Chapter #72

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Carol: If I Was A Slasher In A Horror Movie My Villain Name Would Be "Taxes" 🔪

Carol: And My Movie Would Be Called "Tax Evasion"


Grandma Rosiepuff: Remember Kids, There's Nothing "Meme" About Underage Drinking. And It's Not "Totally Tubular" To Skip Your Daily Chores.

Grandma Rosiepuff: Now Go "Fidget Spin" Yourselves Back Into School! 😒


Thrash: *Try's To Steal A Bag Of Hard Candy* 🍬

Security: Hey! Even if you're The King You have to Pay for that!


Security: Oh My Gosh! Are You Ok?! 😧

Thrash: CALL AN AMBULANCE!.........*Pulls Out Squirt Gun*........But Not For Me! 🔫😈


Gristle: *Exits The Bergen Palace With A Skateboard, A Rainbow Clown Wig, And Holding A Juice Box* 🧃

Gristle: GUYS! I Just Brainstormed An Amazing Idea In The Shower! :D

His Royal Subjects: Oh Great. Here We Go Again. 😑


Tiny Diamond: Dose Anyone have any Crayons? I Need To Color In My Ph.D 📄

Guy Diamond: *Gives Crayons* Here You Go Son! 😁

Branch: What The?-


(This One Is Based On A Headcanon By @OpefuLee About Trolls Shedding Some Of Their Hair To Build Nests For Their Eggs 🪺)

Poppy: *Looking At Rosie's Egg in The Hair Nest* 🥚

Poppy: Uhhh, Branch, That's An Awful LOT Of Blue Hair For The Nest! You haven't been Stressing About the baby Again have you? 😐

Branch: *Talking To Her From The Kitchen* N-No! I'm Absolutely Fine! I Just wanted to make sure the Egg was Extra warm!

(Viva And Clay Enter The Royal Pod)

Viva: Hey Guys! 👋😄 Sorry for barging in. We just wanted to visit and see how Our Future Niece Or Nephew is doing. :)

Poppy: The Egg is completely Healthy. It's Branch I'm Worried About...

Clay: What's wrong? Is he still stressed out? :(

Poppy: Yeah, And I think he's been shedding his Hair just A Little more than he's supposed too. 🤏😅

Viva: Oh Im Sure It's not that bad!- 😅

Branch: *Enters The Room with A Completely Bald Head* What's Going On? 👨‍🦲



Poppy: O.o

Branch: Relax. It Will Grow Back. 😑


Guy Diamond: Make No Mistake. I'm Party Rocking... But I'm also in the house Tonight.

DJ Suki: But Are You Shuffling?

Guy Diamond: All the Time!

Lownote Jones: *Chuckles* Lownote Jones has NO Idea What's Going On. 😎

💖Incorrect Trolls Quotes While You Wait For TBT💖Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ