CHAPTER 7....Learned lesson

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Week 2

It's been 2weeks and everything is going smoothly, Paula is doing well with her position as president, everyone is impressed by her work. Paula and Natalie's friendship has grown stronger, meanwhile Christine and Emma are slowly getting fed up with Crystal's torture and show off.

Liam is slowly loosing interest in Crystal due to her recent behaviour, always trying to create rifts between people and making Paula loose her position as president, making Paula look like she is not who everyone think she is.

Time Skip
Wednesday : 15:47

Crystal was planning something big on this day, but not even her friends were able to guess what it was.

Christine :I'm pretty sure Crystal is up to something evil.
Emma: I don't know why she's so obsessed with trying to ruin Paula's life.
Christine :I just hope she doesn't end up doing something stupid.

Paula and Liam have started working as waiter and waitress at the spring club at the camp site. Crystal showed up at the club and noticed Liam carrying Paula on his back. She boosted out in anger and pulled Paula of his back and slapped her.

Liam yelled out to Crystal.

Liam: CRYSTAL......
Crystal :Don't shout, what will you do.
Liam: This is a peaceful club, plz don't try creating a sin here.
Crystal :But Babe....

Liam pulls Crystal by her hand and drags her outside with him,.

Crystal :Let go of me, you are hurting me.
Liam: What are you even doing here?
Crystal :You yelled at me because of that looser? Why are you even working here, you are rich. Your dad and mom are very rich, you have everything money could buy,come with me, let's go to the lake or anywhere you want.
Liam: Don't try to talk yourself out of this, seriously Crystal you need to change before your behaviour gets you in to trouble. And yes, i know I'm rich but to me money is not everything.
Crystal :I know, you just want to spend time with her. You are always with her. You made her be apart of you when you have a girlfriend.
Liam: You know what I can't do this anymore. This will never work out between us.
Crystal :What? Are you breaking up with me?
Liam: I'm glad you understand that phrase. And I don't want you ever close to Paula.

Liam walks away and continues with what he was doing before Crystal interrupted him.
Crystal runs to her tent and cried her eyes out.
She was also hoping that her friends would come to give her support as usual, but this time was a bit different to the old days.

Time skip

Crystal has been walking up and down searching for Christine and Emma.
She went to the lake, where she found Christine, Emma and a couple of girls and boys having fun together.. Crystal walks towards them, and calls out to her 2 friends.

Christine :Hi Crystal
Crystal: What are you both doing here? I've been looking for you everywhere.
Emma: Why were you looking for us, what for?. Crystal :Why you talking to me like that?
Christine :If you can talk to us and everyone like that, why shouldn't we?
Crystal :Christine..........
Christine :No Crystal, we found people who lobe being around us for who we are, unlike you who always used us for your own selfish reasons.
Emma: Natalie was tight, we should have listened to her when we still had a chance.
Crystal :Are you forgetting whom you are talking to.
Christine: Not at all, but i think it's time we rectify our mistakes. You can stay here with your popularity, we are out.

They both walked away, went back and continued with what they were doing.

Crystal :All of you have made a very huge mist. I'll make you pay for this, but first let me deal with Paula.

Time skip
....... Morning

Everyone is Assembled at the field, the principal had a very important and offensive announcement to make.

Principal :For the past two weeks, we have received certain information about what has been going on around here. And for that, the report says the president has not been doing her duty and we are forced to either go back to town or appoint someone else as the new president.
Liam: But sir, what's wrong with the current president?
Principal :The information that we have about her is that, she was caught break one of the rules, she sneaked in your tent last night, care to explain that, Liam?
Liam: That's not true sir
Principal :Do you have any proof to prove that these accusations are false?
Crystal :He doesn't have sir, that poor looser came here to work, that's the actual reason why she wanted to become president, because she knew she would have time to make money while everyone gets to do the work around here, she stole my boyfriend too.

Crystal crossed boundaries, she forgot what to and what not to say in front of everyone.
Paula thinks this would be the right time to stand up for herself.

Paula :That's enough Crystal. All this time I've been so quiet and polite to you even after all they bullying and insults you've caused me. I am nit so selfish like you. At least i get to to help people unlike you. I very well know why i wanted to be president, but it's not for my selfish reason.

Crystal :Sir, plz don't listen to her. She needs to be sent back home.
Liam: The only person that needs to be sent back home is you. I can't believe I fell for a girl like you.
Crystal :Is it because everyone knows the real you now?
Principal :Be quite, all of you.
Paula :But sir, she's making false accusations. You want to know why i was in Liam's tent last night? I went there because mom and dad wanted to talk to him, and his phone was off that's why i went to him. And well, Liam is my TWIN BROTHER.

Liam: And Crystal, you've been asking me why i always stand up for her right? Paula is my sister, and a sibling, i love her more than anything, I'll always protect her and be there for her no matter what happens, but anyways, you won't understand. You don't have any siblings or a heart to love someone, how will you know how it feels.

Paula: And yes, we maybe rich but our parents taught us how to be self dependent, someday, they will not be here for us to always rely on them. And this, this is our family vacation club. With all that, you still won't understand because you are used to letting your dad do everything for you, without even thanking him

Crystal :Wow, I'm so sorry about all that I've done and said to you.
Ms Johnson :You see, you should never judge a book by it's cover because you never know what's written inside.
Crystal :Sir, I'm really sorry for all the trouble that I've caused today. And I'll gladly take any punishment that you give me.
Principal :Your punishment is that you got to regret for all the things you've done. I'm glad you got to learn a lesson at this Camp.

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