Chapter 3: ​🇨​​🇪​​🇱​​🇪​​🇸​​🇹​​🇦​​🇸​ ​🇦​​🇳​​🇩​ ​🇸​​🇵​​🇮​​🇷​​🇮​​🇹​​🇸​

Start from the beginning

Lesson 5: Facing Inner Demons

In a secluded chamber, their faces reflected vulnerability as they closed their eyes to confront their inner fears and doubts. Jacob's clenched fists slowly relaxed as he gained a measure of control, his expression shifting from tension to a gradual acceptance of his inner darkness.The group evolved into guardians of time, and their faces conveyed growing confidence and resolve. The Nexus Crystal pulsed with their growing strength, and they were prepared to navigate the labyrinth of time, no matter how complex or treacherous it might be.Their journey was far from over, but they were ready to uncover the truth about their existence.

The First Encounters: Zean (Pride) - 7 Deadly Sins (Timeline Disrupted)

As Jacob and his friends continued their training with Yehezqel, they never suspected that a new adversary lurked in the shadows, ready to test their newfound skills. One fateful evening, as they were deep in meditation, the chamber was suddenly filled with dark green smoke, thick and ominous. The atmosphere changed instantly, and the sense of foreboding sent shivers down their spines. From the swirling mists emerged a figure, theatrical and ostentatious, a personification of arrogance, pride, and irritation. Zean, one of the embodiments of the seven deadly sins, had arrived. With a wide, exaggerated grin and a flourish of his hand, Zean spoke in a tone that oozed irritation and boastfulness, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? The so-called guardians of time, huh? You should be honored to be graced by my presence. I am Zean, the embodiment of Pride, and you are in the presence of greatness." His sudden entrance left Jacob and his friends dumbfounded, their expressions a mix of irritation, annoyance, and disbelief. Enzo couldn't help but scoff, "Greatness, you say? More like insufferable arrogance." Zean, never one to back down from a challenge, continued to taunt them, "Oh, I do love a good challenge, and I must say, I'm delighted to see you all so... annoyed. Now, let's get to the fun part, shall we?" With a flourish of his hand, Zean conjured a wicked-looking weapon, the Sonar Scythe. The blade emitted a hellish, green aura, with the image of flames dancing upon its surface. His movements were swift, almost cheerful, as he lunged toward Oreveu, who had been caught off guard by his sudden appearance. In an instant, his Sonar Scythe sliced through the air, finding its mark on Oreveu's thigh. A cry of pain escaped her lips as her hand instinctively went to her wounded leg. Epouchioum, reacting swiftly, summoned her plant vines in an attempt to bind Zean, but he proved to be as flexible as his prideful demeanor. With razor-sharp claws that resembled wicked talons, he slashed through the vines and attacked. One quick motion, and he had left deep gashes on Epouchioum's arm. Enzo, his jaw clenched in anger, unleashed the power of the "Chains of Tempest," attempting to control the winds and strike back at Zean. But the embodiment of Pride was quick to evade the incoming tempest, his movements graceful and calculated. Jacob felt his heart pounding as he held the "Resistance," the Blade of Humility, which he'd discovered during his training. Zean, the personification of arrogance, was a perfect match for the sword's powers, and he couldn't have been more pleased with this newfound advantage. Zean's boastful laughter echoed through the chamber as he continued his assault. "Oh, you guardians are quite entertaining! I'll give you that. But let me show you what true power looks like!" With an exaggerated, overly enthusiastic twirl, he unleashed a barrage of attacks, moving with uncanny speed and precision. Jacob, Oreveu, Epouchioum, and Enzo fought valiantly, but it was clear that Zean was a formidable adversary. The fight was intense, with Zean's attacks resembling hellish incarnations, Oreveu's wounded thigh and Epouchioum's bleeding arm a testament to his relentless assault. Link, their guardian, watched the battle unfold, a steely determination in his eyes. He recognized the need for a decisive move, or Zean's arrogance and pride would continue to overpower them. With a solemn nod to the group, Link began a powerful incantation, channeling his connection to the Nexus Crystal. His ice-gold sword began to radiate a brilliant light, a stark contrast to the dark green of Zean's Sonar Scythe. As Zean prepared for another boastful attack, he suddenly found himself locked in place, unable to move, an expression of annoyance and disbelief on his face. Link, his voice echoing with authority, spoke, "Zean, embodiment of Pride, your arrogance will be your downfall." With a final burst of power, Link banished Zean to the underworld, ending the relentless assault and the embodiment of pride's irritating and overly enthusiastic boasting. The chamber was left in a momentary silence, the echoes of the battle fading away. The group gathered around Link, expressions of relief and gratitude in their eyes.

Zean's Defeat (Timeline Disrupted)

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