Part 22

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The huge area was decorated elegantly. The brown theme made it more aesthetic. Every detail was eye catching. The air was filled with talks and laughs.

This was one of the biggest functions held in Seoul, arranged by one of the biggest Brand Daesang. The employees, officers and guests were walking around, chitchatting, drinking various beverages, some getting snacks, some busy on phone. The beautiful evening was being enjoyed by the people from all around the brances and invited guests.

Ella was there all busy greeting guests and employees. Unlike any other usual boss, who'd only spend their time with the special guests. Ella was someone who gave equal importance and time to everyone. And that was the reason she didn't get free time at all handling everyone and everything.

On the other hand there was Eunseo. who was on the 2nd highest rank in the company, Who was referred as the second boss.... pigging in with her best friend at the food court.

"oh my Gawd this one's so damn good try this." Eunseo said taking a some of Gukbap as she took the chopstick near Tae's lips and he accepted it happily.

Tae nodded twice widening his eyes. "oh my, I'm gonna get this one." he said and ran to the buffet.

The time was going smoothly. Everyone was happy and enjoying the grand function. But who could say how much time the happiness would long.

A lady walked towards Eunseo and Tae. "mam, sir Ms. Ella is calling you."

"ok we're coming." Eunseo said as she ate the last bite and left with Tae following the lady.

"oh Mr. Ahn, this is my sister Yoon Eunseo." Ella said as soon as Eunsei and Tae approached them. Eunseo smiled and bowed formally. "and this is Kim Taehyung. My most trusted employee. He's just like my brother." Tae also bowed with a smile.

"nice to meet you miss Eunseo and mister Taehyung." Ahn said.

"Nice to meet you too sir." They both replied.

A ringtone was heard from Tae's pocket. "excuse me" he said and went to a little distance to attend the call.
"Hello?........ Huh?....... Why are you here and how do you know that I am here?" he frustratedly pulled the phone.

Eunseo looked at his frowning face and walked towards him excusing herself." is everything okay Tae?" she asked approaching him.

"I don't know. I got a call from TaeHyo. She said she's outside in the parking lot and wants to meet me." the frown never left his face. 

"no it wasn't. She even called 

"are you gonna go their?"

"I think so. What if it's important?"

"I'll go too."

"no stay here I'm coming back right away"


"stay here I'm coming back" he said and walked out of the big hall.

Eunseo was going to go behind just when she was called by Ella.

"Eunseo come here." she said as Eunseo went to her.

'Another guest, again the same introduction. Why do I have to be here? I should go behind Tae.'

"Ms. Eunseo? Are you okay?" the guest they were talking with asked seeing her restless face.

"yeah, yeah I'm ok. Uh please excuse me." she said and turned to go just when she was held back by Ella.

"everything's ok right?" Ella asked with a tensed face.

"yeah, I have to go to Taehyung I'll talk to you later." she said hurried towards the parking.

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