Something Strange

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Hunter Benvenuto was never the nosy type, but he knew something strange was going on with the eight auditioners of Peter Pan Jr

Of course, Hunter could say something was going on with him too. He was a rather different boy, always have been. He was tiny growing up, but now as a fourteen-year-old he was 5'7". He always hated having his hair brushed, so whenever he liked he would run his slightly large hands through his hair and mess up the mop of auburn waves up top of his head. He was the son of a lawyer and an artist, but he wanted to be on the US Coast Guard, and even already had a Coast Guard uniform he got from a thrift store. Yeah, he was a little off.

In all honesty, Hunter was a pretty observant person. He was able to pick up on hidden cures in body language, which told him very interesting things. Things like how his father enjoys painting more in private (he's less stiff), and things like how his mother likes it when Hunter talks to her about his day after school (she turns her body toward him and listens carefully). It's like a superpower of sorts.

Of course, there are only about eight people Hunter truly wanted to use said 'superpower' on. The eight strange humans of Peter Pan Jr

"Welcome back everyone!" Mr Hogan welcomed everyone on the next day of auditions. The first day was singing, and today was probably acting or maybe even casting. Whatever was going on, Hunter was excited. "Today, you all will read from bits of the script, and tomorrow we will announce the cast." He explained.

"Quick question," Aaya, who was sitting next to Hunter, raised her hand. "Are we allowed to read for, say, boy's parts if you're a girl?" 

"No," Mr Hogan answered, "Because there's only eight of y'all, there will be enough for the eight main characters. For all the other characters, we'll have people from the school be extras of a sort. They won't get to sing any main songs, for example, but they may be in the chorus."

"Ah, okay, thanks," Aaya responded, nodding. Mr. Hogan looked around the room for any more questions, then started handing out sheets of paper.

"Here are the lines y'all are gonna read. Study them for a few minutes, then I will call on people to come up and read." Mr. Hogan said. Everyone nodded. 

Hunter looked at his paper. It was an excerpt from the scene right before Peter takes the Darling children to Neverland. The lines highlighted were for John Darling, Wendy's younger brother. He wasn't the character Hunter had hoped for, but it was still a good part. At least it wasn't Captain Hook.

"Alright," Mr. Hogan said after a few minutes, "Let's start with Wendy, John, Peter, and Tinker Bell in the Darlings' bedroom." 

Hunter walked up on stage, followed by Ada, Steve, and Ulsa. They both looked as nervous as he felt. Hunter looked at Aaya. "You got this!" She mouthed, giving him a shy thumbs-up. Hunter smiled.

"Whenever you're ready," Mr. Hogan said. Steve looked at Ada. Ada nodded, no Wendy nodded. Who was Ada? This was Wendy, said his heart.

"Peter!" Wendy cried, "Don't go!"

"I have to tell the others about Cinderella," Steve, no, no, Peter explained, looking up at her. Something in his heart told him all the names in the room were very wrong. Peter was being called Steve, gosh knows why, and John was being called Hunter. Why was he being called Hunter? It's John!

"But I know lots of stories! Stories I can tell the boys." Wendy said, hopefully.

"Come with me," Peter said. Tink walked up behind him and glared at Wendy. Peter pushed her aside.

"I, I can't fly," Wendy explained sadly.

"I'll teach you," Peter walked up to her excitedly, "I'll teach you to ride the winds back, and away we go!"

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