Chapter #23

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(The Bergens Trying to find happiness right after the Trolls escaped Probably...)

Miss Maxine: Welcome To Bible Study Were All Children Of Jesus! 😠

One Bergen: *Screaming at a brick wall For No Reason* 😫

Another Bergen: *Snorting lines of "Flour"* 🤪

Yet Another Bergen: *Literally Digging His Own Grave* 🪦


King Gristle Senior Watching From Castle Window: 😐...


On Vacay Island... 🏝️

(Spruce Wrote The Word "Spruce Jr" In the sand for one of his sons Birthday.)


Spruce Jr The Puppet/Troll: ............*Looks At The Sand*................ You Named The Beach After Me Dad? 🤨

Spruce And His Wife: 😐😐


Rhythm: Hi, I'm A Lesbian.

Cooper: I Thought You Were A Funk Troll? 🤨


Sid Frit: Who's The Hottest Uber Driver You've ever Met?

Riff: Oh, I've never been to Ooovoo Javer. 😅

[Has Never Been To Ooovoo Javer]


Velvet: *Shoots A Gun At The Ceiling To Scare Veneer* 🔫😈

💥BANG💥🔫 *Ceiling Cracks*

Veneer: *Jumps Up Startled* THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN'T FREAKING LOVE YOU!!! 😡👉

Velvet: 😈


Kieth: *Giving Away Free Balloons*

Kieth: I Have No Soul! Have A Nice Day! 😁🎈*Gives Balloon to Sky Toronto*

Sky Toronto: *Takes Balloon* I Haven't Got One Either. 🎈😑


JD: Branch! Branch! I just figured out the secret of Flying!

Branch: What? 😐

JD: Oil Floats on Water Right?

Branch: Yeahhhhhhhh... 🤨

JD: So... I just have to Wait for it to rain, cover myself in Oil, and then I can float!

Branch: That is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard. 😑

JD: I'll show you! >:(

(The Next Day It's Raining 🌧️)

Branch: *Chilling In His Bunker*

JD: Hey Branch! Come Outside!

Branch: Uggggh, Fine. 😒 *Gets An Umbrella and Walks outside*

Branch: Ok John, What did you want to sho- *Looks Up* WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! 😱

JD: *Covered In Oil and is floating in the air somehow* I Told You So! 😌

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