Part 5: Sharing God's Word with Loved Ones and Friends

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I must admit, this part was the toughest for me. I knew the judgment that awaited me, and even before speaking to them, I had repeatedly turned away from this calling. Today, for the first time, I can confidently call it a calling. I had always resisted it since it didn't seem to make sense. But this feeling that I'm experiencing now, it just won't go away. To be honest it's not the first time.I tried to distract myself with worldly matters, thinking it would fade, but trust me, it only came back stronger.

As I delved into the pages of my Bible, my understanding grew. I gathered the courage to open up to my closest cousin and male friend about it, fearing their judgment. But to my surprise, they not only accepted it but also encouraged me. Emboldened, I shared my thoughts with my closest female friend Brenda , who, as it turned out, had been feeling the same calling. We had initially struggled to believe it was a calling or even comprehend its complexity. However, as we embarked on our journey to seek God, we discovered the depth of what we had been missing all along. We felt a profound connection, as if He was working on our minds simultaneously. Our shared experiences and emotions only strengthened our bond. Among the challenges we faced, one stood out: the need to talk about God.

We realized that many people claim to know God, but in reality, they don't truly understand Him. We were once in that position ourselves. Certain things simply can't continue when you have a genuine relationship with God. It saddens me to see that some haven't experienced the unexplainable peace that comes with knowing Him. The thought of the end drawing near while they remain ignorant, potentially straying down the wrong path, weighs heavily on my heart.

Let me assure you, reading these words is a test, and the Bible serves as our guide. We are given the tools we need during the test, so why should we fail? Heaven awaits as our ultimate reward, and it's within our reach.

Throughout my journey, I frequently encountered Bible verses urging me to share the words of God. Likewise, Christian content played a significant role in awakening me to the reality of my calling, as I mentioned in Chapter 1. It dawned on me how crucial it is to share the Word, as it might influence someone else's life too.

At first, I was terrified of judgment, which eventually came and continues to this day. Friends jokingly call me "sister" because I veil my head before worship and prayer (1 Corinthians 11:6). They question if I'm leaving medicine to become a pastor when I constantly talk about God. Some even compare me to twisted pastors, asking if I aspire to be like them. As I refer them to the Bible, some friends have distanced themselves. Most thing I am judging them and think I portray to be better. People often exploit my relationship with God for their own gain. Some advise me to pray privately, insisting I shouldn't talk about God but focus solely on my activities. They say salvation is personal. However, I can't ignore the constant urging from my Bible and my heart to spread God's words.

Some argue that only pastors and priests should share the Word, but I have yet to find any Bible verses supporting that claim. The truth is, we all have a role to play in spreading God's message, regardless of our spiritual strength. And so, I continue on, undeterred.

In moments when persecution used to affect me, I would shed tears and confide in Brenda who understood the struggles I faced. One day, she shared a powerful sentence with me: "Jesus was persecuted, endured unimaginable pain, and carried burdens beyond measure. So, what more can you endure?"

That moment brought me clarity; there was no reason for me to lament. I knew there would be more challenges ahead, and I had to accept them, for I understood it was God's will. To gain strength, I began watching testimonies of people. I discovered people who had endured far worse experiences when they received their calling. Compared to them, my own struggles seemed insignificant.

Now, I openly discuss God and Jesus, who sacrificed Himself for our sins, with my family and friends. On TikTok, you'll find me under the username @Kakay086, where my content has undergone a drastic transformation. I now share Bible verses and engage in discussions about God. I haven't deleted my previous worldly secluded content because I want others to see that I, too, had a journey of imperfection and growth. I am still striving towards perfection, and I want everyone to know that it's possible, regardless of age or circumstances. Even if you have only thirty minutes left to live, seek God without delay.

I urge you to take a moment and pray to God 🙏🏽. He is eagerly waiting for you to invite Him into your life🥹.

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