The beginninginagn

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"Do you remember when our dad died?" Joel asked Dora.

"Yeah, but like, didn't you kinda technically kill him?" Dora responded, confused as to why he seemed to find it funny.

"Well, it was his fault he fell, okay," Joel didn't like admitting that it kind of was his fault.

When Obama and Joel had gone on an adventure to a universe completely inhabited by emos, Obama was attacked by the emos. Joel had swooped in and saved Obama, but on their way back to their universe Joel dropped him and he died.

Dora had heard that excuse a lot and she had started to get annoyed by it, "Yeah sure," Dora said sarcastically, "keep telling yourself that."

Dora was Joel's only sibling, she was adopted by Jamal and Obama a year or so after they had gotten married. Joel on the other hand was the only living biological child of Obama, since his other 60 billion siblings were eaten by Obama so he could appear younger.

"Anyways," Joel said, dragging it on so he could avoid the situation, "Wanna go for a walk or something?"

Dora shrugged her shoulders and responded with a simple, "Sure, I'll go ask Jamal."

Jamal was Joel's step-dad, but Dora's adoptive father, he had taken good care of the two after Obama's death. He struggled with coping for a while, soon he found avoiding the subject all together was the easiest. He was told over and over that it's not a healthy coping mechanism, but he ignored that too.

"JAMAL!!" Dora yelled out, "CAN ME AND JOEL GO ON A WALK?" She asked, still yelling.

"Huh, yeah sure why not, just be home by dinner, or don't, I don't really care." He responded. Okay so maybe he wasn't the best dad, but he was trying his best, maybe.

And with that Joel and Dora sprinted towards the door, BANG, Dora ran straight into the door.

"OW!" She yelled, "That hurt, anyways let's go."

"That looked like it hurt, head first into the door," Joel said as he opened the door for the both of them.

"Thank you," She replied under her breath.

"What was that?" Joel teased.

"I said thank you!" She whisper-yelled at him in annoyance.

Joel laughed, knowing he won.

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