Stiles stilinski

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I stood at my locker, exchanging your trigonometry book for my history one.
I had five minutes before your free period was over and the bell would ring, and I'd rather not be stuck in a hallway with nearly a hundred rowdy seniors pushing and shoving each other to get to their classes.
I reached out to grab my economics binder from my locker when my books were knocked out of my hands and my locker was slammed shut.
I sighed, looking up in surprise when I saw Malia standing in front of me with an angry look on her face.
She had never liked me, and i never knew why. She (somewhat) got along with the rest of the pack, but me she hated me with a burning passion.
I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off. "Stay away from him," she spoke sternly.
"W-what? Stay away from who?"
She rolled her eyes, "Stiles. I know he likes you, and I know you like him too."
"Malia, that's ridiculous he's dating you," I shake your head. "And I can't exactly stay away from him, we're part of the same pack," I mumble under my breath.
I started to lean down to pick up my dropped books, but Malia stopped me. She roughly pushed you back against the lockers which set off a loud echo throughout the empty hallways.
"Well how about a little motivation?" she countered.
I hissed in pain as one of claws dug it's way into the skin of my bare are and continued down the length of it until there was a long scratch trailing down my arm. I could already feel the blood seeping out.
"Next time it'll be worse," she threatened, "Stay. Away. From Stiles."
The bell rung and she pushed away from me. She walked away like nothing happened, like the two of us just had a conversation about the weather or an upcoming test in first period. She didn't seem to mind at all that she had caused me bodily harm that was probably going to need stitches.
Students filed out of classrooms and flooded the hallways, some already heading to class. I however, were frozen in my spot; I had clutched the bleeding wound on my arm.
"Alissa? Alissa,are you okay?" Stiles' voice rang through your ears.
"Huh? Y-yeah." I looked down at my arm, "Just a little scratch is all." I tried to play off the burning sensation I was now feelings, but Stiles could see right through it.
He moved to stand behind me. "Come on we gotta get you to the nurse." He softly gripped my shoulders to guide me away from the puddle of blood that rested near my books.
The nurse ended up sending me home seeing as there wasn't much she couldn't do. I definitely needed stitches. When my mom asked what happened, i just lied and told her my scratched yourself on my locker. I had to tell the doctors the same thing, but it was a bit harder to convince them.
I sat in doctor's office waiting for the doctor to return with everything that i was going to need. I heard a knock at the door and then the door handle jiggle. I was shocked when you saw Stiles walk in and not the doctor who promised he'd be back ages ago.
A smile started to form on my face, but it died down when you remembered Malia's words.
"Hey alissa," Stiles grinned, "Is your arm any better?"
He glanced down at my bandaged arm.
"It's better," i answered softly. "Not to be rude, but why are you here?"
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay...and I wanted to talk to you a bout what happened."
A blush spread across my cheeks, "I already told you what happened. You were there when I told my mom."
"Alissa...." Stiles trailed off, "I know what happened. Malia did it; she told me."
I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if he was taking her side or mine. Was he coming here to apologize for her or to tell me that he doesn't have feelings for me, that he never could?
"If it makes you feel any better, I dumped her as soon as I found out."
I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah," he started again, "Part of me did it because she hurt you, and another part did because I like you."
"S-so it's true? Malia wasn't lying?" A smile was fighting its way to my face.
"Nah," he shook his head, "And I thought, if you'd like, then our first date could be my way of making up for what she did."
I finally let your lips curl up in a smile, "I'd love to."

Teen wolf imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora