Opening Night

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Bucky Loro loved many things, but his two favorite things were parrots and acting, so when he learned he would be playing Mr. Smee in the school play, he was over the moon.

"I can't believe I got Mr. Smee!" he cried for the hundredth time, showing his best friend Jason the script he was given. Jason laughed and ruffled Bucky's short silver hair as an act of affection.

"I know," Jason smiled and showed Bucky his script, "I got Captain Hook and Mr. Darling. The Chief'll be proud I'm a pirate, in some scenes!" The boys hugged each other and walked from their seats in the lunch area of the school to where their friends Ulsa and Mary were sitting. The girls were laughing about something but stopped when the boys showed up.

"Hey guys," Mary greeted them, waving to them, "Wanna sit?" She patted the seat next to her. The guys nodded and sat down.

The four of them were in reality sitting on a rock, but it was a large one, not very rough, yet very sturdy, perfect for four friends to sit and enjoy the lunch period. It was in the middle of the school campus, but in a small hidden spot, surrounded by trees and a thin moss-like curtain that made them partly hidden from the others, even though everyone knew said spot existed. Often it was a place for a working lunch, but even since freshman year, the four of them had marked this place as their territory during lunch.

"Who'd y'all get?" Bucky asked the girls, eating a tuna-fish sandwich. He was excited to learn. Maybe they would be pirates too!

"I'm Tinkerbell, obviously," Ulsa rolled her eyes and made a motion with her hands to accent her height. Being only 4' 5", she was very sure she was going to be the fairy and was correct. Jason laughed and choked on the tamale he was eating. Bucky whacked him a couple of times on the back, which made Mary laugh, which made Ulsa laugh, which made Bucky laugh, which made Jason laugh again, then choke, and then Bucky would whack him again.

It was a twisted turn of events, but one had to admit, it was funny.

"I'm one of the mermaids," Mary said once everyone had stopped laughing.

"And you're going to be the best one," Ulsa beamed, squeezing Mary's hand and making her blush. Jason smiled at the two. They were a very cute couple, and the four of them made a great team of secret queers. The best thing about the hidden spot, the couples could hold hands without having to worry about someone seeing them and outing them.

Soon the bell rang, and the four teenagers retreated to their classes, which went by extremely quickly. Excitement carried the day quickly, and soon the day was done and the after-school activities would begin.

The four met up in front of the auditorium, bursting with excitement. Two days ago was the first read of the lines, yesterday the whole school auditioned, and today was the first day of actual work. They were going to watch the movie and start learning lines by highlighting their lines in the scripts.

Every day, however, the work got a little harder, from learning choreography to learning songs to making sets and costumes to learning the ropes of flying, literally.

"Wait a minute," Steve said suspiciously, "I'm supposed to attach myself to these tiny little strings and have them swing me, us," He motioned to Hunter, Ada, Ulsa, and the redhead Freddie who was playing Michael, "around as if we were flying?"

"Yup," Mr. Hogan said, unbothered.

"I don't know," Aaya said, pulling at the harness Hunter was wearing. Hunter bit his lip, nervous for his own life as well. "If the doofus dies, I'm suing!" She stuck her thumb in Hunter's direction making him give her an incredulous look.

"I'm not a doofus," He muttered under his breath.

"Y'all ready up there?" Mr. Hogan called to the six boys on the platform above who were in the middle of an argument over whether or not being behind the scenes would count as being in the play.

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