Eight Strange Children

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Eight strange children. At least, Steve Skillet knew one of them was strange. Himself.

When Steve was born, his dad was in the army, so growing up his family would move around, a lot. He saw how hurt and changed his dad was when he came back from the war, so Steve promised himself he'd very probably never grow up. He couldn't, especially after what growing up had done to his father, and what that had done to his mother.

Soon his mother was taken, and Steve was left with just him and his father in the smallest apartment on the third floor of the apartment building. His father was always away working, so he made friends with the other boys of the apartment building. Most of them had parents in the army or only had one parent, and all seemed lost in the world. There were really only six of them on the third floor, but they made a proper team.

They would pretend they were adventurers who would never grow up. They fought imaginary pirates and took care of one another, like a real family. A real family that would never grow up.

Until the first day of high school.

Steve and the boys all attended the same high school, NGU High, and so they continued their adventures, but in secret, and outside of school. At school, they would work as if they truly wanted to grow up, but once they were home, or had a free period together, they would write amazing stories of adventure, where good triumphs over evil.

The only other secret Steve had was about the beautiful girl he met on his first day. It was a strange day.

It was a normal day. Steve was minding his own business, as usual walking down the hall on his way to the Mess Hall at school, when he heard it. And by it, Steve meant the most beautiful voice he's ever heard, and he listens to a lot of Selena Gomez. To make matters better, she was singing a song he likes.

"Upon one summer's morning, I carefully did stray, down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay. Conversing with a young lass, who seemed to be in pain, saying "William, when you go, I fear you will never return again."

"Whoa," Steve breathed, walking closer to the gorgeous sound. Steve walked over and found a beautiful blonde-haired girl staring out the window it seemed. Steve couldn't see her face, but he still leaned in closer in the room and tried to listen carefully.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold."

Steve wanted to go inside and compliment her and her amazing voice, but he couldn't. His feet were stuck to the floor. Which, he's kind of glad they were because it looked as if she was going to continue singing. And she did.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold." The blonde-haired girl sang. She finished and sighed, staring out the window.

"That was beautiful," Steve breathed, alerting her of his presence. She gasped and turned her head away so Steve couldn't see her face.

"Um, thanks," She blurted, her voice shaky and afraid, "I must be going now." And with that she picked up her silver backpack and ran out of the room, still without showing him her face.

There was one thing Steve caught though. She wore a long shiny blue ribbon in her hair, unlike any he's seen before. Frankly, it just made her long wavy blonde hair look even more beautiful.

Steve watched her leave and ran after her. She was fast though, as Steve chased her through the hallway and a couple laps around the school. A couple times he almost caught up to her, but she was speedy. Like, really.

Finally, Steve lost her. Steve searched around, but Steve couldn't find her. Steve couldn't ask people where she was because Steve didn't know her name. All Steve knew about her was she had a blue ribbon and an amazing singing voice. Not a lot to help him find her. So instead, Steve went off to class and decided to try and draw a picture of her instead of doing his work.

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