„ Why do you care about where I was?", Alhaitham growled.
„ Because you're my roommate and my friend and I care a lot about you.", Kaveh growled.

Alhaitham started to laugh.
„ You clearly don't care about me. You just want to be with Layla.", Alhaitham said, „ I saw you two today on a date. So why do you care about me?"

Kaveh sighed.
„ Layla isn't my girlfriend.", Kaveh explained, „ I mean yes, I did date her once, but that was years ago. We're just friends now."

Alhaitham lost it.
„ Just friends?", Alhaitham laughed as he stormed his foot onto the floor, „ Kaveh, I saw you hug her in the city with a boquet, box of chocolates, and some childish ass earrings from Claire's in your hand. You obviously confessed to her and she said yes."

„ That's not what happened at all. I didn't confess to her.", Kaveh explained.
„ Wow, you're a terrible liar.", Alhaitham yelled, „ Did you forget that we are in a fake relationship? If you so badly wanted to really date someone then just tell me instead of hiding it from me."

„ But Alhaitham, I-!", Kaveh began.
„ Forget it. I'm going to have a shower and you BETTER leave me alone.", Alhaitham yelled.

Alhaitham was about to storm off to the bathroom.
But before he could move any further, Kaveh held his wrist.

Alhaitham turned red as he stared at Kaveh.
„ Alhaitham, those gifts weren't for Layla.", Kaveh admitted.

Alhaitham rolled his eyes.
„ Then who were they for? Santa Claus?", Alhaitham growled, „ Just tell me the truth. Is she your girlfriend?"

„ If those gifts were for Layla, she would have them right now.", Kaveh said.

Alhaitham was confused.
„ What the fuck do you mean?", Alhaitham growled.

„ Look on the kitchen table, you idiot.", Kaveh yelled.

Alhaitham looked at the kitchen table and saw all of the gifts he had seen Kaveh "give" Layla.

Alhaitham was confused.
„ But...I saw you give the gifts to Layla.", Alhaitham gasped.
„ Yes, you saw me and Layla with those gifts.", Kaveh said, „ But not because they were for her. She was helping me out ask someone I like."

Alhaitham was confused.

„ Huh? Who is that person?", Alhaitham asked with a confused look on his face.

Kaveh rolled his eyes.
„ God, you're the dumbest person I know, Alhaitham.", Kaveh yelled.
„ I'm being serious. Who the heck do you like?", Alhaitham asked, „ Because if you really want to date someone, tell me that we can stop this fake relationship."

„ Are you THAT stupid?", Kaveh yelled, „ I like YOU, Alhaitham!"

Alhaitham froze. His cheeks turned bright red.
„ Huh?", he gasped, „ Like...as a friend?"

Kaveh shoved Alhaitham.
„ No. Romantically, you stupid idiot.", Kaveh yelled as he turned red.

Alhaitham was shocked.
„ Oh.", he gasped.

Kaveh held Alhaitham's hands as he took a deep breath.

„ Alhaitham, I've liked you shortly before we got into that fake relationship. I accepted that we probably never get together since you were so painfully straight, but then, the day at the party where you kissed my cheek, I suddenly had hope that you liked me back.", Kaveh said as he turned red, „ And I'm sorry you have to find out this way...but I overheard your private conversation with Cyno about you liking me. I was literally so happy when I found out you liked me back. And today, I wanted to ask you out. But I didn't know how, so Layla helped me. And Layla and I would never be together anymore, since she's anyway aromantic."

Alhaitham was shocked.
„ Oh my gosh...I feel like such an idiot.", Alhaitham laughed.

„ Glad you realize.", Kaveh laughed, „ And those gifts are for you. Well, you obviously hate the earrings since you called them "childish ass earrings from Claire's",

Alhaitham walked over to the kicthen table and looked at the gifts. His cheeks turned bright red.
„ These are flowers for you. Layla told me that red is the color of romance, that's why I chose red roses.", Kaveh said as he handed the boquet of roses to Alhaitham.
„ These are heart shaped chocolates for you.", Kaveh said as he handed over the chocolates.

He then picked up the earrings.
„ And here are the "childish ass earrings from Claire's.", Kaveh said as he handed over the earrings.

Alhaitham was bright red and smiling.
„ Kaveh, you're such an idiot.", he laughed, „ My ears aren't even pierced."

Kaveh felt embarrassed.
„ Damn It. I knew I should have bought you a necklace.", Kaveh laughed.

That moment, Alhaitham held Kaveh's hands tighter. Kaveh turned red.
„ But I will get my ears pierced...just to wear these.", Alhaitham said smiling, „ Since the earrings are cute."

Alhaitham smiled as he hugged Kaveh tightly.
„ Oh Kaveh, I'm just so happy you like me back.", he said smiling, „ It's thanks to Cyno who helped me realize that I'm not straight. I've liked you for a while now...but I never knew my feelings were romantic. I still don't know what my sexuality is, but I know I'm not straight."

Kaveh giggled.
„ So, I guess I can say I did turn you fruity?", he said smirking. Alhaitham laughed.

They both looked into each other's eyes.
„ Kaveh...I don't know if it's too soon to ask this since I'm not very good with romance but....", Alhaitham nervously stuttered,
„ Can I please kiss you?"

Kaveh smiled.
„ You don't have to ask.", he said, „ Kiss me whenever you want."

Alhaitham leaned in closer to Kaveh. Kaveh's hands were wrapped around Alhaitham's neck, and Alhaitham's hands were wrapped around Kaveh's waist.

Their lips touched for the first time.

This was Alhaitham's first kiss. When he dated Dehya, they were very young, and all they did was hold hands. Kaveh has had his first kiss, but this kiss felt more magical than any kiss.

After the kiss, they both smiled and hugged tightly.
„ So, does this mean we're no longer in a fake relationship?", Kaveh asked.
„ Obviously, you idiot.", Alhaitham laughed.

Kaveh laughed too.

Enemy [Kaveh x Al Haitham]Where stories live. Discover now