The Love Of Your Life Part 3

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Chapter 3
One year later, Taeyang is on tore an I just stayed home with my friend in her new born baby. Yes G-D and my friend had a baby together. So G-D was a dad to a new born baby girl name Faith. So I just stayed home to help her with the baby. " Anna!!" She yelled through the house. " I'm coming" I yelled back. "Huh" I said when I walked in the room. "Can u get me the milk from out of the microwave" she said, "okay" I said. "So it was about three weeks she had the baby" I told G-D on the phone. "Can u tell her I will be a there asap" he said. "Can u tell Taeyang to get the phone" I said. "Hi, babe how are you do" I said. " Hi, babe I'm doing good what about you, I known it is hard taking care of a new born baby with a friend but we will be home soon" he said. "I known I gust you have to go so Love You" I said, "Love You too babe" he said. The next morning I got up and went down to the kitchen to cook for me and my best friend. And than I saw her in the kitchen cooking I said "what are you doing up go back to your room and I will cook breakfast for you. "No" she said, and I look at her like go to bed now. And she said "Fine, I will go to bed but will be back to help you clean up." So later on that day, I was walking home from my job and than Taeyang called me " Hi, babe how are you doing today" "i'm doing okay" I said. "what's going on with you babe" he said with a worried voice. " I haven't been feeling good today, I had diarrhea all morning and my stomach has been killing me" I said. " okay babe, then go to the doctor" he said, "but you known I hate the doctors, i will just wait until you get home to go, when are you coming home" I said. "I'm coming home tomorrow morning" he said. Okay than as you say it to yourself. So than you went home to cook. "I'm home" as you yelled when you walk into the house. " Be quiet, the baby is trying to sleep" as your friend says when she is walking down the stairs. "Sorry I forgot, gust what is happening tomorrow morning, the boys are coming home" you say with a big smile, "yes finally" she said. " I known right, girl but he didn't tell me what time in the morning" I said. So the next morning, "Anna wake up they are home" my friend yelled though the house. So I ran down the stairs to see Taeyang standing there which is arms out so I just jumped into his arm. " I miss you tae" I said and he just hugged me tight and kissed me on my forehead. So I grab he's hand and pulled him the room. "Have you made the doctor appointment" he asked me and I said "yes at 2:15." "You better get ready to go than" he said. So at the doctors appointment, "so what are you here for Anna" my doctor said, and I said "i am having pain in my stomach." "here I need you pee in a cup first" the doctor said. So after the results came back and the doctor said " not if you are going to believe it but you are pregnant Anna" and me and Taeyang mouth drop down to the floor.

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