Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"I'll light a scented candle near the river." I said with a nod, "And say my final goodbye to Marcus."

"You're still on that?"

"Maybe I'll do it next week, but yeah. It's still a death, no worries. I'm over him."

"You can't be serious?"

"Oh, but I am." I replied, "A death is a death."

"But S-"

"No buts. I still have to say good bye."



I rolled my eyes at their facial expressions and walked towards the car.

"I want to drive."

"But you don't have your license."

"And you don't know how to drive."

"There's a lot you learn when you're ten and running away from home."


We reached school safe and sound. Bryce and Cole held on to their seats as if they would fly out of the car if they let go, but it was smooth. No suspicion whatsoever from others.

"Thanks for not killing us." said Cole, his hands still stuck to his seat.

"It wasn't that bad." I said with a frown, "You two should be happy I didn't run over anything."

"You ran a street light." muttered Bryce.

"You do that all the time." I replied.

"But, you don't even have your licsence."

"Does it really matter." I cried, "You two are pissing me off."

" ran a street light."


"I digress."

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. I had a strange feeling of being watched. Shit, I've read books. When you feel like you're being watched, you're being watched.

I looked towards the steps of the school and the butterflies in my stomach woke up.

His hair grew, but just a little. I never even realized it. Instead of being at the bottom of his ear, it was halfway down his neck. Today it was wavy, nothing sticking out. His icy blue eyes stared at me and his soft lips pulled up into a smirk. I smiled and noticed that he recently shaved.

His facial scruff looked even sexier. He turned his eyes away from me and walked towards the school, giving me the message. I can almost hear his voice in a hushed whisper.


I looked over to Bryce and Cole who were surrounded by people. Their eyes met mine and they simultaneously nodded. I nodded back and walked towards the school. I felt like I was pulled towards his classroom. 

I headed straight to Miguel's classroom. Opening the door, I spotted him taking off his trench coat. I closed the door behind me and looked at him again.

My body faced him, but it was almost as if I wasn't ready. My heart fluttered and my stomach had those butterflies in them again. I was kind of afraid right now. I didn't exactly know what to do when I'd step into his classroom. He just stared at me and placed his coat on his desk.

We stared at each other and I came out of my trance. With a small smile, I walked towards him. I know it's not that serious and I'm kind of over reacting, but I literally didn't see Miguel for about two weeks. I stopped in front of him and took a deep breath. I rested my head on his chest and automatically felt his arms clasp around me.

I hugged him... and fuck. I felt tears fall down my face. So much happened, I mean.. I never had Miguel there to even be my backbone. My tears fell harder and I hugged him tighter.

"Shh... it's okay." he whispered, "Don't cry."

"So much happened." I sobbed, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, it was almost torture not seeing you here. But you're here now."

"Oh God Miguel, I love you so much." I cried, "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"I love you too, shh..."

"Miguel, I have so much to tell you. So when I do, please don't be mad, okay?"

"I'm ready when you are."

Sniffling, I nodded into his chest.

"Marcus raped me." I tried my best to keep my voice clear, but I ended up crying more.

Miguel's body stiffened and I put my hand on his arm.

"And... C-Cole and Bryce hired hitmen to kill him."

He stayed stiff and his body began to tremble.

"He was killed a-as of 7:00 last night."

There was a pause and the only sound in the room was of my crying. I slowed down and wiped my eyes. Then, the one word I never expected to ever come out of Miguel's mouth in a situation like this came out.


I nodded and hugged him. He kissed my head and the top of my head began to feel wet. I knew he was crying, I couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes.

"H-he..." sobbed Miguel, "I-I can't be-...."

He hugged me to him and placed his head on my shoulder.

"I know." I whispered.

"I-I'm so sorry." he sobbed, "Suzy, i-it..."

"It's okay, Miguel." whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Damn him!" yelled Miguel, his cries coming out painfully, "Damn that fucking bitch! H-how dare he! How dare he steal your virginity!"

A tear slid down my face and I nodded.

"Suzy, please..."

"It won't change anything." I whispered, "Miguel, I love you, never think otherwise."

"I hope he suffers, I hope he's burning in fucking hell!" he yelled.


"Suzy." he sobbed, his eyes meeting mine.

They were a glassy indigo. Around his eyes were puffy and his eye whites were pink. He looked extremely stressed. Just those few words I said made him like this.

"I love you." he sobbed, "Suzy, I will never make anything like that happen again. I will be your cavaliere, if anything like this ever happens, please let me know. I'll never get angry at you, I'll protect you."

"Cavaliere." I mumbled.

He cleared his voice for a moment and smiled at me.

"Your American accent kills me." 

        I'm sorry guys, yesterday around 10:00 PM EST, Wattpad became overloaded or some shit like that so I didn't get a chance to upload. Sorry </3 And I know, either way, I'm still late :(

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