A big no-no at slashing a big yellow caterpillar

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Location [Your Home]

It was the first day at your new school., UA High. Right now, you were getting ready to leave the house with Hornet, but your parents were making sure that you both were well-prepared, perhaps a bit too much.

M/N: And remember, kids, don't forget to behave well there. We don't want you guys to get into trouble on the first day at your new school.

Hornet: We already know that, Mom. You have told us that almost every time. Can we go now?

F/N: Your Mother and I are just making sure that you guys are safe. After your older brother, Hollow, didn't come back from his mission, we are trying not to make any mistakes and lose you both too.

Hornet: Dad, we understand that, but you don't have to worry that much about us. Maybe for Y/N You signs HEY! To her but we can protect ourselves. Don't worry.

Your parents looked at each other, then sighed. After that, they let you, both go before you get late to school.

Hornet: Come on, Little Ghost, lets show the world what new heroes awaits them.

You sign: Yeah!

Location [UA High]

As you and Hornet arrive at UA High, you both had to go separate paths. Hornet was in Class 1-B and you were Class 1-A. After bidding your goodbyes, you searched for your Class. It didn't take you long to find the door to your Class. One thing for sure is, that the door is huge. With huge, I mean very huge.

As you approach the door, you could already hear the voices of your classmates. You took a deep breath to calm yourself down and then opened the door.

Upon entering the room, you saw two people at the front arguing with each other. The rest were either minding their own business or making new friends, but everything stopped when you walk in. The first person to greet you is the loud one, whose voice sounded familiar: Tenya Iida.

Iida: Hello there. My name is Tenya Iida and I'm from Somei Privat Academy.

He said this while doing robotic-like movements that you didn't quite understand. You intended to sign your name, but you were interrupted as the door opened again. It was the same green-haired dude you saw at the infirmary. What a coincidence that you were in the same class with him. It turns out that his name is Midoriya and the girl behind him Uraraka. As you look around the class, you see many different people. Some guy with multi arms, tail guy, someone that looks like Zuko from Avatar, an electro yellow and red hair dudes, a shiny guy?, a purple ball headed small (pervert) guy, a pink skinned girl, an invisible girl?, an earphone girl and a pretty girl. But the girl with frog like quirk got your attention. She was the same girl you rescued at the exam. You couldn't get her name, so you wanted to say hello to her.

But you sensed something wrong in the class. You looked around and spotted a big yellow caterpillar. You draw your nail out and went attacking it. The class was surprised by your action and were watching you attack the thing. After some restless slashing and dodging a man came out of the yellow caterpillar looking thing. Before you could slash him, he got you in his binding clothes and stopped you. The class was astonished for what happened.

Aizawa: It took you all 8 seconds to shut up and this guy was the only one who spotted me. Time is important. I am your homeroom teacher Mr. Shota Aizawa get dressed in your Gym clothes and meet me outside.

Everyone, including you, were surprised by this and wasted no time at getting dressed, but before you could go Mr. Aizawa told something for you.

Aizawa: It was good of you to notice me, but if you do that again, I won't hesitate to expel you. Do you understand? You simply nod at him Now, get going or you will be late.

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