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A week later

It's been a week since Natalie walked out on her friends, and she's much better without them,.


Liam is standing with Paula at her locker having a small chit-chat.

Paula: I've been observing you lately you know?
Liam: You have?
Paula: Mm, you been acting weird lately.
Liam: Like how weird?
Paula: Oh plz, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.(closing her locker)

Liam was on his phone, leaning on Paula's locked, with a smile on his face.

Paula :Lee, tell me something.
Liam: Sup?
Paula: Are you in love?
Liam: What? No!! (grinding his teeth together)
Paula :Yes you are.
Liam: You can't prove it, so that's not true.
Paula :You think i can't prove it? You've been on Instagram on one account viewing her pictures and smiling for the past 5 minutes. Ooh wait, what's that?

She points behind Liam, just to trick him. And he fell for it, he quickly turns to look behind and Paula quickly snatch Liam's phone out of his hands and runs away with it.

Liam: Paula...... What the butt, bring back my phone.

He began to chaise after her, but she didn't want to give it back. For a second she lost the sight of where she was going and bumps into Crystal. Making her almost loosing her balance and before she know it, her books and pamphlets where all on the floor.

Paula :Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

They both look up at each other and noticed, there was going to be fire on a mountain. Liam catches up to Paula, and found a mess with the two girls looking at each other eye to eye.

Liam: Paula, gimme back my phone. Woo, what happened here?
Crystal :Can you imagine, this looser here bumped in to me and didn't even apologize?
Paula :Why are you lying Crystal?
Liam: Don't call her that, that's a very mean thing to say to someone. Here, I'll help you pick these up.
Crystal :Well maybe if you are to gain more sense, next time this should never happen again. Twit.

Paula, felt offend because, the pictures Liam was smiling at, were actually Crystal's. And he felt helpless between Paula and the girl he really likes.
She hands over the phone to him, and walks away.

Liam: Paula wait....

Crystal purposely drops her papers in order to create a distraction so Liam doesn't go after Paula.

Crystal :Oops, oh gosh, these things are so many. Can you plz help me Lee?
Liam: Sure

They both walk together, but Liam wasn't happy even when he was walking hand in hand with the girl he really likes. He still can't get Paula out of his head. What's really going on between them?

Time skip
Everyone is buttoned in their sits as Ms Nosipho, starts her lessons.

Ms Nosipho :Ok uhm, I'm sure our volunteers are almost done with their work.
Crystal :I'm done, and all ready.
Ms Nosipho :That's good to hear Crystal. And uhm Paula and Riah, how far with yours?
Riah: I'm also done Ms
Paula :So far I've done everything necessary and........
Crystal :Is it really necessary to dream? Just answer the question simple Done or not?
Ms Nosipho :Crystal.... I'll ne forced to take you to the principal if you continue with this behaviour in my class. Plz go ahead Paula.
Paula: Uhm, as i was saying, I'm done with the research the handing out of pamphlets but i wasn't able to reach out to many students.

Crystal silently and secretly laughs, she was happy because of Paula not able to reach out to many voters.

Ms Nosipho :okay, that's very good news. So in about half an hour, we'll gather in the Hall to hear about why our volunteers think they have what it takes, why they say we should vote for them and what they are willing to do in their position, then we'll lastly vote for who you think should be the president and we'll later count the votes. The results and scores will be placed on the notice board in the hall tomorrow morning. Till then, sit tight and wait for the announcement.

Ms Nosipho grabs her belongings and leaves the classroom. Natalie looks back at Paula, grabs her bag pack and sits on an empty chair next to Paula.

Natalie :Hey
Paula :Hi, plz say a thing to me, I'm really not I'm the mood for anymore insults from your friends.
Natalie :Actually that's not what I'm here for.
Paula :Then why are you here?
Natalie :I... I wanted to apologise for what happened a week ago. I let Crystal insult you in front of me and i couldn't do anything about it. I'm really sorry.
Paula: It's ok, but why are you being so nice to me?
Natalie :I've always been like this, even before I decided to leave them. Crystal has always been like that, she is blinded by her father's love and all the popularity and the money, she doesn't care about anything, I've always tried to make her realise that having people who love you very close to you she must treat them like they are needed not to chase them away. But every time I'm advising her about that, she gets furious with me, Christine and Emma take her side, even making it worse for her to realise the truth.

Paula :Wow, I'm so sorry about that.
Natalie :Nah, it's cool. And also before i forget, I really love the way you stood up to her that night. She told us about it, i honestly couldn't stop laughing at her expression.

They both started laughing and making funny giggles, which of cause caught Crystal and her friend's attention.

Emma: Wow, looks like they are having a lot of fun together.
Crystal :Shut up Emma.

.....everyone is meeting in the assembly hall......

ANNOUNCEMENTS are about to begin and the students take their sits.

Ms Johnson :I'm so glad that we all managed to gather here together. May i please have the 3 volunteers running for president join us in front please.

Crystal, Paula and Riah walk up to the front and took sits.

Ms Johnson :So Crystal, what are your duties as the Camp president?
Crystal :First of all, they usually address by your surname, and secondly From my experience of being president the previous year, I'll have to keep an eye on my councillors to make sure they are doing their duties seriously. I'm also will to make sure that the girls do not do any hard work because it won't be good for their health and skin.

Everyone in the hall starts to laugh at how Crystal was so confident saying all the hilarious answers.

Crystal :Ooh one more thing, I'll make sure that while we are there, girls should always do, exercises to stay fit and slim like me.
Ms Johnson :wow,,,,, so uhm "Ms Dawson" why do you think your fellow students should vote for you?
Crystal :I'm pretty, popular in school and on tik tok, I have over a 100K followers on my Instagram account, I'm a princess and that's why you should vote for me.

Ms Johnson :Ms Brown,.....
Paula :It's ok Ms, you can just call me by my name. Thank you
Ms Johnson :Ow ok, so uhm Paula, what do you think your duties as a president will be like?
Paula: Uhm i think being a camp president won't be that easy, it takes a lot of courage and effort to run a camp with the help of your chancellors, but it would be easier if you are patient and know how to manage things according. A camp is just not a certain holiday for people to just go to and come back without learning something. I'm ready to provide activities to do while we are there and also make sure that everyone's safety and needs are secured.

Everyone starts to clap hands for her, and teachers were very impressed.

Ms Johnson :Okay, so why do you want us to vote for you to be president of the Summer camp?
Paula: I'm just a human being, so i can't really make people vote for me or change their opinions. So i just want the votes so that i can once and for all look at the importance of having summer camps. I wish to make a difference.
Ms Johnson :Impressive Paula
Paula: Thank you
Ms Johnson :Ok, now we move on to our last volunteer. Riah

Ms Johnson asked Riah the similar questions and pretty much, she also impressed people.

Ms Johnson :This is the end of our speech giving, now its time to vote for who you want to become this year's Summer camp President. We'll count the votes afterwards, and first thing tomorrow morning, everyone is able to check out on the notice board. Thank you

15:26 Everyone has done voting and they are ready to leave.
Crystal was walking with her friends to the packing lot, when they saw Paula and Liam getting in to the car. Liam later notices Crystal.

Liam: Hey, just gimme a sec, will be right back.
Paula: Ok

Liam walks up to the girls and asked if he could talk to Crystal privately.

Christine :Alright Girlfriend, we'll talk later.
Emma: Bye

The girls leave the area, leaving Crystal with Liam talking.

Crystal: Ok uhm you wanted to talk to me?
Liam: Uhm yea.

They both maintain their eye contacts.

Liam: So i was wonder, i happen to be pretty much free today, and I wanted to ask you if.......

Before he could finish talking Crystal cuts hi m of her happy face and googly eyes.

Crystal: Could be your girlfriend?
Liam:(what) uhm, i wasn't gonna say it but yea, that.
Cry :Yes, yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend. OMG I'm so excited. Ok so, what did you want to say?
Liam: I wanted to ask if you are free to join me in the part later.

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