Profile 4: Aviva

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Name: Aviva Kartz

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Nationality: Malaysian

Races: Chinese, Jewish, Korean, French

Occupation: Lans Koperal in Tapops, Student, Fashion icon, Social media stars, athlete

Affiliation: Tapops Underground

Height: 170 cm

Birthday: 4 July

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Grey

Personality: Motivator, calm, kind, smart, happy go lucky, smart

Blood type: AB

Power: Telekinesis, telepathy

Weapon: None

Abilities: Martial arts, highly intelligent, master hand to hand combat, acrobatics, gymnastics, technology experts, good at singing, good at cooking, fast learner

Likes: Korean drama, Kpop, sing, playing piano, music, comic, food, shopping, fashion, sports

Dislikes: Stalker, discrimination, racist, sexist, pedophile

Social Media Accounts (for now):

- SocialNation: 78.9M followers
- YouTube: 89.9M subscribers
- Instagram: 95M followers
- TikTok: 99.6M followers
- Facebook: 85.9M followers
- Twitter: 75.8M followers


- She is a Jewish Christian

- She is an active athletes and won a lot of international competition

- Her favourite food is Nasi Lemak with fried chicken

- Her favourite drink is Ice Chocolate

- She is mastered Silat, Taekwondo, Wushu and Judo

- Her favourite sports are volleyball, basketball and badminton

- She also like playing musical instruments such as piano, violin and many more

- Everyone call her Iva

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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