the past few days when his father came home. Such a mother is unfamiliar. Before that, Jiang Fu I have always thought his mother was a very gentle and kind mother.

He didn't know why his mother had such a big change. He only knew that there were too many things that came with his father's injury, and the original harmonious atmosphere of the family seemed to disappear in an instant.

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