CHAPTER 5: She's my Sister

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Bao's pov

It was Saturday, I was bored so I decided to invite Liang to my house. While he was walking to my house I decided to clean the mess hole up.

And after all that cleaning, I hear the doorbell ring and I run to the front door, already expecting to see Liang.

"Hello Bao. It's been a long time since I came to your house. May I come in?" He asked politely. I nodded and stepped back from the door so that he could walk in.

Suddenly, a little girl comes out of a room, holding on to a doll. She was wearing pyjamas, and it looks like she woke up from her sleep. "Mmm... Brother...? Who is this tall guy...?"

Liang looked down on her, feeling curious and confused. "She looks so much like you. She's your sister isn't she?" His lips curled into a smile. I hope he's good with kids. Cause my sister is a total brat.

"What's your name gēge?" (Gēge, mostly used by young children to express affection to slightly older males.) The little girl looked up to Liang. Rubbing her eyes.

"I'm Liang. Your brother's bestfriend." He kneeled down to reach the height of my little sister. "And what's your name little one?" His voice was soft and gentle. Conceivably he could be good with children.

"I'm Gu Miao... But call me princess Miao because I'm a pretty princess!" She grinned in a proud way. "Would you like to play dolls with me gēge?" Miao looked at him with pleading eyes. 'Honestly anyone would fall for my sister's puppy eyes. Even me, gosh.'

"Ah... Okay, are we both gonna be princesses?" He asked in a nervous tone. He definitely doesn't wanna role-play in a girl voice or something.

Miao giggled. "Why would you even ask? Of course! You're princess ummm- what's your name again? Oh princess Liang! Heheh..." She snickered.

'I just stared at the both of them, kinda feeling concerned for Liang. He's gonna be dead by the time they finish playing. But atleast he will know what I feel whenever I play with my sister.'

I followed them into Miao's pink and bright colored room. It was full of dolls, plushies and other stuff, it hurt my eyes whenever I go inside her room. Liang looked pretty flabbergasted, he's not the type of guy to like bright colors, but since he wants to be kind to my little sister, he has no choice but to play with her in this hell.

"Gēge! Here's your doll! And make sure to act in a girl voice." She handed the black haired doll to him. And then they started playing. I decided to cook some food so they can eat after entertaining oneself.

After Miao and Liang finished playing, they headed to the kitchen area

"Hehe, gēge's girl voice is so funny! He sounds like a real girl." She teasingly said. Those exact words made Liang flush in embarrassment.

"Ah- I do not sound like a girl...!" He exclaimed, if it was anyone else who said it, he would be raging right now. I'm glad he gets along with my sister.

"Well, too bad I didn't get to hear that girl voice of yours Liang." I chuckled. Placing the meal I cooked on the table. "Okay let's eat you two." I kind of sounded like a housewife. Which is pretty funny and weird at the same time. They both started to eat, and I noticed Miao wasn't eating her vegetables. "Miao, didn't mom tell you to always eat your veggies? It's good for your health." She looks like she was about to throw up.

Liang put his hand on her back. "You should try them, they taste good. Maybe try eating one and at the same time eat some of the other food. You won't even taste the vegetables." Miao looked at him, feeling curious. Maybe she has some trust in him.

"Okay..." She mumbled before poking a broccoli, and taking a deep breath. And there it is, she finally ate it. "Mmm... It doesn't taste too bad..." Miao simpered while chewing the green veggie.

I glance at Liang with a grateful look. Giving him the signal 'thank you.' Before smiling widely. 'I'd honestly prefer if he lived in my house, just kidding. Or am I not?'

After eating, me and Liang tucked Miao in bed. It's usually our mom who would tuck her in so I didn't want her to feel lonely without mom.

"You're a lifesaver, when my mom gets back from her business trip I'm gonna tell her all about it, and I'll tell you she'll be suuupeeer happy." I sounded genuine. I'm also proud of Miao for trusting him and trying some veggies. I hope she grows up to not be a picky eater like how she usually is these days.

"Well- it's no problem. Heh I don't even know how I convinced her. Anyways, I have a niece so I have some little experience about baby-sitting." That information didn't really surprise me, I knew that he would have a niece, nephew or little sibling.

"Good for you, actually me and my mother spoil my little sister alot so- that explains why she has alot of dolls and plushies." I understand the bratty spoiled part about her is my fault- but how can I resist? She's too cute. She's my little sister, we share the same blood. I care for and love her alot.

"Makes sense." Liang looks like he was deep in thought. He was staring at the ceiling and started smirking.

"Uh dude, are you alright or are you high?" I asked sarcastically, although I was a bit bothered because he was grinning like a crazy guy.

"Oh sorry I was just- I was just thinking about something... Yeah... Haha..." He seemed a bit nervous and I noticed he was a bit red.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem a bit red." Maybe he was thinking about a girl? But why now? Hm.

Bao continued to wonder, why was his bestfriend thinking so deeply and smiling?

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