He thinks you cheated

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Derek: Derek had been moody all day. Usually you were used to Derek being moody but today there was something different about his moodiness. For one he was avoiding you. He was up before you were and hadn't even kissed you, let alone say, good morning. Whenever you tried touching him he would shrug you off or move away from you. After the first few times you had thought that Derek just wasn't feeling like it. But when you had tried to kiss him he had done the whole move-face-to-the-side-so-you-kiss-the-cheek thing, you definitely knew something was up. You decided to wait till only the two of you were home and then confronted him. "Derek? Is something wrong?" He was standing in the kitchen, back facing away from you as you lean on the kitchen counter. You watched as his shoulders tensed up. "Why don't you tell me?" The words left his mouth as a growl. "I don't know what's wrong Derek. That's why I'm asking. You've been funny all day." He lets out a hmmph and turns around so that you can see his face. "I know about him." He says. Confusion appears on your face and you stare at him bewildered. "Him?" You ask. Derek's jaw tenses. "Him. The guy you've been cheating on me with." Your eyes widen and you gape at him. "Che... Cheating? You think I'm cheating on you?"You let out a laugh of disbelief and step towards him. "Derek, oh Derek..." You softly murmur his name and slide your fingers into his. "Derek I would never cheat on you. I love you remember?" He looks down at your intertwined hands. "Then who was that guy you were having coffee with? Isaac saw you two laughing with each other." You bite your lip and softly shake your head. "That was a job interview." You say. His eyes widen and he looks up at you. "Job interview?" You nod your head and smile as he quickly presses his lips onto yours. "I'm so sorry." He murmurs. His lips are continuously on yours, showing you how apologetic he was.

Isaac: Isaac had gone back to being quiet over the past two days. He wasn't his usual confident self, or at least the self he'd became after getting the bite, and for some weird reason he just wouldn't look you in the eye. The two of you were sitting out on the bleachers, waiting for the rest of the group to turn up. It was sunny so you had all decided to eat lunch outside. Usually when the two of you were alone you'd be all lovey dovey, but Isaac wasn't even close to you. He was sitting on the bench above yours and you were leaning against the railings, eyes watching him carefully as he nimbly nibbled on his lunch. "Everything okay?" You ask. Isaac continues to avoid your gaze and nibble on his sandwich. You furrow your brow, lips turning into a frown. "Isaac?" He still doesn't look at you. "Isaac-" You stop when he shoots up and leaves you alone on the bleachers. You gape at him as he walks away. Stiles and Allison are standing at the bottom of the bleachers, looking between the two of you. "What's up with him?" Asks Stiles, pointing to Isaac. You slowly shake your head and stand up. "I have no idea..." You murmur. You glance at the two and see Allison biting her lip. "What? What do you know?" You ask, coming up to her. "I... I don't think-" "Allison please." She lets out a sigh and licks her bottom lip. "There's a rumour going around that you're cheating on him." Your eyes widen and your face drops. You push past the two and race after Isaac. You grab his wrist and stop him. You can't say anything as you're bent over, gasping for breath. "Allison... She just told me... Rumour... So not true." You get out the last three words and stare at him. You can tell he's listening out for your heartbeat. When he pulls you in and kisses you, you know everything's alright.

Stiles: Stiles was always unsure about whether or not you loved him. He couldn't truly believe that you were actually dating him, that you had chosen him over every other guy in the school. So he usually had his doubts and was very clingy and protective, but there was one day when he wasn't either of those things... And it was starting to freak you out. You'd been worried all day, glancing at him across the hallway and thinking that it was fine, he was just concentrating on working out stuff with the alphas. But then he would just brush past you in the hallway without so much as a smile or a hello. By lunch time it became evident that he was avoiding you. So you would make him talk to you. When the bell rang out for the end of the day you rushed to his Jeep and waited for him to get there. You watched as he walked across the car park, looking at his phone. He was two cars away when he looked up and saw you at his Jeep. He froze for a second and then turned back around. You gape at him for a moment before hurrying after him. "Stiles!" You exclaim his name but he keeps walking. "Sti-" You go to call his name out again but trip on the side walk. You curse under your breath, trying to fight back your tears. You had scraped your palms on the path and they hurt like hell. You look up and see Stiles crouched down right in front of you, a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?" He asks quickly. You shake your head and avoid looking into his eyes. "Why are you avoiding me?" You hear him let out a small sigh and watch as he bites the inside of his lip. "Because I thought you'd be breaking up with me." He murmured. The words hit you and you stare at him, stunned. "Why... Why..." "Scott saw you with Greenburg." You open your mouth to say something but he quickly shakes his head and shushes you. "No, don't say anything. I know it's not true." "Then why-" "Because I'm silly and still can't believe you like me." He gushes the words out and finally looks at you. "I love you Stiles. Nobody, especially not Greenburg, can change that." A small smile creeps onto his lips and he quickly kisses you.

Scott: The worst thing that could possibly happen when it was the full moon was Scott thinking that you were cheating on him. He had been grouchy all day. Well, grouchy wasn't really the right word. He was more like a dark storm cloud that scared off everyone. You had learnt to give Scott space whenever the full moon rolled around as he usually became extremely lustful or would say something that he would regret saying later. And you hated seeing him upset the day after so you kept your distance. You had hung out with Stiles after school before heading home for a boring night of staying indoors. You had gone down to the kitchen to get a bag of chips and then headed up to your room, only to find Scott looming in the shadows by the window. You had bit back a scream but still felt like your heart had made a very good attempt to break out of your chest. You took in a deep breath and tried to calm down your heart rate. "Scott, you scared me." He doesn't reply. That's when you notice how odd he seemed. His shoulders were hunched over and his breathing was heavy and he was standing in a position so that you couldn't see his face. You could see his hands though and that his claws were out. You gulp and place the chips down onto your bed before cautiously stepping towards him. "Scott?" You softly say his name and his face flicks up. His fangs are bared and his eyes are a beta yellow. "Tell me the truth." He growls. "The... The truth?" You stammer, unsure of what he's talking about. He steps towards you, eyes getting brighter and face getting darker. "I want the truth. The truth about you and... Stiles." You step back and watch him as he moves closer. Then his words hit you. "Stiles? Scott there's nothing going on between me and Stiles! It's Stiles! Your best friend! I would never!" By now your back is right up against your bedroom wall and Scott is standing right in front of you, eyes flicking back and forth and little snarls leaving his lips. You let out a small whimper. You were terrified. You had never been scared of Scott. This seems to knock him back. He steps back, eyes dimming. Feeling the space between the two of you your eyes slowly open and you see him standing there, head down. "I'm... I'm sorry." He murmurs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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