2 1 0

Paula :Well, I'm talking to you. I've been watching you since you got in the restaurant. And i must say, you are very lucky to have him as a dad. But the fact that you do not appreciate anything that he got you on your birthday does not make you any different from a stingy person.
Crystal :Do you even know who you are talking to?
Paula: I don't need to know who you are to tell you the truth. There are people who get nothing for their birthdays but still they are happy with whatever they have. You should be grateful that you got things that not even a president's daughter can dream of having. But you rejected them and demanded for more. Learn to appreciate what you get because you never know how much that person went through to get you what you wanted only for you to be happy.
Crystal :Whatever, you are not my mom stop lecturing me, you barely even know me.
Paula :Let's go Maya.

The girls proceed. Crystal furiously leaves and gets in the car. Mr Dawson calls an automobile salesman to drop the new car at his place.

Time Skip
in the school hall way

The bell has gone, the halls were clean except for the school janitor who was inspecting the floors. On the far corner was Crystal and friends walking to class....... Early that morning, Crystal had already told her friends about the incident that happened the previous evening.

Christine :I can't believe she actually had the nerve to talk to you like that.
Emma: And that too in front of your dad.
Crystal :He didn't say a thing to them. He just stood there listening. He's the worst dad ever. He ruined everything.
Emma:Awww that's really bad.
Natalie :You definitely lost your minds too. How on earth can you blame the poor man. He did so much for you and you just had to turn him down after all that he spent to make you happy. You are being selfish Crystal, for goodness sake he's your dad.
Crystal :You know what Natty, sometimes you make me wonder if you are really my best friend.
Natalie :I am, just that we have different mindsets, Excuse me

Natalie kindly excuses herself from them but they begged her to wait for them.

Christine :Natalie, you are being melodramatic.
Emma: Will you at least wait for us.

They finally catch up to Natalie and began to walk together. Paula walk past them.

Crystal :Wait....That's the girl I was talking about.
Emma: You mean the one that insulted you last night?
Crystal gives Emma an annoyed face.

Crystal :No, the one that killed you last night... Of cause the one that embarrassed me last night.
Christine :So she goes to this school too?
Natalie :We are late for class, leave her alone.
Crystal : Nop (popping the P), I say we follow her.

They turn to follow Paula who was going to attend an art class, when a deep voice spoke behind them.

Principal Berto: And where are the four of you going to?
Girls:(in panic) Class, nowhere, locker, office.
Principal Berto: Wow, isn't it weird that you are all giving me different answers at the same time ?
Crystal :Sir, we were just living for class.
Principal Berto: An art class? Since when did you start attending art class, the last time I check, you never signed for an art class.

They look at each other, lacking what to say to him.

Principal Berto :Come on, go to class. Next time this happens, it's DETENTION for you.
Girls:Yes sir

They slowly walk away from the principal.

Crystal :She got lucky this time.
Principal Berto: Ms Dawson, did you say something?
Crystal :Not at all Principal Berto. (pulls up a fake smile as they continue to walk away.)

*it's lunch break *

Everyone grabs their tray of food,. There's a loud noise as Crystal and her friends walk in to the cafeteria.

Christine :What are we doing here.
Emma: You know, we never have lunch in the school café.
Natalie :Please don't tell me you are here for that girl.
Crystal :Well, what do you think Natty?

Natalie rolls her eyes at Crystal's question.
The principal and few teachers walk in to the cafeteria...

Ms Thomas :I didn't know Crystal and her friends visit the school café.
Ms Taylor :LOL, weird huh.?

One of the teachers tries to gather all the attention from students so that they could give their announcements.

Mr Brian :Attention students, please maintain your silence as the Principal address you with very important information.

Principal Berto: I'm so glad I could find you all in one place. As you all know summer is around the corner. The school board suggested that we visit the Camp woodcraft. High school is very a interesting journey. And I'm hoping our previous students have an experience from the previous year about the Camp Woodcraft.

Ms Thomas :Uhm, unfortunately not all supervisors will be able to attend, so in this 2 weeks remaining, our monitors will help us run a Camp captain for the summer camp this year. Run your elections fairly.

They grab their exit. The crowd noise continues they seemed really intent by the news of going for a summer camp.

Christine :Let's leave this place, I can't see that girl anywhere.
Crystal :Let's go
Emma: So, are you going to run for camp president?
Crystal :Seriously Emma, I don't have to. I already have the spot. There's absolutely no one who would dare to run against me.
Christine :Yeah, after all, you are pretty and famous.

The 3 of them walk behind Crystal like manyaks. They walk through the school netball and basketball court. And there was Paula talking and smiling with Liam.

Natalie: Liam??

Knowing that Crystal can't control herself when she runs in to the school's most cutest guy. The captain of the Soccer club.

Crystal :Liam?? Where??
Emma :Over there
Crystal :Wait... Is that who i think it is???

She gets so confused and angry... No description of her feelings.

Crystal :With Paula. What's he doing with that looser? I'll show her.....

She was ready to approach Liam and Paula but Natalie holds her back.

Natalie :Crystal, you should learn to be a little patient. You don't know what they are talking about. Besides, you are not yet Liam's girlfriend, why you overreacting?

Crystal looks at Natalie feeling hurt and offended by the truth that Natalie had pointed out to her, knowing that it's true, she walked away.

Christine :Natty, do you ever get something good to say?
Natalie :I'm not wrong.
Christine :Ugh whatever (rolls her eyes at Natalie, as she follows Crystal)

Emma and Natalie are left there, standing looking at Liam and Paula, as Liam hugs Paula before they walked in opposite directions.

Emma :Oh my god, did you see that?
Natalie :See what?
Emma :Mxm, Liam hugged her.
Natalie: So? It's just a hug Emma, come on let's go find those 2.And don't even think about telling that to Crystal, you know how she is.
Emma: But she's our friend.
Natalie :Exactly, you don't wanna make her sad, do you?
Emma :No!
Natalie :Good

They left the hall way in search of Crystal and Christine till they found them.

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