CHAPTER 4.......Elections

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It's the day of engaging in to the Election and only 5 camp chancellors are needed and 1 president. Crystal walks past the corridors when she sees Liam with his soccer team in their dressing locker hall.
She quietly stands at the corner watch Liam as he places his disguise bag in his locker.

Crystal :Liam is everything, literally everything.

Liam notices her standing by the corner and he walks up to her.

Liam: Hey there
Crystal :Hi Lee
Liam: What you doing here?
Crystal :I... I.. I was on my way to class.
Liam: Ooh i see, mind if I walk with you to class?

They both walk together, they both were going to the same Science class. She then sees Paula walking in to the same class as her
She had to pull out a stank to try and make her jealous.
Crystal purposely tripped her self hoping to twist her ankle seriously but it didn't happen, all she did was catch Liam's attention.

Liam: Woh, careful. You okay?
Crystal :Auh, I think I twisted my ankle.
Liam :Ow that bad, here lemme help you.

Liam picks up Crystal gently and walks to class, he sits her on her chair, not forgetting that Ms Nosipho was in class.

Ms Nosipho :Crystal, care to explain what's going on here?
Liam: Uhm, on our way here she accidentally tripped and twisted her ankle.

Crystal shows that pity and hurt face to Ms Nosipho, just for her to believe.

Ms Nosipho :Do you perhaps want to see the school nurse Crysty?
Crystal :Not at all, I'll be find.
Ms Nosipho :Are you sure?

Crystal nods,.... Ms Nosipho continues with her lesson... Crystal turns to look at her friends, who were looking at her because they knew everything was a lie, She faked her accident. She turns to look back to where Paula was sitting and waves at her with an evil smirk.

Ms Nosipho :As I was saying, our elections will start today. I've been in almost every class, No one seemed to be interested in running for president, they prefer to be counsellors. So i was hoping that maybe in this class, we would find some volunteers for president.

Crystal raises a question,.

Crystal :So uhm, would it be wrong to repeat the same position?
Ms Nosipho :Not at all
Crystal :Okay, Probably I'm the reason why they don't want that spot, because they know that I'm the only one who is able to fit in that spot.
Ms Nosipho: That's not true Crystal. President has the heaviest duties than counsellor.
Crystal :Then I'm in for president "AGAIN"

She looks at her friends with a smile. Thinking that no one else would dare to run against her for president.

Ms Nosipho: Uhm ok. Do we still have any volunteers?
Crystal :I'm the only one Ms, no one would dare to challenge Crystal Michelle Dawson. So there's a no need to vote if I'm the only volunteer.
Ms Nosipho: Crystal, you never know what's on people's minds.
Crystal :But........

Crystal was cut off by a challenge from behind.

Paula: I would also like to run for President.

Everyone turns to look behind. Crystal had no word only a shocked response.

Ms Nosipho: Very good Paula.
Crystal : What???
Ms Nosipho: Anything wrong?
Crystal :No
Ms Nosipho: Great

Ms Nosipho looks in her far right corner at the back and spots her eyes on her second intelligent student.

Ms Nosipho : Riah would you also like to run for president?
Riah:I..I don't know Ms..... I don't think i have what it takes.
Ms Nosipho :You don't need to have what it takes to be president, I have so much faith in you. Give it a try.
Riah: Uhm ok, i guess I'll give it a try.
Crystal :Great, now i have 2 losers running against me.
Ms Nosipho :What's that Crystal?
Crystal: Nothing Ms.
Ms Nosipho :Okay, so that's all I got for today's class. Have a good day.

Ms Nosipho exits the classroom.

The guys had to go practice for Friday's tournament, they left for the soccer field, and they are joined by a couple of girls.
Almost every girl had their eyes on Liam. And that never impressed Crystal.

A group of girls were sitting on the edges of the stairs, when Crystal and her friends were passing by.

Girl 1:OMG Liam is so hot.
Girl 3:I would die to have him as a boyfriend.
Girl 1:I'm definitely going to summer camp if he's going.
Girl 2:He doesn't have a girlfriend, ever since he broke up with Bianca.
Girl4:So are you all planning on dating one guy?
Girl 1:Mxm oh plz
Girl 4:You know very well that, you don't stand a chance, with Crystal around. She's like the most popular, pretty and richest girl in school.

Crystal and her friends walk up to them, to comfort them

Crystal :Who are ya'll talking about?
Girl 2:No one
Emma: We heard you talking about Liam.
Crystal :I'm glad you know that you don't stand a chance. Losers.

They walked away with so much attitude. And ran in to Paula and Riah.

Crystal : Well, well, well. Look who we have here.

Paula rolls her eyes at them and tries to walk away, but they managed to push her back.

Crystal :I'm talking to you, where do you think you are going?
Paula :Listen Crystal, I'm really not in the mood for your bullying.
Crystal :I don't care, you had so much time when you lectured me the other night, why not now.
Paula :I just told you the truth that day, if you excuse me I have copies to make for the elections.
Crystal :How funny, I mean listen looser, you are new to this school, President position has always been mine, and this year it will still be mine.
Paula: Things change Crystal, and only time will tell. And don't think that maybe I'm challenging you. I have a really good reason why I'm running for this position.
Crystal :Whatever, just know that you are making a fool of yourself. Why don't you just go and sit in your usual back sit like a looser that you are, all by yourself.
Riah: Why are you being so mean.
Crystal :And you, I Crystal Did not permit you to talk to me. And I don't even know why you agreed to take part in this campaign. Who would vote for a fat thing like you, you are twice my size. If i were you I would count myself out.

Paula :Crystal, that's very rude. You can't talk to her like that.
Crystal :I wasn't talking to you dummy.
Riah: Mr Nosipho told me,It's not about what's on the outside it's about what's on the inside.

Crystal looks at her friends and they began to laugh in exception of Natalie, who was feeling bad but couldn't do anything about it.

Crystal :Well, then you must be very stupid to believe that. Let's go girls.

They all walk away, laughing. Leaving Riah crying her eyes out.

Paula :It's ok Riah, that's just how she is. Don't let her words get to you.
Riah :It's not my fault I'm fat(speaking in sobs)
Paula: I know, I know. You never chose to be like this. Come on, we have posters to print out.

Crystal couldn't help but wait for the practice to be over.

Natalie :Don't you think you should be doing what Paula is doing?
Crystal :She's a looser, and probably poor. That's why you guys will do it for me.
Girls :What????
Crystal: Duh. Now come on, get to work. I'll be right here, waiting for my Prince charming.
Natalie :You need to learn how to do things for yourself sometimes.
Crystal :Why, when I have my dad to handle everything for me.
Natalie :You know what, just forget it.

Christine, Natalie and Emma all leave to go print voting pamphlets and print them out. Then began to distribute them to students.

Christine :Vote for Crystal Dawson to be the Summer Camp President.

And same applies with Paula and Riah.
It's been over an hour and finally the football practice was over. Crystal couldn't wait to see Liam.

Crystal :Oh God, he's coming this way.
Emma: No need to panic, just calm yourself.
Crystal :Shut up, shut up. Shh.
Natalie :But we ain't talking.

Liam stops when se sees Paula and hugs her.
Paula: How was practice?
Liam: Not bad, but I'm afraid mom is gonna scold me for the wound on my leg.
Paula: Oh yeah, definitely. Is it that painful?
Liam: Not that much. Come on, let's go.

Paula helps Liam balance on both his feet and they both walked to Liam's car.

Crystal was shocked, with tears rolling down her cheek.

Emma: That's Liam's car.
Crystal :Why does that moron always have to ruin things for me. I won't spare her.
Natalie :Crystal, you shouldn't always judge before you know the truth Crystal.
Crystal :(yells at Natalie) I am so sick and tired of your stupid, silly advice . You saw what happened, they hugged. She was holding me, that should have been me not her. If you are so fund of her, then why are you here, why are you not her friend then?

Crystal walks away in anger and got in her car and drove away.

Christine :Natty........
Natalie :No, it's fine. Here, take this. I don't need it, but you'll need it when you find my replacement.

Natalie handed over their friendship bracelet,. Their friendship didn't have any meaning to her any longer.

Emma: Natty, plz don't do this. You know how Crystal can be, she was just angry. She doesn't mean everything she said.
Natalie :I am tired. This friendship will never work when all she cares about is herself. All she ever does is use us, don't you see that?
Christine :No, you've always been against whatever Crystal says or does, which made her wonder if you were really one of us or not.
Natalie :You know what, now i know there's absolutely no difference between all of you. I'm out of here.

Natalie walk out on them, got in her car, usually her driver picks her up.

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