(2) Who's That?

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Location : The Arctic.

Third Person POV

It was cold as usual, snow and ice everywhere, and a chilling breeze to add to it. It was the Arctic after all, only the coldest place aside from the Eastern Antarctic Plateau.

The Autobots currently trudged through the thick snow, after they had exited from the groundbridge they had drove half way there to save up energy as to not freeze too quickly if the wind got worse. "So when do we get there, Optimus?" Bulkhead looked to Optimus. The wrecker was the slowest out of all of them but tried his best to keep up. "Soon, Bulkhead." Optimus simply replied, his gaze kept forward, being on the lookout for any certain areas.

 "You sure we're not gonna...freeze like the last time?"  Arcee grunted as she shook off the ice that was forming on her pedes. "Positive. We must get there to help our comrade." The prime said with a hint of confidence in his voice. Bumblebee made a small beep in agreement before slowing his pace to help Bulkhead catch up with the rest. "Thanks 'Bee." The wrecker thanked, the Autobot scout gave a whirl as a 'You're welcome' ; he would've smiled if he could.

They continued on through the cold winds and snow. Finally they could spot part of a silhouette to what seemed to be an ice mountain structure through the winds. "Finally, almost there." Arcee sighed in relief. As they came closer the mountain was more visible and they could spot an entrance, the life signal leading straight inside it.

Upon entering the mouth of the mountain they had time to rest from the walking, the Autobots took a small break to warm up a bit and stretch their stiff and cold limbs ; it was the prime that kept moving forward through the structure, but not too far so the rest could easily catch up. The signal came closer and closer, as they followed they then came to a halt.

"Holy Primus..." Arcee whispered, beyond the Autobots' optics was a big and tall ice block, taller than Optimus himself ; They quickly noticed the silhouette of a cybertronian. "....Is that...?" Bulkhead looked to Optimus. "Indeed.... It is that We have found our comrade." The prime said as he looked to the wrecker, then to the rest of his team as they looked back at him.

"Bulkhead, and Arcee, you shall start on each side of the ice and start removing it. Bumblebee, you will go back to base and get any tools that might help." Optimus ordered as he addressed each of them ; the motorcycle transformed out her blaster, going to one side of the block and blasting it to help melt the ice as the wrecker transformed out his wrecking ball, gently but firmly chipping chunks of the ice off. The scout nodded and COMMed Ratchet for a groundbridge as the prime helped the other two, transforming out his blaster aswell and blasting parts of the ice off.


Location : The Nemesis, Medbay.

 Knockout had taken Starscream to the medbay to fix up the dents and scratches that their 'Oh so great leader'----as Starscream liked to say----had given him.

"You really have a bad habit of purposefully messing up your finish, 'Screamer." Knockout commented as he finished up scanning the SIC, earning a small growl from him. Starscream absolutely hated those annoying little nicknames, it was even worse when one of the humans----named Miko as Starscream remembered----called him a 'Giant Metal Harpy' Whatever that is....The seeker didn't care much to look it up, though it still annoyed him ; someday he'll get the chance to squash those disgusting little flesh bags.

The SIC was brought back to the cold and dark reality when the cherry red medic spoke to him once again. "Y'know...You could atleast make more friends on this ship. It's not everyday you actually trust someone." Knockout half suggested as he buffed out the scratches and scrapes. "And who else am I going to friend? Megatron himself?" The seeker laughed mockingly. His optics widened, taken aback when he saw the cherry medic raise a brow ridge. "You could always try~" Knockout said with a small smile.

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