Is it a date? (Chapter 7)

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"Well I don't want to catch an STD. Plus I am saving number 10 for Shawn," I answer. She looks at me confused. "What do you mean number 10?" "I mean the 10th person I have had sex with," I say. Her jaw drops and her eyes go wide. "You're kidding me right," she asks. I shake my head. "No I've only had sex with 9 people before," I tell her. "But...but you said you have had sex loads of times."

I grab a tray and start putting food on it. "Yeah I have. With the same people though. I did do other sexual stuff with other people but my willy has only went into 9 holes. Well maybe more. Does a mouth count? Or do girls count as two if you had anal with them," I say.

"Wow. Never naming my kid William. Now tell me. What about all those people who said you had sex with them."

"They were all lies. I may have done other stuff with them but not sex. I just never denied their claims of me having sex with them. I will admit though that I did have sex with those 9 people a lot of times. I mean like a lot," I say.

"Let's talk about something else now," she says as we walk towards some table. "Do you know where the guys are," I ask.

"Yeah. Nash is sitting with Cam today and then Carter and Jacob wanted to join for some reason and Jack didn't want to be alone so he joined in too. C'mon you can join us too," she says.

We walk to the their table and I see Matt being pissed and Carter begging for something, Cam on Nash's lap talking to Shawn. Hayes is whispering something to Aaron and Aaron is blushing, and Mahogany Jacob, and the Jacks are talking to each other.

Lia sits down next to Mahogany and I sit next to Shawn.

"Pleeeeease babe. Just one date," Carter begs. "No. And stop calling me babe," Matt says sternly and Carter goes on begging again.

"I liked your gift my prince, but for your information I prefer your kisses. They are way sweeter," I tell Shawn. He immediately stops talking to Cam and blushes. "What Gift," Cam asks while smirking at Shawn.

"It was nothing seriously," Shawn says. "That's a lie. Here look at this picture," Mahogany says and shows Cam her phone. Cam smirk grows.

I look at the picture and see it is the note Shawn gave me and the baseball sized chocolate kiss. How the hell did she get those?

"Shut up it was a thank you present," Shawn says while covering his face to hide his blush. "Right? and that's why your blushing," Cam says. "Yes exactly. Now let's talk about something else. Tay I heard that football starts next week and you got on the team. Are you excited?"

"Yeah. All the other sports have already started except football I can't wait," I tell him. He smiles at me. I look over at Carter still begging Matt and I get an idea. "Shawn that reminds me. Today lots of people from the sports team are all going to the Pizzeria. And.. I was kind of...wondering..if you...uhm...would like to go...with me that is," I ask nervously while I feel my cheeks heat up and I rub the back of my neck.

"Like on a date," He ask. I bite my lip and think about it. Yes I do want it to be a date, but Shawn won't want to go if it is. I want him to go or else Tiffany will be all over me.

"Tay how about I make this easier. If it's as a friend then no. If it's as a date then yes," Shawn tell me. My eyes go wide and I gape at him. Where the Hell did that come from?

"Yes a date," I say quickly. Shawn gives a beautiful smile. "Good," is all he says. "Shawn I'm not complaining and I truly mean I'm not complaining, but why did you accept," I ask. I have been going after him for like 6 years and he finally decides to go on a date with me.

"Because this is the first time you asked me," he says in a duh voice. "That's not true. I've asked you tons of times."

"No, you never have. All you've ever done is flirt with me and asked if I wanted to have sex with you like "do you want me to rock your world all night long" and stuff like that. You never actually asked for a date. You have tried to command a date to which I declined, but never asked. It was kind of cute how nervous you got," Shawn answers.

"Psh whatever," I say. Now that I thought about it. I never really did ever asked him out. Note to self ask Shawn on dates more often.

"So who else is going," Shawn asks. "Well I'm going because Hammy is on the Basketball and Lacrosse team and he invited me since we're friends," Cam tell him. "Mhm...Yeah 'friends'" Shawn says back.

"So is Jack since he's on the wrestling team, Hayes since he's on the soccer team, and Carter since he's on the baseball team," I tell him. "Oh that's reminds, you are coming with me cutie," Hayes tells Aaron, "O-okay," Aaron says while blushing.

"Jack who are you going with," Lia asks. "I'm going alone," Jack says. "Then why don't you JJ," she asked. Lia is plotting on getting her brother and Jack together.

"Who said I wanted to go," JJ asks. "You love pizza, your friends are going to be there, and Jack needs a date. It's perfect. You can go as friends," she says. JJ sighs, "fine. Only if Jack says it's okay," he says. "Yeah it's fine," Jack says. "Good," Lia tells them.

I turn and look at Matt. "Matt you should come too." He shakes his head. "Sorry can't. I'm not part of a sports team so I can't go," he says. "So of you could go you would," I ask. He nods. "That's great then. Carter doesn't have a date yet so you can go with him," I say. "That's a great idea," Carter shouts.

Matt's eyes go big. "I didn't mea--," he gets cut off by the bell. "Great see you guys there," I say and we all book it before Matt can say something.

Shawn p.o.v.

I am now in my last period class waiting for the bell to ring. I'm really stressing out over the date thing. I don't even know why I did that or why I agreed to the date.

It was really cute how nervous he was to ask me out though. How could I say no?

Ring Ring Ring

Well that's the bell and now I have to get ready for this group date thing. I did not picture my Friday night going on a date with Taylor Caniff.

I walk over to my locker where I see Cameron leaning on his locker while holding his book to his chest talking to Nash. As I get closer I can see Cam blushing.

" of wondering....if you wanted..." Cam trails off. "Wanted what Babe," Nash asks. Cam looks down at his shoes getting nervous. "Oh. Nothing. It's alright," Cam says. Dear God these two. I don't get what's their's and the Jacks' problem. They both like each other but both don't want to make a move.

I look over and see Liam Payne checking out Cam. I get an idea. I quickly walk over to them. "Hey Nash, Hey Cam," I say. "Hey Shawn," the say together. I look over at Cam and say, "I just caught Liam over there checking you out."

Cam and I looks over and see Liam looking at him and Liam smirks. "Wow. Really. He's super hot," Cam says when we look away. "I know right. I just heard he broke up with Justin last week," I tell him.

I look over at Nash and see him looking really pissed. He's jealous. Great step one complete. "Hey Cameron," I hear Liam say from behind me. Yes step two has just commenced.

"Hey Liam," Cam says while blushing a little. I move over and let them talk while I go over to Nash. "Isn't this great," I whisper to Nash. "What do you mean great," he whispers back as he watches Cam flirt with Liam.

"That Cam might possibly get his first boyfriend," I say.

"Why does he need a boyfriend anyways," he says back. I smirk. "Well da. To have sex," I say and almost laugh at the face Nash makes.

"So I'm having a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come," Liam asks Cam. Cam smiles and is about to answer when Nash cuts him off. "He can't sorry. He is hanging with a boyfriend tonight," Nash says as he grabs Cam by the waist.

"BOYFRIEND," we all scream. I look over and see Mahogany and Lia behind a dumpster with a camcorder recording the whole thing.

"Yes, babe. Remember? We are going to the Pizzeria later," Nash says. Cam is too stunned to answer. "Oh, well if you guys have time you guys should totally come over," Liam say with a smirk. Why the Hell is he smirking? He walks away and goes over to his friends Louis and Harry. 

"You do know that Liam didn't really want to get with Cam right," I hear Matt say from behind me. I turn around and frown. "Then why did he do that, " I ask. "Because he has a bet with Zayne. Liam bet that Nash likes Cam and Zayne bet he didn't," he explains.

Oh so I'm not the only who was playing matchmaker.

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