CHAPTER 3: We Got Into Detention

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Liang's pov

'It was morning, I did my daily routine. Eat, shower, dress up for school. And then I'm done, that's it. Although I'm pretty happy because I had fun skipping class with Bao yesterday.'

'Probably if it was anyone else I would've been bored. But what am I even trying to imply? It's like I'm saying that "it's not boring if it's with you." Right?'

'Oh well time to go to school like I always do.'

At school

I arrived at exactly 7:30am, and there I see, the rising sun that always brightens my day. Gu Bao. I mean- I did not mean that in a romantic way, well I don't know.

He ran up to me and pounced on me. "Xai Liaaang~ good morning!" He giggled playfully.

"Ah get off of me, you're too heavy." 'I didn't actually mean it, he was as light as a feather and I'm not even joking. But maybe it's because I'm strong?'

"I don't even eat that much how can I be so heavy" he pouted. 'There's another side of me that he doesn't know. He thinks that I don't like him or something because of my cold personality.'

Suddenly a girl came up to us. She had short, brown hair, and dark brown eyes, she had an average height.

"Hi Gu Bao! And hellooo- uh what's your name?" She looked at me curiously.

"I'm Xai Liang." I glared at her, simultaneously, I forced a small smile. She smiled back then looked at Gu Bao.

"Oh well I'm Bai He!" She shook hands with me then glanced at Bao. "It's too bad we're in different classes Gu Bao! Now I can't steal your food..." She mumbled and laughed softly. She turned to me and sighed while smiling. "Don't be mistaken- I wasn't bullying him I was just hungry." She laughed again. "Oh well I have to go now, bye Bao and Liang!" Sequentially, Bai He skipped off while waving goodbye at us.

"Don't worry Xai Liang, she's just friend of mine. Not a bully-" Bao assured me. 'Cause I won't let anyone pass after they bully him. I may sound like a bodyguard but I'm just being an overprotective bestfriend you know?'

Suddenly we hear a familiar voice in the school announcement speakers. It was the principal. "Mr. Gu Bao and Xai Liang, please come into my office this instant." And everyone in the hall stared at us while we were making our way through the principal's office.

In the principal's office

"You two may sit down." She offered the seats right infront of her desk. Me and Bao sat down and waited for what she has to say. "A student reported to us that you two were caught skipping class. And we have a video of it." She showed the video and our eyes widened. 'We didn't even know anyone was there.' "Care to explain young boys?" She crossed her arms waiting for our reply. "Well I guess I have no choice but to put you two in detention. I'm sorry but it's for the best."

"Detention...? I have never been in detention...!" Bao shrieked. I patted his back to calm him down a bit.

"Well that's a separate problem, so please after all your classes, go to the detention room and your supervisor is Mrs. Huang." I groaned in annoyance and irritation. 'Why does it have to be Mrs. Huang? She's the strictest teacher. Damn I guess I have to suck it up.' I looked at Bao, who was on the verge of biting his nails because of his nervousness. "Now you two have permission to leave my office. Have a good day and good luck in detention." The principal smiled as we walked out of the office.

"Are you okay Bao? You're feeling nervous?" I held his hand and caressed it. I knew he'd be so nervous and scared because he has always played by the rules.

"Uhhh... Yes... It's really my first time being in detention... Um... But you'll be there so I guess I'll be okay..." He stammered nervously. 'Bao's the best student in our school, so it'd be a shocking surprise that he skipped class and got into detention.'

"Yeah, be brave champ. It's not my first time so don't worry, I got experience. And you're not sure if there's other kids in there. Maybe if we're lucky enough it'll only be us. Now come on, let's go to class."

After class and when they were finally in detention

"Not so bad, right? You probably expected detention to be dirty and disgusting. But I'll assure you that the supervisors make you clean the room and make it spotless before you leave detention." I stated and smiled. He nodded a bit and smiled softly.

"Yeah you're right... It's not bad afterall" I managed to calm him down, and I'm happy about it. Seeing him nervous and scared, it makes me so- ugh I don't know how to explain it. I sat down and patted the seat next to me, signaling Bao to sit beside me.

"Uhm, Liang, I'm sleepy. Can I lay my head on your shoulder?" That request made me blush a bit. I just nodded and sat a little closer to him so he can lay his head on my shoulder. And he did. He looked very comfortable atleast.

"You can rest on my shoulder as long as you want." I mumbled, he snuggled and held onto my arm. Is it weird that I feel like this? Why is my heart pounding so fast? Well I think I'm just exaggerating. It's normal for two bestfriends to do this... Right?

When Bao woke up from his nap

He was still clinging onto me. I didn't mind though because he looked comfortable. He opened his eyes slowly and it locked with mine. "Oh Liang I completely forgot I fell asleep on your shoulder... Thanks for letting me..." He said in a raspy voice, obvious that he just woke up. He stopped holding onto my arm and cleared his throat. "Can we leave detention now or what-" I completely forgot that we could leave now. I was distracted for some reason.

"Oh yeah we can. Let's go then." I grabbed my bag and walked to the door, waiting for Bao to follow.

Outside the school

"Well, that was an okay experience I guess. I just slept through it anyway hehe." Bao giggled. He was really... Cute.
We continued walking home together, our houses weren't that far from each other, but of course I go to school earlier than he does.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "When we grow old, let's keep hanging out like best buds." I stated and smiled.

"Yeah! Best buds forever." He pinky promised me. I feel lucky to have this boy as my bestfriend. My Gu Bao.

A/N: Help I was smiling while making this, and also I made their appearance concepts

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